Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: pressure head

pressure head

Unpacking Pressure Head: The Hidden Power of Water

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, understanding the concept of "pressure head" is crucial. This seemingly simple term encapsulates a fundamental principle that governs how water moves and exerts force.

What is Pressure Head?

Pressure head, often simply referred to as "head," is essentially the amount of energy that water possesses due to its pressure. It's a measure of how much potential energy is stored in water due to its position relative to a reference point. Think of it like the potential energy stored in a rock perched on a cliff – the higher it is, the more potential energy it has.

Measuring Pressure Head:

Pressure head is typically measured in units of meters of water column (mWC) or feet of water column (ftWC). This means that a pressure head of 1 mWC represents the pressure exerted by a column of water 1 meter high.

Understanding the Concept:

Imagine a tank of water with a pipe extending from the bottom. The pressure at the bottom of the tank is higher than at the top because the water at the bottom has to support the weight of all the water above it. This pressure, translated into a height equivalent, is what we call the pressure head.

Why is Pressure Head Important?

Pressure head plays a critical role in a variety of water treatment processes:

  • Pumping: Pumps are designed to move water by generating a pressure head that overcomes friction losses in pipes and fittings.
  • Filtration: Pressure head is used to drive water through filter media, allowing contaminants to be removed.
  • Gravity-Fed Systems: In gravity-fed systems, the pressure head is created by the difference in elevation between the source and the point of use. This allows water to flow naturally without the need for pumps.
  • Head Loss: As water flows through pipes, fittings, and filter media, it loses some of its energy due to friction. This is called "head loss" and needs to be accounted for in system design.

Example Applications:

  • Water Distribution: Pressure head ensures water reaches every household in a city through a network of pipes.
  • Wastewater Treatment: Pressure head is used to drive wastewater through various treatment stages, such as sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection.
  • Irrigation: Pressure head is crucial for ensuring proper water flow and distribution for crops.


Pressure head is a fundamental concept in environmental and water treatment. It represents the energy stored in water due to pressure and governs how water moves, flows, and exerts force. Understanding this concept is essential for designing and operating efficient and effective water treatment systems.

Test Your Knowledge

Pressure Head Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is pressure head essentially a measure of?

a) The volume of water in a container b) The speed at which water flows c) The energy stored in water due to its pressure d) The temperature of the water


c) The energy stored in water due to its pressure

2. What are the standard units for measuring pressure head?

a) Kilograms per square meter (kg/m²) b) Liters per second (L/s) c) Meters of water column (mWC) d) Degrees Celsius (°C)


c) Meters of water column (mWC)

3. In a gravity-fed water system, what creates the pressure head?

a) A pump b) The difference in elevation between the source and the point of use c) The diameter of the pipes d) The temperature of the water


b) The difference in elevation between the source and the point of use

4. What is "head loss" in relation to pressure head?

a) The amount of water lost due to leaks b) The decrease in pressure head as water flows through a system c) The increase in pressure head as water flows through a system d) The amount of time it takes for water to flow through a system


b) The decrease in pressure head as water flows through a system

5. Which of the following applications does NOT rely on pressure head principles?

a) Water distribution in a city b) Filtration of drinking water c) Generating electricity from a hydroelectric dam d) Measuring the salinity of seawater


d) Measuring the salinity of seawater

Pressure Head Exercise:


You are designing a simple irrigation system for a small garden. The water source is a tank located 5 meters above the garden. The pipe connecting the tank to the garden is 20 meters long and has a diameter of 2 cm. You need to determine the pressure head at the end of the pipe, considering head loss due to friction.


  1. Estimate the head loss: Use the Darcy-Weisbach equation to estimate the head loss due to friction in the pipe. You can find a simplified version of this equation online, or use a pressure head calculator.
  2. Calculate the pressure head at the end of the pipe: Subtract the estimated head loss from the initial pressure head (5 meters).
  3. Discuss the implications: Explain how the calculated pressure head might affect the water flow and the effectiveness of the irrigation system.

Exercice Correction

1. Estimating Head Loss: The Darcy-Weisbach equation for head loss due to friction is: h_L = f * (L/D) * (V^2 / (2 * g)) where: * h_L is the head loss * f is the friction factor (can be estimated using a Moody diagram or an online calculator) * L is the pipe length (20 meters) * D is the pipe diameter (0.02 meters) * V is the flow velocity (can be estimated using the flow rate and pipe cross-sectional area) * g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s²) To estimate the head loss, you'll need to estimate the friction factor (f) and the flow velocity (V). The friction factor depends on the Reynolds number, which in turn depends on the flow velocity. This creates a bit of a circular problem, so you might need to use an iterative approach or a pressure head calculator to find a reasonable estimate. 2. Calculating Pressure Head at the End: Once you have estimated the head loss, subtract it from the initial pressure head of 5 meters to find the pressure head at the end of the pipe. 3. Implications: The calculated pressure head at the end of the pipe will directly influence the water flow and the effectiveness of the irrigation system. A lower pressure head will result in a weaker water flow, which may not be sufficient to adequately irrigate the garden. **Important Considerations:** * The actual head loss can be influenced by factors such as pipe material, roughness, and the presence of bends or fittings. * The flow velocity is also influenced by the pressure head and the pipe diameter. * In practice, irrigation systems often incorporate pressure regulators to maintain a consistent flow and pressure throughout the system.


  • Fluid Mechanics by Frank M. White: This comprehensive textbook covers fluid mechanics in detail, including pressure head and its applications.
  • Water Treatment Engineering by AWWA: A classic reference on water treatment processes, including chapters on hydraulics and pressure head.
  • Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow by Ven Te Chow: Provides a detailed explanation of pressure head in the context of open channel flow.


  • "Pressure Head: The Unsung Hero of Water Systems" (fictional title, search online for similar articles) - Look for articles on websites like Water & Wastewater Technology, Water Environment & Technology, or Environmental Engineering & Science.
  • "Understanding Pressure Head and Head Loss in Water Systems" (fictional title) - Search online technical journals or websites like WaterWorld or Water Technology Online.

Online Resources

  • USGS Water Science School: Groundwater Basics - This website provides a clear explanation of pressure head in the context of groundwater.
  • EPA WaterSense: Water Efficiency for Homes - Offers information on water-efficient appliances and fixtures, highlighting the importance of pressure head in water usage.
  • National Ground Water Association (NGWA) - Provides resources on groundwater management, including information on pressure head.

Search Tips

  • "Pressure Head definition": Start with a basic definition to understand the concept.
  • "Pressure Head in water systems": Focus on practical applications in water treatment and distribution.
  • "Pressure Head calculation": Find resources on how to calculate pressure head in different scenarios.
  • "Pressure Head and head loss": Learn about the relationship between pressure head and energy loss in water flow.
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