Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: meq/L


Understanding Milliequivalents Per Liter (meq/L) in Environmental & Water Treatment

The term "milliequivalents per liter" (meq/L) is a common unit of measurement used in environmental and water treatment industries to express the concentration of ions in solution. While it may seem unfamiliar at first, understanding meq/L is crucial for accurately analyzing water quality and implementing effective treatment strategies.

What are milliequivalents?

A milliequivalent (meq) represents one-thousandth of an equivalent (eq). An equivalent is the amount of a substance that can combine with or replace one mole of hydrogen ions (H+) or hydroxide ions (OH-).

Why meq/L is important in water treatment:

  • Measuring Ionic Strength: meq/L reflects the total concentration of charged particles (ions) in a solution, which is known as "ionic strength." Higher ionic strength impacts water treatment processes, affecting coagulation, flocculation, and membrane filtration efficiency.
  • Assessing Water Hardness: meq/L is used to express water hardness, a measure of calcium and magnesium ions present. High water hardness can lead to scaling in pipes and appliances.
  • Analyzing Salinity: meq/L helps quantify salinity in water, representing the total concentration of dissolved salts. Salinity affects aquatic life and can make water unsuitable for drinking or irrigation.
  • Evaluating Alkalinity and Acidity: meq/L is used to measure alkalinity (the capacity of water to neutralize acid) and acidity (the capacity of water to neutralize base).

Calculating meq/L:

To convert from mg/L (milligrams per liter) to meq/L, you need to consider the valence (charge) of the ion.

Here's the formula:

meq/L = (mg/L * Valence) / Molecular Weight

For example, to convert calcium (Ca2+) from mg/L to meq/L:

  • Molecular weight of Ca2+: 40.08 g/mol
  • Valence of Ca2+: 2
  • mg/L of Ca2+: Let's say 100 mg/L

meq/L = (100 mg/L * 2) / 40.08 g/mol = 4.99 meq/L

Importance in Environmental Monitoring:

meq/L also plays a key role in environmental monitoring. It's used to:

  • Assess water quality: Track changes in ionic concentrations over time to monitor pollution levels or the effectiveness of treatment strategies.
  • Monitor soil conditions: Assess soil nutrient levels and identify potential imbalances that might impact plant growth.
  • Analyze wastewater: Determine the efficiency of wastewater treatment processes and ensure compliance with discharge regulations.


meq/L is a fundamental unit of measurement in environmental and water treatment fields. Understanding its significance and how to utilize it for calculations allows for effective water quality analysis, monitoring, and treatment strategies. By employing this crucial unit, we can ensure safe and sustainable water resources for all.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Milliequivalents Per Liter (meq/L)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "meq/L" stand for?

a) Milligrams per liter b) Milliequivalents per liter c) Microequivalents per liter d) Milligrams per milliliter


b) Milliequivalents per liter

2. What does a higher meq/L value generally indicate?

a) Lower concentration of dissolved ions b) Higher concentration of dissolved ions c) Lower water hardness d) Lower water acidity


b) Higher concentration of dissolved ions

3. Why is meq/L important in assessing water hardness?

a) It helps determine the amount of dissolved salts. b) It measures the concentration of calcium and magnesium ions. c) It reflects the water's capacity to neutralize acid. d) It quantifies the total concentration of dissolved solids.


b) It measures the concentration of calcium and magnesium ions.

4. What is the formula to convert mg/L to meq/L?

a) meq/L = (mg/L * Molecular Weight) / Valence b) meq/L = (mg/L * Valence) / Molecular Weight c) meq/L = (mg/L / Valence) * Molecular Weight d) meq/L = (mg/L / Molecular Weight) * Valence


b) meq/L = (mg/L * Valence) / Molecular Weight

5. Which of the following is NOT a common application of meq/L in environmental monitoring?

a) Assessing water quality in rivers and lakes b) Monitoring soil nutrient levels c) Analyzing the effectiveness of wastewater treatment d) Measuring the amount of dissolved oxygen in water


d) Measuring the amount of dissolved oxygen in water

Exercise: Calculate meq/L


A water sample contains 150 mg/L of calcium (Ca2+). Calculate the meq/L of calcium in the sample.


  • Molecular weight of Ca2+: 40.08 g/mol
  • Valence of Ca2+: 2
  • mg/L of Ca2+: 150 mg/L

Show your calculation steps.

Exercice Correction

meq/L = (mg/L * Valence) / Molecular Weight
meq/L = (150 mg/L * 2) / 40.08 g/mol
meq/L = 7.49 meq/L


  • Water Quality and Treatment: This comprehensive book covers water treatment processes, including the significance of meq/L in analyzing water hardness, alkalinity, and salinity.
  • Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science: This textbook provides a detailed explanation of chemical principles, including the concept of equivalents and milliequivalents, and their applications in environmental science.
  • Environmental Chemistry: This textbook explores the chemical processes occurring in the environment and how meq/L relates to chemical reactions and the transport of pollutants.


  • "Water Hardness: An Overview" by the American Water Works Association (AWWA): This article explains the concept of water hardness and its measurement using meq/L.
  • "The Importance of Ionic Strength in Water Treatment" by the Water Research Foundation: This article discusses the role of ionic strength, measured in meq/L, in various water treatment processes.
  • "Environmental Monitoring Using meq/L: A Comprehensive Guide" by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: This article provides a detailed explanation of the use of meq/L in monitoring water quality, soil conditions, and wastewater.

Online Resources

  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): A valuable resource for information related to water treatment, including definitions, guidelines, and technical standards for meq/L.
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Provides information on environmental regulations, monitoring guidelines, and resources for understanding meq/L in environmental contexts.
  • Water Research Foundation: Offers research findings, technical reports, and educational materials related to water quality and treatment, including the use of meq/L.

Search Tips

  • "meq/L water hardness" - Find articles and resources focused on the application of meq/L in determining water hardness.
  • "meq/L ionic strength" - Explore information on how meq/L relates to ionic strength and its impact on water treatment processes.
  • "meq/L conversion calculator" - Discover online tools to convert between mg/L and meq/L for different ions.
  • "environmental monitoring meq/L" - Search for articles and reports on the use of meq/L in environmental monitoring and analysis.
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