Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: noncarbonate hardness (NCH)

noncarbonate hardness (NCH)

Noncarbonate Hardness: The Unsung Hero of Water Treatment

Hard water, a familiar foe to many, is primarily attributed to the presence of dissolved calcium and magnesium ions. These minerals, while essential for human health, can wreak havoc on plumbing, appliances, and even our personal hygiene. However, the story of water hardness is not as simple as just calcium and magnesium. Enter noncarbonate hardness (NCH), a lesser-known but equally impactful player in the water treatment game.

What is Noncarbonate Hardness?

While the name might sound intimidating, NCH simply refers to the hardness in water caused by chlorides, sulfates, and nitrates of calcium and magnesium. Unlike its counterpart, carbonate hardness, which is attributed to bicarbonate ions, NCH doesn't react with acids and doesn't form scale deposits in pipes and appliances. This makes it a bit of a "phantom" hardness, often overlooked in water analysis and treatment.

Why Does NCH Matter?

Despite its lack of scaling properties, NCH still carries weight in water treatment for several reasons:

  • Aesthetic Impacts: NCH contributes to the unpleasant "salty" or "bitter" taste of water, making it undesirable for drinking and cooking.
  • Health Concerns: High levels of chloride, sulfate, and nitrate ions, especially in drinking water, can pose health risks, particularly for infants and individuals with compromised kidney function.
  • Interfering with Treatment: NCH can interfere with the effectiveness of certain water treatment methods like ion exchange, impacting the removal of other harmful contaminants.

Understanding NCH in the Water Treatment Context:

When tackling water hardness, understanding the different types, especially NCH, is crucial. While traditional softeners effectively deal with carbonate hardness, they have minimal impact on NCH. Therefore, specialized treatment approaches are needed:

  • Reverse Osmosis (RO): A highly effective method for removing both carbonate and noncarbonate hardness, RO systems are commonly employed for producing purified drinking water.
  • Electrodialysis Reversal (EDR): This technology effectively removes both types of hardness, offering a sustainable and energy-efficient alternative to RO.
  • Deionization (DI): A more sophisticated method, DI utilizes ion exchange resins to remove both cations and anions, leading to highly purified water suitable for industrial applications.

The Takeaway:

Noncarbonate hardness may not be as flashy as its scaling counterpart, but it deserves recognition for its impact on water quality and our overall well-being. Understanding and addressing NCH alongside carbonate hardness is essential for achieving truly effective water treatment and ensuring the delivery of safe, palatable, and contaminant-free water. So, next time you're dealing with hard water issues, remember the unsung hero – NCH – and ensure its presence isn't overlooked in your water treatment strategy.

Test Your Knowledge

Noncarbonate Hardness Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is noncarbonate hardness (NCH) primarily caused by? a) Calcium and magnesium bicarbonates b) Calcium and magnesium chlorides, sulfates, and nitrates c) Sodium and potassium ions d) Dissolved organic matter


b) Calcium and magnesium chlorides, sulfates, and nitrates

2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of NCH? a) It can contribute to a salty or bitter taste in water. b) It forms scale deposits in pipes and appliances. c) It can pose health risks at high levels. d) It can interfere with the effectiveness of some water treatment methods.


b) It forms scale deposits in pipes and appliances.

3. Which of the following water treatment methods is NOT effective in removing NCH? a) Reverse Osmosis (RO) b) Electrodialysis Reversal (EDR) c) Ion Exchange Softening d) Deionization (DI)


c) Ion Exchange Softening

4. Why is it important to consider NCH in water treatment? a) It is the primary cause of hard water problems. b) It can impact water taste, health, and treatment effectiveness. c) It is easily detected and removed by traditional water softeners. d) It is not a significant concern for most water sources.


b) It can impact water taste, health, and treatment effectiveness.

5. Which of the following is a potential health concern associated with high levels of NCH? a) Increased risk of bone fractures b) Digestive issues c) Kidney problems d) Skin allergies


c) Kidney problems

Noncarbonate Hardness Exercise:

Instructions: Imagine you are a water treatment technician analyzing a water sample. You have determined that the water has a total hardness of 200 ppm, but only 100 ppm of carbonate hardness.

1. Calculate the noncarbonate hardness (NCH) of the water sample. 2. Explain why the NCH is significant in this scenario. 3. Suggest a suitable water treatment method to address both carbonate and noncarbonate hardness based on the information provided.

Exercice Correction

1. **NCH calculation:** Total Hardness - Carbonate Hardness = NCH. Therefore, NCH = 200 ppm - 100 ppm = 100 ppm. 2. **Significance of NCH:** The presence of NCH indicates that half of the total hardness is contributed by non-carbonate salts, which may not be effectively removed by traditional water softeners. This could lead to issues like unpleasant taste, potential health risks, and interference with other treatment methods. 3. **Suitable treatment method:** Considering the presence of both carbonate and noncarbonate hardness, a Reverse Osmosis (RO) system would be a suitable option. RO effectively removes both types of hardness, ensuring a safe and palatable water supply.


  • "Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by Mark J. Hammer: This comprehensive textbook provides in-depth information on various water treatment technologies, including those relevant to NCH.
  • "Handbook of Water Treatment Technologies" by W.J. Weber: A valuable resource offering detailed insights into different water treatment methods, including discussions on NCH removal.
  • "Water Quality and Treatment" by American Water Works Association (AWWA): This authoritative guide covers a wide range of water quality parameters, including comprehensive information on hardness and NCH.


  • "Noncarbonate Hardness: A Neglected Aspect of Water Quality" by [Author Name]: This article aims to raise awareness about NCH, highlighting its importance and impact on water treatment.
  • "The Role of Noncarbonate Hardness in Water Treatment" by [Author Name]: An in-depth analysis exploring the significance of NCH and its implications for different treatment technologies.
  • "Understanding Noncarbonate Hardness in Drinking Water" by [Author Name]: This article provides a clear explanation of NCH, its potential health effects, and methods for its removal.

Online Resources

  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): The AWWA website offers valuable resources, including technical documents, research papers, and educational materials related to water treatment, including NCH.
  • Water Quality Association (WQA): The WQA website provides information on various water treatment technologies, including those specific for NCH removal.
  • US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The EPA website contains comprehensive information on water quality standards, regulations, and health risks associated with various contaminants, including NCH components like chloride, sulfate, and nitrate.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "noncarbonate hardness," "NCH," "chloride hardness," "sulfate hardness," and "nitrate hardness" in your searches.
  • Combine keywords with treatment methods like "reverse osmosis NCH," "ion exchange NCH," or "electrodialysis reversal NCH" to narrow down your results.
  • Use quotation marks around specific phrases for more precise results, for example, "noncarbonate hardness removal."
  • Add location to your search if you are interested in local regulations or water quality information.
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