Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: PolyBlend


PolyBlend: Optimizing Polymer Performance in Environmental & Water Treatment

Polymers play a crucial role in a variety of environmental and water treatment applications, aiding in processes like coagulation, flocculation, and dewatering. However, achieving optimal performance from these polymers requires careful handling, mixing, and feeding. USFilter/Stranco, a leading provider of water treatment solutions, has developed the innovative PolyBlend system to address this challenge.

PolyBlend is a comprehensive approach to polymer mixing and feeding that encompasses a range of products designed to ensure consistent and efficient polymer usage. This system offers several key advantages:

1. Enhanced Polymer Dissolution: PolyBlend systems employ specialized mixing technology, like static mixers and high-shear mixers, to ensure complete and rapid dissolution of polymer powders. This prevents the formation of clumps and ensures uniform distribution, maximizing the effectiveness of the polymer.

2. Precise Polymer Feeding: The PolyBlend system includes advanced feeding systems, including dry feeders, slurry feeders, and proportioning pumps, that deliver precise and controlled polymer dosage. This allows for fine-tuning the polymer concentration based on specific application requirements, leading to optimal treatment outcomes and minimized chemical usage.

3. Improved Polymer Storage & Handling: PolyBlend offers various storage options, including bulk silos, day tanks, and specialized containers, that provide secure and efficient storage of polymer powders. This minimizes material waste and simplifies handling, ensuring a consistent supply of polymer for continuous treatment operations.

4. Enhanced Process Control & Monitoring: PolyBlend systems are equipped with advanced process control and monitoring features. This includes sensors for measuring flow, pressure, and concentration, enabling real-time optimization of polymer dosage and ensuring efficient operation.

5. Reduced Maintenance & Operational Costs: The robust design and reliable performance of PolyBlend components minimize maintenance requirements and downtime. This translates into lower operational costs and increased process uptime.

USFilter/Stranco's PolyBlend system provides a comprehensive solution for optimizing polymer performance in a wide range of environmental and water treatment applications. By ensuring proper mixing, feeding, storage, and monitoring, PolyBlend helps operators achieve optimal treatment efficiency, minimize chemical usage, and reduce operational costs. This results in improved water quality, reduced environmental impact, and sustainable water treatment operations.


  • PolyBlend is a system by USFilter/Stranco for optimized polymer mixing and feeding in environmental and water treatment.
  • It enhances polymer dissolution, provides precise feeding, improves storage and handling, offers process control and monitoring, and minimizes maintenance costs.
  • This system ensures consistent and efficient polymer usage, leading to better treatment outcomes and reduced environmental impact.

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