Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: pHREEdom


pHREEdom: A New Frontier in Cooling Water Treatment

In the realm of waste management, the pursuit of efficiency and environmental responsibility is paramount. Cooling water systems, essential for numerous industrial processes, present unique challenges in this regard. Calgon Corporation, a leading provider of water treatment solutions, is paving the way for a new era in cooling water treatment with their groundbreaking approach: pHREEdom.

What is pHREEdom?

pHREEdom, a term coined by Calgon, represents a paradigm shift in cooling water treatment. It signifies a move away from traditional, often complex chemical treatments that rely heavily on pH control. Instead, pHREEdom emphasizes minimizing chemical usage while simultaneously maximizing system performance and sustainability.

Calgon's Innovative Approach:

Calgon achieves pHREEdom through a combination of innovative technologies and solutions:

  • Advanced Polymer Technologies: Calgon's proprietary polymer formulations effectively control scale and corrosion, reducing the need for high dosages of traditional inhibitors.
  • Optimized Dosage Control: Calgon's intelligent monitoring and control systems ensure precise chemical dosing, minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency.
  • Sustainable Practices: Calgon prioritizes the use of environmentally friendly chemicals and encourages the implementation of water conservation measures within cooling water systems.

Benefits of pHREEdom:

The adoption of pHREEdom brings numerous benefits to both industrial operations and the environment:

  • Improved System Efficiency: Reduced chemical usage translates to less downtime for maintenance and cleaning, leading to increased operational efficiency.
  • Lower Chemical Costs: Minimizing chemical consumption results in significant cost savings for industrial facilities.
  • Reduced Environmental Impact: By minimizing chemical discharge and promoting water conservation, pHREEdom contributes to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Calgon's Products and Services:

Calgon offers a comprehensive suite of products and services that enable pHREEdom, including:

  • Scale and Corrosion Inhibitors: Advanced polymer formulations that effectively control scale and corrosion without excessive pH manipulation.
  • Biocides and Disinfectants: Environmentally friendly solutions for controlling microbial growth in cooling water systems.
  • Monitoring and Control Systems: Sophisticated systems that ensure accurate and efficient chemical dosing.
  • Technical Expertise: Calgon's experienced engineers provide comprehensive support and guidance to ensure optimal cooling water treatment solutions.


pHREEdom, as championed by Calgon Corporation, marks a significant evolution in cooling water treatment. By embracing innovation, sustainability, and a focus on system performance, Calgon empowers industries to achieve their environmental goals while enhancing operational efficiency and minimizing costs. As we strive for a more sustainable future, pHREEdom offers a powerful framework for revolutionizing cooling water management practices.

Test Your Knowledge

pHREEdom Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary goal of pHREEdom?

a) To increase the pH of cooling water systems. b) To reduce the use of chemicals in cooling water treatment. c) To maximize the use of traditional chemical inhibitors. d) To increase the frequency of system maintenance.


b) To reduce the use of chemicals in cooling water treatment.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key element of Calgon's pHREEdom approach?

a) Advanced polymer technologies b) Optimized dosage control c) Increased use of traditional inhibitors d) Sustainable practices


c) Increased use of traditional inhibitors.

3. What is the primary benefit of using Calgon's advanced polymer technologies?

a) Increased need for pH control b) Improved scale and corrosion control c) Increased chemical usage d) Reduced system efficiency


b) Improved scale and corrosion control.

4. What is a significant environmental benefit of adopting pHREEdom?

a) Increased water consumption b) Increased chemical discharge c) Reduced chemical discharge d) Increased reliance on traditional inhibitors


c) Reduced chemical discharge.

5. What type of service does Calgon offer to support its pHREEdom approach?

a) Legal advice b) Financial consulting c) Technical expertise d) Marketing services


c) Technical expertise.

pHREEdom Exercise:

Scenario: A manufacturing plant is currently using traditional chemical treatments for their cooling water system. They are facing high maintenance costs, frequent system downtime, and concerns about the environmental impact of their current practices.

Task: Using the information provided about pHREEdom, suggest three specific steps the plant can take to adopt a more sustainable and efficient approach to their cooling water treatment. Explain how these steps align with the principles of pHREEdom.

Exercice Correction

Here are three steps the plant can take, aligning with pHREEdom principles:

  1. **Implement Calgon's advanced polymer technologies:** These polymers can effectively control scale and corrosion, reducing the need for high dosages of traditional inhibitors. This aligns with the core principle of pHREEdom - minimizing chemical usage while maximizing system performance.
  2. **Install Calgon's monitoring and control systems:** These systems ensure precise chemical dosing, minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency. This aligns with the pHREEdom principle of optimized dosage control, which leads to reduced chemical consumption and improved sustainability.
  3. **Engage with Calgon's technical experts:** Calgon offers technical expertise and support to help the plant implement and optimize their cooling water treatment solutions. This aligns with the pHREEdom principle of prioritizing technical expertise and ensuring the best possible solutions for the specific needs of the plant.


  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by Mark J. Hammer
  • Cooling Water Treatment: Principles and Applications by G.A. Annen
  • Corrosion and Corrosion Control by Dennis R. Pulsifer
  • Handbook of Industrial Water Treatment by A.P. Black


  • Search for articles related to "cooling water treatment," "polymer treatment," "scale inhibition," "corrosion inhibition," "sustainable water management," and "low-pH cooling water treatment." You can find articles on these topics in journals like:
    • Desalination
    • Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
    • Corrosion
    • Water Research
  • Look for publications from Calgon Corporation or its parent company, Ecolab. These might provide information about their specific technologies and solutions.

Online Resources

  • Ecolab's website:
  • Calgon Corporation's website:
  • Water Quality Association (WQA):
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA):

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include terms like "cooling water," "pHREEdom," "polymer treatment," "scale control," "corrosion control," "Calgon," and "Ecolab."
  • Use advanced search operators:
    • "" to search within Ecolab's website
    • "" to search within Calgon's website
    • "filetype:pdf" to find PDF documents
  • Refine your search by adding location or date range.
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