Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Multiwash


Multiwash: A Revolution in Sand Filtration for Environmental & Water Treatment

The world of environmental and water treatment is constantly evolving, seeking more efficient and effective ways to purify our precious resource. One such advancement is the Multiwash process, a novel approach to sand filtration that utilizes a combined air/water backwash for exceptional cleaning performance.

The Multiwash Advantage:

Traditional sand filtration relies on water backwash to remove accumulated debris and maintain filter efficiency. However, this method can be inefficient, leaving behind trapped particles and requiring frequent cleaning cycles. Enter Multiwash, a game-changer in sand filtration that utilizes a potent combination of air and water during backwash. This dual-pronged attack offers several significant advantages:

  • Enhanced Cleaning: The air injection dislodges and lifts even the most stubborn particles, effectively removing them from the filter bed. This deeper cleaning capability reduces the need for frequent backwashing, ultimately saving water and energy.
  • Improved Filter Performance: By eliminating trapped particles, Multiwash ensures a consistent and high-quality filtration process, leading to superior water quality.
  • Extended Filter Life: The thorough cleaning achieved by Multiwash minimizes the buildup of fouling materials, extending the lifespan of the filter bed and reducing the need for costly replacements.

USFilter/General Filter's Multiwash Technology:

USFilter/General Filter, a leading name in water treatment solutions, has incorporated the Multiwash technology into their innovative sand filter systems. These systems are designed with a specific air injection system that delivers precise air quantities during backwash, ensuring optimal cleaning effectiveness. The combination of air and water creates a powerful scouring action, effectively removing even the smallest particles.

Key Features of USFilter/General Filter's Multiwash Systems:

  • Variable Air Injection: The system allows for precise control of air injection, adapting to the specific needs of the filter bed and the type of contaminants being removed.
  • Efficient Water Usage: The Multiwash process significantly reduces water consumption during backwash, making it a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option.
  • Reduced Maintenance: The extended filter life and reduced cleaning frequency translate into lower maintenance costs and increased system uptime.

Applications of Multiwash Technology:

Multiwash sand filtration is ideally suited for various environmental and water treatment applications, including:

  • Municipal Water Treatment: Ensuring safe and clean drinking water for communities.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Removing contaminants from wastewater before discharge.
  • Swimming Pool Filtration: Maintaining crystal-clear water and optimal hygiene.
  • Aquaculture: Providing clean water for fish and other aquatic organisms.


Multiwash technology represents a significant advancement in sand filtration, offering enhanced cleaning, improved filter performance, and extended filter life. USFilter/General Filter's implementation of this technology provides a sustainable and efficient solution for various water treatment needs. By embracing this innovation, we can ensure cleaner water, a healthier environment, and a more sustainable future.

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