Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: MicroMass


MicroMass: A Powerful Tool in Environmental & Water Treatment

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, MicroMass refers to a specialized technology utilizing dissolved air flotation (DAF). This process effectively removes suspended solids, oil, and grease from various water sources. DAF systems, like those offered by Komline-Sanderson Engineering Corp., are designed to leverage the power of microbubbles for efficient and sustainable water purification.

How MicroMass Works:

At the heart of MicroMass technology lies the generation of microscopic air bubbles within the water. These bubbles, smaller than 50 microns, attach to suspended particles and pollutants, increasing their buoyancy. This process effectively lifts the contaminants to the surface, where they can be easily skimmed off, leaving clean water behind.

Komline-Sanderson's Expertise in DAF:

Komline-Sanderson Engineering Corp. is a leading provider of DAF solutions, boasting decades of experience in designing and manufacturing high-performance systems. Their MicroMass technology utilizes a patented air diffusion system that creates exceptionally fine and stable microbubbles. This leads to:

  • Enhanced removal efficiency: Smaller bubbles lead to greater surface area for attachment and more effective removal of contaminants.
  • Reduced energy consumption: The optimized air diffusion system requires less energy for bubble generation, resulting in cost savings.
  • Simplified operation: The user-friendly design ensures ease of operation and minimal maintenance requirements.

Applications of MicroMass:

The versatility of MicroMass technology makes it suitable for various water treatment applications, including:

  • Industrial wastewater treatment: Removing suspended solids, oil, and grease from manufacturing processes.
  • Municipal wastewater treatment: Purifying sewage effluent for safe discharge or reuse.
  • Potable water treatment: Improving water quality for drinking and other domestic uses.
  • Oil and gas production: Separating water from oil and gas streams.
  • Food and beverage processing: Removing impurities from process water to ensure product quality.

Benefits of MicroMass:

  • High removal efficiency: Achieves exceptional removal rates for suspended solids, oils, and grease.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Reduces chemical consumption and sludge volume, minimizing operational expenses.
  • Environmentally friendly: Utilizes air as the primary separation agent, minimizing chemical footprint.
  • Durable and reliable: Designed for long-term performance with minimal maintenance.


MicroMass technology, powered by DAF systems like those offered by Komline-Sanderson, represents a powerful solution for a range of water treatment challenges. This efficient, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective approach ensures clean and safe water for diverse applications, contributing to a sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge

MicroMass Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "MicroMass" technology refer to?

a) A type of water filtration system b) A specialized process using dissolved air flotation (DAF) c) A chemical treatment for removing pollutants d) A new type of water purification plant


b) A specialized process using dissolved air flotation (DAF)

2. How does MicroMass work?

a) It uses chemicals to bind pollutants and remove them. b) It filters water through a series of membranes. c) It creates microscopic air bubbles that attach to contaminants. d) It uses heat to evaporate pollutants.


c) It creates microscopic air bubbles that attach to contaminants.

3. What is one advantage of Komline-Sanderson's MicroMass technology?

a) It requires a large amount of space for installation. b) It produces a significant amount of sludge as a byproduct. c) It consumes a lot of energy for operation. d) It utilizes a patented air diffusion system for efficient bubble generation.


d) It utilizes a patented air diffusion system for efficient bubble generation.

4. Which of the following is NOT an application of MicroMass technology?

a) Industrial wastewater treatment b) Municipal wastewater treatment c) Potable water treatment d) Chemical production


d) Chemical production

5. What is a key benefit of using MicroMass technology?

a) It is highly expensive and requires specialized maintenance. b) It utilizes a lot of chemicals to remove pollutants. c) It is environmentally friendly and reduces chemical usage. d) It requires large amounts of energy for operation.


c) It is environmentally friendly and reduces chemical usage.

MicroMass Exercise

Scenario: You are working for a company that produces beverages. Your current wastewater treatment system uses a traditional filtration method that is inefficient and uses a lot of chemicals. You need to propose a more sustainable and efficient solution.

Task: Write a brief proposal outlining why MicroMass technology would be a suitable solution for your company's wastewater treatment needs. Highlight its benefits compared to your current system. Include specific examples of how MicroMass can improve your company's environmental footprint and operational costs.

Exercise Correction

A possible proposal could include:
**Proposal: Implementing MicroMass Technology for Wastewater Treatment**
This proposal outlines the advantages of implementing MicroMass technology for our company's wastewater treatment system. Our current filtration system faces issues of inefficiency and relies heavily on chemical usage. We seek a more sustainable and cost-effective solution, and MicroMass technology offers a compelling alternative.
**Benefits of MicroMass:**
- **High Removal Efficiency:** MicroMass's dissolved air flotation (DAF) process effectively removes suspended solids, oil, and grease from our wastewater, resulting in cleaner discharge and improved environmental compliance.
- **Reduced Chemical Usage:** Unlike our current system, MicroMass utilizes air as the primary separation agent, significantly reducing our reliance on chemicals. This minimizes our environmental footprint and reduces operational costs associated with chemical purchase and handling.
- **Cost-Effectiveness:** The reduced chemical usage and sludge volume associated with MicroMass lead to lower operating expenses compared to our current system.
- **Sustainability:** By minimizing chemical usage and promoting efficient contaminant removal, MicroMass aligns with our company's commitment to environmental sustainability.
Implementing MicroMass technology offers a sustainable and efficient solution for our wastewater treatment needs. It aligns with our company's environmental goals and provides significant cost savings compared to our current system. We recommend further investigation and potential implementation of this innovative technology.


  • "Water Treatment Plant Design" by AWWA (American Water Works Association): This comprehensive book covers various water treatment technologies, including DAF, providing technical details and design considerations.
  • "Handbook of Environmental Engineering" by C.S. Rao: This reference book offers in-depth explanations of different environmental engineering principles and technologies, including DAF and its applications.
  • "Dissolved Air Flotation: Principles, Design and Application" by A.G. Fane and C.J.D. Fell: This specialized book provides a detailed analysis of DAF technology, its mechanisms, and its applications in various industries.


  • "Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) for Wastewater Treatment" by S.C. Das: This article focuses on the use of DAF for wastewater treatment, highlighting its advantages and applications.
  • "Microbubble Technology for Wastewater Treatment: A Review" by K.S. Chen: This comprehensive review explores the principles and benefits of using microbubbles in wastewater treatment, including DAF.
  • "Dissolved Air Flotation: A Sustainable Option for Water Treatment" by M.A. Khan: This article discusses the environmental benefits of DAF technology, highlighting its low chemical consumption and energy efficiency.

Online Resources

  • Komline-Sanderson Engineering Corp. Website: This website provides detailed information about Komline-Sanderson's MicroMass technology, including case studies, technical specifications, and customer testimonials.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): This organization offers various resources related to water treatment, including articles, publications, and standards.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): WEF provides valuable resources for professionals in the water and wastewater treatment industries, including information on DAF technology.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use terms like "Dissolved Air Flotation," "DAF," "Microbubble Technology," "Water Treatment," "Wastewater Treatment," and "Komline-Sanderson" in your searches.
  • Combine keywords: Use combinations of keywords to narrow down your search results. For example, try "Dissolved Air Flotation wastewater treatment" or "Microbubble technology for oil and gas production."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclosing keywords in quotation marks will ensure that Google finds results containing those exact phrases.
  • Use operators: Google search operators like "+" and "-" can help refine your search. For example, "+DAF - Komline-Sanderson" will show results related to DAF but exclude results mentioning Komline-Sanderson.
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