Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: motive steam

motive steam

Motive Steam: The Powerhouse Behind Environmental & Water Treatment

Motive steam, a critical component in various environmental and water treatment processes, plays a crucial role in driving specific equipment and facilitating efficient treatment. It is essentially high-pressure steam used to power steam-jet ejectors or thermo-compressors. Understanding the principles behind motive steam and its applications is crucial for optimizing treatment efficiency and environmental sustainability.

How Motive Steam Works:

Motive steam is generated through high-pressure boilers and supplied to steam-jet ejectors or thermo-compressors. These devices utilize the energy of the motive steam to create a vacuum or pressure differential, which is essential for various treatment processes.

Steam-Jet Ejectors:

Steam-jet ejectors utilize the high velocity of motive steam to create a vacuum within a chamber. This vacuum draws in the process fluid, lowering its pressure and facilitating evaporation or other treatment processes. They are widely used in applications like:

  • Vacuum distillation: Separating water from contaminants through evaporation under reduced pressure.
  • Degasification: Removing dissolved gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide from water.
  • Vacuum filtration: Separating solids from liquids under reduced pressure.


Thermo-compressors use motive steam to increase the pressure and temperature of the process fluid. This process enhances efficiency and reduces energy consumption in applications like:

  • Heat pump systems: Utilizing the heat from low-grade sources for heating and cooling purposes.
  • Wastewater treatment: Concentrating wastewater by evaporating water, reducing the volume for disposal.
  • Refrigeration systems: Creating cooling through pressure changes in a refrigerant cycle.

Advantages of Motive Steam:

  • Energy efficiency: Motive steam effectively utilizes thermal energy from steam to drive the treatment process.
  • Environmental friendliness: The use of steam, a clean and renewable energy source, minimizes environmental impact.
  • Versatility: Suitable for various applications in environmental and water treatment.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Can significantly reduce energy consumption compared to other methods.

Considerations for Using Motive Steam:

  • Steam quality: The quality of motive steam, specifically its pressure and dryness fraction, significantly impacts performance.
  • Steam consumption: The amount of motive steam required varies depending on the specific application and equipment.
  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance of the steam generation and utilization equipment is crucial for optimal efficiency and safety.


Motive steam plays a crucial role in environmental and water treatment by providing a powerful and versatile energy source for driving various equipment. Understanding its workings and considerations ensures optimal efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and environmental sustainability in these critical treatment processes. As we strive for cleaner and more sustainable solutions, motive steam will continue to be an integral part of the future of environmental and water treatment.

Test Your Knowledge

Motive Steam Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of motive steam in environmental and water treatment? a) To heat the treatment water. b) To power steam-jet ejectors and thermo-compressors. c) To directly remove contaminants from water. d) To generate electricity for the treatment facility.


b) To power steam-jet ejectors and thermo-compressors.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common application of steam-jet ejectors? a) Vacuum distillation b) Degasification c) Vacuum filtration d) Water softening


d) Water softening

3. Thermo-compressors are primarily used to: a) Create a vacuum for filtration. b) Increase the pressure and temperature of the process fluid. c) Remove dissolved gases from water. d) Separate water from contaminants through evaporation.


b) Increase the pressure and temperature of the process fluid.

4. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using motive steam in environmental and water treatment? a) High initial investment cost. b) Energy efficiency. c) Environmental friendliness. d) Versatility.


a) High initial investment cost.

5. What is a crucial factor to consider when using motive steam? a) The size of the treatment facility. b) The type of water being treated. c) The quality of the motive steam. d) The availability of skilled labor.


c) The quality of the motive steam.

Motive Steam Exercise:

Scenario: A wastewater treatment plant uses a steam-jet ejector for vacuum distillation to separate water from concentrated wastewater. The plant manager is concerned about the efficiency of the process and wants to investigate potential improvements.


  1. Identify three factors that could affect the efficiency of the steam-jet ejector.
  2. Suggest one specific action the plant manager could take to address each of these factors.

Exercise Correction

**Factors affecting steam-jet ejector efficiency:** 1. **Steam quality:** Low pressure or wet steam can significantly reduce the vacuum created by the ejector. 2. **Ejector design:** An inefficient ejector design might not be able to produce sufficient vacuum for optimal distillation. 3. **Wastewater characteristics:** The concentration and composition of the wastewater can affect the evaporation rate and energy required for the process. **Actions to address these factors:** 1. **Improve steam quality:** Ensure the steam boiler is operating efficiently and producing dry steam at the desired pressure. 2. **Optimize ejector design:** Consider upgrading the ejector to a more efficient model or adjusting the nozzle size and throat area to optimize performance. 3. **Pre-treat wastewater:** Implement a pre-treatment process to remove solids or other components that might hinder evaporation or cause clogging in the ejector.


  • Steam: Its Generation and Use by Babcock & Wilcox: This comprehensive resource provides detailed information on steam generation, properties, and applications, including motive steam in various industrial processes.
  • Water Treatment Handbook by McGraw-Hill: This handbook covers a wide range of water treatment technologies, including those utilizing motive steam, with explanations of principles and practical applications.
  • Handbook of Industrial Vacuum Technology by ASM International: This handbook focuses on vacuum technology, including steam-jet ejectors and their use in various industrial processes, including environmental and water treatment.


  • "Vacuum Distillation: A Sustainable Technology for Water Treatment" by B. Kumar and S. Singh, Journal of Water Resource and Protection: This article explores the use of vacuum distillation in water treatment and highlights the role of motive steam in driving the process.
  • "Thermo-Compressor Technology for Energy Efficiency in Water Treatment" by J. Lee and K. Kim, Desalination: This article discusses the application of thermo-compressors in water treatment, particularly desalination, and the advantages of utilizing motive steam for energy efficiency.
  • "Steam-Jet Ejectors: A Review of Their Applications in Environmental and Water Treatment" by M. Smith and R. Johnson, Environmental Engineering: This article provides an overview of steam-jet ejectors and their various applications in environmental and water treatment, including vacuum distillation and degasification.

Online Resources

  • Steam Engineering Online: This website provides comprehensive information on steam generation, properties, and applications, including a section on motive steam and its applications in different industries.
  • Water Treatment Solutions: This website offers a variety of resources on water treatment technologies, including steam-jet ejectors and thermo-compressors, with technical details and applications.
  • National Water Research Institute (NWRI): This institute provides research and resources on water treatment and sustainability, including information on different technologies utilizing motive steam.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "motive steam," try more specific terms like "motive steam in water treatment," "steam-jet ejector applications," or "thermo-compressor technology."
  • Include industry terms: For example, search for "motive steam vacuum distillation" or "motive steam desalination" to find relevant results within specific industries.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose keywords in quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, "motive steam applications" will only show results with that exact phrase.
  • Filter by source type: Filter your search results by source type, such as "articles" or "websites," to narrow down your findings.
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