Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Quadricell


Quadricell: A Game Changer in Waste Management with Mechanical Gas Induction Flotation Separators

The world of waste management is constantly evolving, driven by the need for more efficient, sustainable, and environmentally friendly solutions. One significant innovation in this field is the Quadricell, a novel technology employed by USFilter/Whittier, a leading manufacturer of water and wastewater treatment systems. This technology leverages the power of mechanical gas induction flotation (MGIF) to effectively separate solids from liquids, offering numerous advantages for various waste management applications.

What is Quadricell?

The Quadricell is a unique type of flotation separator that utilizes a patented mechanical gas induction system to create fine air bubbles. These bubbles attach to suspended solids in the wastewater, causing them to rise to the surface and be skimmed off. This process results in a cleaner effluent and a concentrated sludge that can be further processed or disposed of.

Mechanical Gas Induction Flotation (MGIF): The Heart of the System

At the heart of the Quadricell lies the MGIF technology. It involves using a mechanical impeller to introduce air into the wastewater. The impeller's design and speed are carefully calibrated to create very fine air bubbles with a high surface area. These tiny bubbles have a strong affinity for the suspended solids, leading to efficient separation.

Advantages of Quadricell and MGIF Technology:

  • High Efficiency: MGIF delivers superior separation efficiency, achieving higher solids removal rates compared to traditional dissolved air flotation (DAF) systems.
  • Lower Operating Costs: The MGIF system eliminates the need for costly compressed air, resulting in reduced operating expenses.
  • Compact Design: The Quadricell units are compact and require less space than conventional flotation systems.
  • Robust and Reliable: The mechanical design of the MGIF system ensures robust operation and minimal downtime.
  • Versatile Applications: Quadricell systems are adaptable to a wide range of applications, including municipal wastewater treatment, industrial wastewater treatment, and sludge dewatering.

Applications of Quadricell in Waste Management:

  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment: Quadricell systems effectively remove suspended solids, including organic matter and grit, from municipal wastewater, improving the quality of effluent discharged into rivers or lakes.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: The technology is ideal for treating various industrial wastewaters, such as those from food processing, chemical manufacturing, and metalworking, reducing pollutants and protecting the environment.
  • Sludge Dewatering: The concentrated sludge produced by Quadricell systems can be further processed to reduce its volume and improve disposal options.


The Quadricell, powered by MGIF technology, is a significant advancement in the field of waste management. Its efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and versatility make it a valuable tool for municipalities, industries, and environmental organizations alike. As we strive for sustainable solutions to environmental challenges, innovative technologies like the Quadricell play a crucial role in reducing our impact on the planet and ensuring a cleaner future.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Quadricell and MGIF Technology

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the key technology behind the Quadricell flotation separator?

a) Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) b) Mechanical Gas Induction Flotation (MGIF) c) Electroflotation d) Chemical Flotation


b) Mechanical Gas Induction Flotation (MGIF)

2. What is the main advantage of MGIF over traditional DAF systems?

a) Higher operating costs b) Lower separation efficiency c) Less space requirements d) Use of compressed air


c) Less space requirements

3. How does the MGIF system create fine air bubbles?

a) By injecting compressed air into the wastewater b) By using a mechanical impeller c) By adding chemicals to the wastewater d) By using an electric current


b) By using a mechanical impeller

4. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of the Quadricell system?

a) High separation efficiency b) Reduced operating costs c) Complex design d) Versatile applications


c) Complex design

5. Quadricell technology can be used for:

a) Only municipal wastewater treatment b) Only industrial wastewater treatment c) Both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment d) Only sludge dewatering


c) Both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment

Exercise: Wastewater Treatment Scenario


A small town is facing challenges with their wastewater treatment plant. The current system is struggling to remove suspended solids effectively, resulting in poor effluent quality and high operating costs. The town is considering implementing a new technology to improve their wastewater treatment process.


  1. Explain why the Quadricell system, powered by MGIF technology, could be a suitable solution for this town's wastewater treatment needs.
  2. Based on the information provided, list at least three specific benefits the town could expect by implementing the Quadricell system.

Exercise Correction

**1. Suitability of Quadricell:** The Quadricell system, utilizing MGIF technology, could be a suitable solution for the town's wastewater treatment needs due to its: - **High efficiency:** The MGIF system is known for achieving higher solids removal rates than traditional DAF systems, addressing the town's concern about poor effluent quality. - **Cost-effectiveness:** Eliminating the need for compressed air, the Quadricell system can significantly reduce operating costs compared to the current system. - **Compact design:** This allows for easy installation in existing facilities, potentially requiring minimal modifications to the existing infrastructure. **2. Benefits for the Town:** - **Improved Effluent Quality:** Higher solids removal efficiency will lead to cleaner effluent, meeting environmental regulations and potentially reducing fines. - **Reduced Operating Costs:** By eliminating the need for compressed air, the town will significantly reduce energy consumption and associated expenses. - **Increased Sustainability:** By improving wastewater treatment and reducing environmental impact, the town can promote sustainability and environmental responsibility.


  • Wastewater Treatment Engineering by Metcalf & Eddy (This comprehensive textbook discusses various wastewater treatment technologies, including flotation. It may have sections on MGIF or similar technologies.)
  • Handbook of Environmental Engineering by Davis & Cornwell (Similar to the previous book, this handbook covers a wide range of environmental engineering topics and could include information on flotation techniques.)


  • "Mechanical Gas Induction Flotation: A Novel Approach to Wastewater Treatment" (This article, if it exists, would likely be a good starting point for understanding the specific benefits and applications of MGIF technology.)
  • "The Quadricell: An Innovative Solution for Solid-Liquid Separation" (Another potential article title that might focus on the specifics of the Quadricell system and its advantages.)
  • "Advanced Flotation Techniques for Wastewater Treatment" (This article might discuss various flotation methods, including MGIF, and compare their efficiency and cost-effectiveness.)

Online Resources

  • USFilter/Whittier website: ( - The website of the manufacturer, USFilter/Whittier, might provide information on the Quadricell and MGIF technology.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF) website: ( - The WEF website offers resources on water and wastewater treatment, and you might find articles or information on flotation technology.
  • Google Scholar: ( - Use keywords like "Quadricell", "MGIF", "mechanical gas induction flotation", and "wastewater treatment" to search for research articles and technical papers on the topic.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use combinations like "Quadricell MGIF", "mechanical gas induction flotation wastewater treatment", or "Quadricell USFilter".
  • Include relevant keywords: Add keywords like "applications", "advantages", "efficiency", or "cost-effectiveness" to focus your search.
  • Filter by publication type: Use filters in Google Scholar to find articles, patents, or books related to your search.
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