Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: microstrainer


Microstrainers: The Tiny Filters with Big Impact in Water Treatment

Microstrainers, also known as microscreens, are essential components in the realm of water treatment, playing a critical role in removing suspended solids from water sources. These devices offer a highly efficient and reliable method for ensuring water quality, making them widely used in various applications, including drinking water treatment, wastewater treatment, and industrial processes.

What are Microstrainers?

Microstrainers are filtration devices characterized by their fine mesh screens, typically ranging in size from 20 to 1000 microns. This finely woven mesh allows them to capture a wide range of suspended solids, including:

  • Organic matter: Leaves, twigs, algae, and other organic debris.
  • Inorganic particles: Sand, grit, and other mineral particles.
  • Fine sediments: Silt and clay particles.

Working Principle of Microstrainers:

The operation of a microstrainer is straightforward. Water flows through the screen, where the suspended solids are trapped. The clean water then passes through the screen, while the collected debris is periodically removed by backwashing or other cleaning mechanisms.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • High Efficiency: Microstrainers can achieve exceptionally high removal rates for suspended solids, often exceeding 90%.
  • Low Headloss: Due to their open mesh design, microstrainers offer low hydraulic resistance, minimizing energy consumption and reducing pressure drop.
  • Continuous Operation: Most microstrainers are designed for continuous operation, ensuring uninterrupted water treatment processes.
  • Easy Maintenance: Regular backwashing or cleaning procedures maintain optimal performance and minimize clogging.
  • Wide Range of Applications: Microstrainers are versatile and adaptable, suitable for various water treatment applications, including:

    • Drinking water treatment: Pre-treatment to remove suspended solids before further purification.
    • Wastewater treatment: Removing suspended solids before biological treatment or discharge.
    • Industrial water treatment: Ensuring clean water for various industrial processes.

Types of Microstrainers:

Microstrainers are available in several configurations, each designed for specific applications:

  • Rotary Microstrainers: These feature a rotating drum with a screen surface that continuously moves through the water flow.
  • Horizontal Microstrainers: These use a stationary screen, with the water flowing horizontally across it.
  • Vertical Microstrainers: These employ a vertical screen, allowing for efficient gravity-driven filtration.


Microstrainers are a vital component in modern water treatment systems. Their ability to remove suspended solids efficiently and reliably makes them essential for ensuring high water quality. By understanding the working principles, types, and advantages of microstrainers, we can appreciate their significant contribution to maintaining a safe and sustainable water supply.

Test Your Knowledge

Microstrainer Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a microstrainer in water treatment? a) To remove dissolved impurities from water. b) To disinfect water by killing bacteria. c) To remove suspended solids from water. d) To adjust the pH of water.


c) To remove suspended solids from water.

2. What is the typical size range of the mesh screens used in microstrainers? a) 1-10 microns b) 20-1000 microns c) 1000-10,000 microns d) 10,000-100,000 microns


b) 20-1000 microns

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using microstrainers in water treatment? a) High efficiency in removing suspended solids. b) Low headloss, minimizing energy consumption. c) Ability to remove dissolved contaminants. d) Continuous operation, ensuring uninterrupted water treatment.


c) Ability to remove dissolved contaminants.

4. What is the common method for removing collected debris from a microstrainer? a) Chemical oxidation b) Filtration through a second filter c) Backwashing or other cleaning mechanisms d) Evaporation


c) Backwashing or other cleaning mechanisms

5. Which type of microstrainer features a rotating drum with a screen surface? a) Horizontal microstrainer b) Vertical microstrainer c) Rotary microstrainer d) Membrane microstrainer


c) Rotary microstrainer

Microstrainer Exercise


A water treatment plant is experiencing issues with high levels of suspended solids in its treated water. The plant manager suspects the microstrainers are not functioning optimally.


Identify three possible reasons why the microstrainers might not be performing efficiently and suggest solutions for each problem.

Exercice Correction

Possible Reasons and Solutions:

  • Clogged Screen:
    • Solution: Perform a backwash or other cleaning procedure to remove accumulated debris from the screen.
  • Malfunctioning Backwash System:
    • Solution: Inspect the backwash system for any blockages or malfunctions. Repair or replace any faulty components.
  • Incorrect Screen Mesh Size:
    • Solution: Check the screen mesh size and ensure it is appropriate for the type and size of suspended solids being removed. Adjust the mesh size if necessary.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design: This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of water treatment, including filtration technologies like microstrainers.
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations: Provides practical insights into operational aspects and maintenance of water treatment facilities, including microstrainers.
  • Water Quality and Treatment: This book delves into the principles and practices of water quality control, encompassing technologies like microstrainers for solids removal.


  • "Microstrainers: A Powerful Tool for Water Treatment" (Journal of Water Treatment Technology): This article explores the application of microstrainers in various water treatment scenarios.
  • "The Role of Microstrainers in Drinking Water Treatment" (Water Environment & Technology): This article focuses on the specific application of microstrainers in drinking water production.
  • "Performance Evaluation of Microstrainers in Wastewater Treatment" (Wastewater Engineering & Technology): This study examines the effectiveness of microstrainers in removing suspended solids from wastewater.

Online Resources

  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): WEF offers a vast collection of resources, including technical publications and research reports, on various aspects of water treatment.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): AWWA provides a platform for water professionals, offering technical guidance and standards for water treatment technologies like microstrainers.
  • The Water Research Foundation (WRF): WRF focuses on research and development in water treatment, offering research reports and publications related to microstrainers.

Search Tips

  • "Microstrainer + [Specific Application]": Add specific keywords like "drinking water," "wastewater," or "industrial" to refine your search.
  • "Microstrainer + [Manufacturer/Brand]": Include the name of a specific microstrainer manufacturer or brand to find detailed information about their products.
  • "Microstrainer + [Technical Specification]": Add terms like "mesh size," "flow rate," or "headloss" to find relevant technical documentation.
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