Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: most probable number (MPN)

most probable number (MPN)

Unlocking the Secrets of Microbial Counts: The Most Probable Number (MPN) Method in Environmental & Water Treatment

The microbial world is teeming with life, and in the context of environmental and water treatment, understanding the presence and abundance of microorganisms is crucial. The Most Probable Number (MPN) method is a powerful tool for estimating the number of viable bacteria, coliforms, or other microorganisms in a sample. This statistical approach offers a valuable insight into the microbiological safety of water sources and treatment processes.

How it Works:

The MPN method relies on a series of dilutions and inoculations. The sample is serially diluted, and multiple portions of each dilution are inoculated into tubes containing a suitable growth medium. The tubes are then incubated, and the presence or absence of growth is observed.

The key principle behind MPN is that the probability of a positive result (growth) increases with the number of microorganisms in the original sample. By analyzing the pattern of positive and negative results across the different dilutions, a statistical calculation can be performed to estimate the most probable number of microorganisms per unit volume of the original sample.

Advantages of the MPN Method:

  • Versatility: The MPN method is applicable for a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, coliforms, and other indicator organisms.
  • Sensitivity: It can detect low concentrations of microorganisms that might be missed by other methods.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to other methods like plate counts, MPN is often less expensive and can be performed in the field.

Applications in Environmental & Water Treatment:

  • Water Quality Monitoring: Assessing the microbiological safety of drinking water sources, wastewater treatment plants, and recreational waters.
  • Process Control: Monitoring the effectiveness of water treatment processes and ensuring the elimination of harmful microorganisms.
  • Environmental Studies: Investigating the microbial diversity and abundance in various environmental samples, such as soil, sediment, and air.

Limitations of the MPN Method:

  • Statistical Estimation: The MPN method provides an estimate rather than an exact count, and the accuracy depends on the number of dilutions and replicates.
  • Time-Consuming: The incubation period for microbial growth can be several days, making the MPN method slower than some alternative techniques.
  • Subjective Interpretation: The interpretation of results may require experience and knowledge of the target organisms.

Beyond the MPN:

While the MPN method has been a cornerstone for microbial analysis, newer techniques like real-time PCR and next-generation sequencing offer faster and more comprehensive insights into microbial communities. However, MPN remains a valuable tool, particularly for routine monitoring and field applications.


The MPN method is a crucial tool in environmental and water treatment, providing a reliable estimate of microbial abundance and contributing to the safety of our water resources. By understanding its principles and limitations, we can effectively utilize this valuable technique to safeguard public health and maintain a healthy environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unlocking the Secrets of Microbial Counts: The Most Probable Number (MPN) Method

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind the MPN method? a) It directly counts individual microorganisms in a sample. b) It measures the turbidity of a sample to estimate microbial abundance. c) It relies on the probability of growth in a series of dilutions. d) It identifies specific microorganisms through molecular techniques.


c) It relies on the probability of growth in a series of dilutions.

2. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of the MPN method? a) Versatility in detecting various microorganisms. b) High sensitivity for detecting low microbial concentrations. c) Relatively low cost compared to other methods. d) Providing an exact count of microorganisms in a sample.


d) Providing an exact count of microorganisms in a sample.

3. Which of these applications is NOT a typical use of the MPN method? a) Monitoring the microbiological safety of drinking water. b) Assessing the effectiveness of wastewater treatment processes. c) Analyzing soil samples for specific types of bacteria. d) Determining the genetic composition of microbial communities.


d) Determining the genetic composition of microbial communities.

4. What is a major limitation of the MPN method? a) It only works for specific types of bacteria. b) It requires specialized equipment and expertise. c) It provides an estimate rather than an exact count. d) It is not sensitive enough to detect low microbial concentrations.


c) It provides an estimate rather than an exact count.

5. Which of these newer techniques offers a faster and more comprehensive approach to microbial analysis than the MPN method? a) Microscopic examination. b) Culturing on agar plates. c) Real-time PCR. d) Traditional biochemical tests.


c) Real-time PCR.

Exercise: Estimating Microbial Abundance using MPN

Scenario: You are a water quality technician tasked with assessing the microbiological safety of a local swimming pool. You collect a water sample and perform a series of dilutions using the MPN method. Here are the results:

| Dilution | Number of Tubes with Growth | |---|---| | 1:10 | 5/5 | | 1:100 | 4/5 | | 1:1000 | 2/5 | | 1:10000 | 0/5 |

Task: Using the MPN table (available online or in a microbiology textbook), estimate the most probable number (MPN) of coliforms per 100 mL of water from the swimming pool.

Exercice Correction

Using the MPN table, locate the row corresponding to the pattern of growth results: 5-4-2-0. This pattern typically corresponds to an MPN of **240 coliforms per 100 mL** of water.


  • Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (23rd Edition): This comprehensive manual by the American Public Health Association (APHA), American Water Works Association (AWWA), and Water Environment Federation (WEF) covers the MPN method in detail, including its theoretical basis, experimental procedures, and interpretation of results.
  • Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual (10th Edition) by Cappuccino and Sherman: This well-known textbook for microbiology students includes a dedicated section on MPN methodology with practical exercises.
  • Environmental Microbiology by Prescott, Harley, and Klein: This textbook provides a thorough overview of microbial ecology and includes a chapter on enumeration techniques, including MPN.


  • "The Most Probable Number Method" by Thomas J. G. C. Levin (2012): This article published in the journal "Applied and Environmental Microbiology" offers a detailed explanation of the theoretical underpinnings and the practical application of the MPN method.
  • "A Review of the Most Probable Number Method for Microbial Enumeration" by G. A. S. O'Hara (2002): This article, published in the journal "Journal of Applied Microbiology," provides a comprehensive overview of the MPN method, its advantages, limitations, and various applications.
  • "The Use of the Most Probable Number (MPN) Method in Water Quality Monitoring" by C. A. Smith (2015): This article, published in the journal "Water Quality Research Journal," focuses on the application of the MPN method in water quality monitoring, specifically for the detection of fecal coliforms and E. coli.

Online Resources

  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The EPA website offers a wealth of information on water quality monitoring and the use of the MPN method. They provide guidance documents, technical manuals, and training materials related to microbial analysis of water.
  • Water Quality and Health Council: This website provides information on the importance of safe drinking water and offers resources on water quality monitoring, including the MPN method.
  • Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): The CDC website offers guidance on water safety and provides information on the use of the MPN method for the detection of harmful bacteria in water.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): The AWWA website offers resources on water treatment and distribution, including technical documents and manuals on the MPN method.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Most Probable Number," "MPN method," "microbial enumeration," "water quality monitoring," "coliform detection."
  • Combine keywords with relevant terms: "MPN method for water safety," "MPN technique for coliform analysis," "MPN application in environmental microbiology."
  • Use quotation marks: For specific phrases, use quotation marks around your search terms to ensure an exact match.
  • Include relevant websites: "MPN method EPA," "MPN method CDC," "MPN method AWWA."
  • Filter your results: Use Google's advanced search options to filter results by date, language, and file type.
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