Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: post chlorination

post chlorination

Post-Chlorination: The Final Line of Defense in Water Treatment

Post-chlorination is a crucial step in the water treatment process, acting as a final safeguard against harmful pathogens and ensuring the safety and quality of our drinking water. This method involves adding chlorine to the water after it has undergone other treatment processes, effectively eliminating residual bacteria and viruses that may have survived earlier stages.

Why Post-Chlorination?

While many water treatment processes effectively remove most contaminants, some resilient microbes can persist. These pathogens can pose serious health risks, leading to waterborne illnesses. Post-chlorination steps in to eradicate these remaining threats by utilizing the powerful disinfectant properties of chlorine.

Here's why post-chlorination is essential:

  • Disinfection: Chlorine effectively kills bacteria and viruses that may have survived filtration or other treatment steps. This ensures the water delivered to consumers is free from harmful pathogens.
  • Residual Disinfection: Chlorine provides residual disinfection, meaning it maintains a low concentration of chlorine within the water distribution system. This safeguards the water from recontamination during transportation and storage.
  • Controlling Biofilm Formation: Chlorine inhibits the growth of biofilms – sticky layers of microorganisms that can form within pipes and pose a health hazard.
  • Taste and Odor Control: While not the primary function, chlorine can help control taste and odor issues associated with organic compounds in the water.

Methods of Post-Chlorination

Several methods are used to ensure effective post-chlorination:

  • Chlorine Gas: This method involves injecting gaseous chlorine directly into the water. While highly effective, it requires specialized equipment and careful handling due to the hazardous nature of chlorine gas.
  • Sodium Hypochlorite: This is a common, readily available form of chlorine in liquid form. It is relatively easy to handle and store, making it suitable for smaller water treatment facilities.
  • Calcium Hypochlorite: This is a solid form of chlorine that provides a consistent chlorine concentration and is often used in areas where storage and transportation of liquids are challenging.

Monitoring and Control

Regular monitoring is crucial to ensure the effectiveness of post-chlorination. Water treatment facilities use various methods to monitor chlorine levels, including:

  • Free Chlorine Residual: This measurement determines the amount of chlorine available to disinfect the water.
  • Combined Chlorine Residual: This indicates the amount of chlorine that has reacted with other substances in the water, which may affect its effectiveness.

Adjusting the chlorine dosage based on these measurements ensures the appropriate level of disinfection while minimizing the potential for chlorine byproducts.

The Importance of Safe and Effective Post-Chlorination

Post-chlorination is a critical element in protecting public health by ensuring safe and potable water. It ensures that our drinking water is free from harmful contaminants and remains safe throughout the distribution system.

By understanding the rationale behind post-chlorination and its role in the overall water treatment process, we can appreciate the dedication to safety that goes into delivering clean and healthy water to our communities.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Post-Chlorination in Water Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of post-chlorination in water treatment? a) To remove dissolved minerals from the water. b) To improve the taste and odor of the water. c) To eliminate residual bacteria and viruses. d) To adjust the pH level of the water.


c) To eliminate residual bacteria and viruses.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of post-chlorination? a) Disinfection b) Residual disinfection c) Controlling biofilm formation d) Removing heavy metals from the water


d) Removing heavy metals from the water

3. What is the most common method of post-chlorination? a) Chlorine gas b) Sodium Hypochlorite c) Calcium Hypochlorite d) Ozone gas


b) Sodium Hypochlorite

4. What does "Free Chlorine Residual" measure? a) The total amount of chlorine in the water. b) The amount of chlorine that has reacted with other substances in the water. c) The amount of chlorine available to disinfect the water. d) The amount of chlorine that has evaporated from the water.


c) The amount of chlorine available to disinfect the water.

5. Why is regular monitoring of chlorine levels crucial? a) To ensure the effectiveness of post-chlorination. b) To prevent the formation of chlorine byproducts. c) To adjust the chlorine dosage as needed. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise: Post-Chlorination Scenario


A small water treatment facility uses sodium hypochlorite for post-chlorination. The current chlorine dosage is 1 mg/L (ppm) but they are experiencing a slight increase in coliform bacteria counts.


Based on the information given, explain how the water treatment facility could address the increased coliform bacteria counts. Consider the following:

  • What could be causing the increase in coliform bacteria counts?
  • How could the facility adjust their post-chlorination process?
  • What other factors might need to be considered?

Exercice Correction

Here are some possible explanations and solutions:

  • Cause: The increase in coliform bacteria could be due to a variety of factors:
    • A leak in the distribution system allowing contamination.
    • Insufficient contact time for chlorine to effectively disinfect.
    • Reduced chlorine dosage due to improper chemical handling or storage.
    • A change in the source water quality.
  • Adjusting the Post-Chlorination Process:
    • Increase Chlorine Dosage: The facility could increase the chlorine dosage to a higher level, ensuring sufficient contact time for effective disinfection. However, this should be done cautiously to avoid exceeding regulatory limits for chlorine byproducts.
    • Improve Contact Time: The facility could consider adjusting their treatment process to allow for longer contact time between the water and the chlorine. This may involve changes to the flow rate or the size of the chlorination chamber.
  • Other Factors:
    • Investigate Leaks: A thorough inspection of the distribution system should be conducted to identify and repair any potential leaks that could introduce contaminants.
    • Monitor Source Water Quality: Regularly monitoring the source water quality could identify any changes that may be contributing to the increase in coliforms.
    • Consult Experts: The facility should consult with water treatment professionals to determine the best course of action and ensure they are adhering to all regulatory requirements.


  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by Davis, M.L. and Cornwell, D.A. (2012). This book offers a comprehensive overview of water treatment processes, including detailed information on post-chlorination.
  • Water Quality & Treatment: A Handbook on Drinking Water by AWWA (2017). This handbook, published by the American Water Works Association, provides a comprehensive guide to water quality standards and treatment methods, including post-chlorination.


  • "Chlorination and Disinfection" by EPA (2016). This article by the US Environmental Protection Agency provides a detailed description of chlorination processes and its role in water treatment.
  • "Post-Chlorination: A Crucial Step in Ensuring Safe Drinking Water" by [Insert Author Name] (2023). This hypothetical article provides a specific focus on post-chlorination and its significance. You can search for similar articles on water treatment journals or websites.
  • "The Role of Chlorine in Water Treatment" by [Insert Author Name] (2023). This article provides a broader perspective on chlorine use in water treatment, including its role in post-chlorination.

Online Resources

  • US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The EPA website provides numerous resources on water treatment, including information on disinfection and post-chlorination.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): The AWWA offers a range of resources for water professionals, including articles, publications, and webinars on water treatment topics.
  • Water Quality & Treatment: A Handbook on Drinking Water (AWWA): This handbook, available for purchase, provides detailed information on all aspects of water treatment, including post-chlorination.
  • The Chlorine Institute: This website offers information on chlorine chemistry, safety, and its use in various industries, including water treatment.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "post-chlorination," "water treatment," "disinfection," "chlorine," and "drinking water."
  • Refine your search: Use quotation marks for exact phrases like "post-chlorination process" or "residual chlorine levels."
  • Filter your results: Use Google's advanced search options to narrow your results by type (e.g., articles, websites, news) or date.
  • Explore related searches: Google will suggest relevant search terms based on your initial query, helping you explore additional facets of the topic.
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