Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: MEVA


MEVA: Revolutionizing Environmental & Water Treatment with Membranes

MEVA, short for Membrane Electrolyzed Water Activation, is a groundbreaking technology that's making waves in the world of environmental and water treatment. It leverages the power of electrochemically activated water (ECA) to provide a highly effective and environmentally friendly solution for various challenges.

How MEVA Works:

MEVA utilizes specialized membrane electrolysis technology to generate two highly reactive solutions:

  • Anodic Electrolyzed Water (AEW): This solution is rich in free chlorine and other oxidants, making it an excellent disinfectant and biocide.
  • Cathodic Electrolyzed Water (CEW): This solution is alkaline and contains high concentrations of hydroxide ions, making it a powerful cleaner and deodorizer.

Waterlink Inc.: A Leader in MEVA Solutions

Waterlink Inc. is a leading provider of MEVA-based water treatment solutions, offering a comprehensive product line designed to address diverse environmental and water-related challenges. Their product portfolio includes:

1. MEVA Systems:

  • Residential Systems: Compact and user-friendly units ideal for home water treatment, offering disinfection, odor removal, and general water quality improvement.
  • Commercial Systems: Robust and scalable systems designed for commercial applications like food processing, hospitality, and healthcare, ensuring superior water quality and sanitation.
  • Industrial Systems: High-capacity systems for industrial processes, providing effective disinfection, cleaning, and wastewater treatment solutions.

2. MEVA-Based Products:

  • AEW Generators: Generate on-demand anodic electrolyzed water for effective disinfection and biocide applications.
  • CEW Generators: Produce cathodic electrolyzed water for cleaning, deodorizing, and general water treatment purposes.
  • Combination Systems: Offer both AEW and CEW generation capabilities, providing a comprehensive solution for diverse water treatment needs.

Benefits of Waterlink Inc.'s MEVA Solutions:

  • High Efficiency: MEVA technology provides superior disinfection and cleaning power compared to traditional methods.
  • Environmental Friendliness: By utilizing on-site water electrolysis, MEVA minimizes the use of harsh chemicals and reduces environmental impact.
  • Cost-Effective: MEVA systems offer long-term cost savings by reducing chemical usage, maintenance costs, and water consumption.
  • Safety: Waterlink's MEVA solutions are designed with safety in mind, offering user-friendly interfaces and automated monitoring systems.
  • Versatility: MEVA technology is adaptable to a wide range of applications, addressing challenges in diverse industries.

Applications of Waterlink's MEVA Solutions:

  • Drinking Water Treatment: Disinfection, removal of pathogens, and improvement of water quality.
  • Food Processing: Food surface sanitation, water disinfection, and cleaning of equipment.
  • Healthcare: Sterilization of medical instruments, surface disinfection in hospitals and clinics.
  • Swimming Pools: Water disinfection and algae control.
  • Wastewater Treatment: Reduction of pathogens, odor control, and improved water quality.


MEVA technology, as implemented by Waterlink Inc., is revolutionizing environmental and water treatment by offering a highly effective, environmentally friendly, and cost-efficient solution. Its versatility, efficiency, and safety make it an ideal choice for a wide range of applications, ensuring a cleaner and healthier future for all.

Test Your Knowledge

MEVA Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does MEVA stand for?

a) Membrane Electrolysis and Vaporization Activation b) Membrane Electrolyzed Water Activation c) Multi-Electrolyzed Vapor Activation d) Membrane Electrolyzed Water Absorption


b) Membrane Electrolyzed Water Activation

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of MEVA technology?

a) High efficiency b) Environmental friendliness c) High energy consumption d) Cost-effectiveness


c) High energy consumption

3. What are the two main solutions generated by MEVA technology?

a) Anodic Electrolyzed Water (AEW) and Cathodic Electrolyzed Water (CEW) b) Acidic Electrolyzed Water (AEW) and Alkaline Electrolyzed Water (CEW) c) Oxidized Electrolyzed Water (OEW) and Reduced Electrolyzed Water (REW) d) Anodic Electrolyzed Water (AEW) and Neutralized Electrolyzed Water (NEW)


a) Anodic Electrolyzed Water (AEW) and Cathodic Electrolyzed Water (CEW)

4. Waterlink Inc. provides MEVA-based solutions for which of the following applications?

a) Residential water treatment only b) Industrial water treatment only c) Both residential and commercial water treatment d) All of the above


d) All of the above

5. Which of the following is NOT a typical application of Waterlink's MEVA solutions?

a) Drinking water treatment b) Food processing c) Agriculture irrigation d) Swimming pool sanitation


c) Agriculture irrigation

MEVA Exercise:

Scenario: A local restaurant is looking to improve their sanitation practices and reduce their reliance on harsh chemicals. They are considering implementing a MEVA system.

Task: Based on the information provided about MEVA, suggest two specific MEVA solutions that could be beneficial for the restaurant and explain why.

Exercise Correction

Here are two possible MEVA solutions for the restaurant:

1. **AEW Generator:** This solution would provide the restaurant with on-demand anodic electrolyzed water, which is an effective disinfectant. It could be used to sanitize food preparation surfaces, utensils, and equipment, reducing the need for harsh chemicals and improving overall food safety.

2. **Combination System:** This system offers both AEW and CEW generation capabilities. AEW could be used for disinfection, as mentioned above. CEW, with its alkaline properties, could be used for cleaning and deodorizing the kitchen, floors, and other surfaces. This would allow the restaurant to achieve a high level of sanitation with a single system, reducing their reliance on multiple cleaning products.

Both solutions align with the restaurant's goals of improving sanitation and reducing chemical usage, making MEVA technology a suitable option for them.


  • Electrochemical Methods in Environmental Chemistry: Principles and Applications. Edited by: D. Pletcher and S. A. Campbell. (This book provides a comprehensive overview of electrochemical methods, including membrane electrolysis, for environmental applications.)


  • Electrochemically activated water: a comprehensive review of its production, properties, and applications. By: J. A. R. Rodrigues, et al. (This article provides a detailed overview of the production, properties, and applications of electrochemically activated water, including its use in disinfection and water treatment.)

Online Resources

  • Waterlink Inc. Website: (Provides detailed information about Waterlink's MEVA products, applications, and case studies.)

Search Tips

  • "Membrane Electrolyzed Water Activation" OR "MEVA"
  • "Electrochemically Activated Water" OR "ECA Water"
  • "Electrolysis for Water Treatment"
  • "Waterlink Inc. MEVA"
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