Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Air Quality Management: melting point

melting point

Melting Point: A Key Factor in Environmental & Water Treatment

The melting point, the temperature at which a solid transforms into a liquid, plays a crucial role in various environmental and water treatment processes. Understanding the melting point of different substances is essential for designing and optimizing these processes, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness.

Here's how melting point impacts environmental and water treatment:

1. Waste Management:

  • Incineration: Melting point is critical for determining the suitability of waste for incineration. Materials with high melting points require higher temperatures to incinerate, making the process more energy-intensive and potentially releasing harmful emissions.
  • Recycling: Melting point influences the separation and recycling of various materials. For example, in scrap metal recycling, the melting points of different metals allow for their separation through melting and pouring.

2. Water Treatment:

  • Freezing: Melting point is fundamental in water treatment processes involving freezing. The freezing of contaminated water separates impurities from the water molecules, leading to cleaner water.
  • Crystallization: The melting point of dissolved substances influences their crystallization. This process is used in desalination, where salt is separated from seawater by freezing and then melting the ice.

3. Soil Remediation:

  • Thermal Desorption: Melting point is crucial for thermal desorption, a process used to remove contaminants from soil. The process involves heating the soil to a temperature that vaporizes the contaminants, which are then captured and treated.

4. Pollution Control:

  • Particulate Removal: Melting point plays a role in the removal of particulate matter from air and water. For example, melting point can be utilized to remove dust from industrial emissions by collecting it in a melting chamber.

5. Chemical Engineering:

  • Chemical Reactions: Melting point influences the reaction rates and efficiencies of various chemical reactions. In some cases, the reaction needs to be performed at a temperature above the melting point of a reactant.

Understanding the nuances of melting point in various environmental and water treatment processes helps engineers and scientists develop innovative solutions that address pressing environmental challenges. By optimizing processes based on melting points, we can achieve greater efficiency in waste management, water treatment, soil remediation, and pollution control.

In conclusion, the melting point is a fundamental property that significantly impacts environmental and water treatment processes. By understanding and applying its significance, we can pave the way for more sustainable and efficient environmental solutions.

Test Your Knowledge

Melting Point Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following processes does NOT directly involve melting point? a) Incineration of waste b) Separation of metals in recycling c) Desalination by freezing d) Biological wastewater treatment


d) Biological wastewater treatment

2. Why is melting point important for incinerating waste? a) It determines the amount of heat needed for combustion. b) It dictates the type of waste that can be incinerated. c) It influences the formation of harmful byproducts. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

3. How does melting point play a role in thermal desorption? a) It determines the temperature needed to vaporize contaminants. b) It influences the efficiency of contaminant removal. c) It helps determine the appropriate soil type for the process. d) Both a) and b).


d) Both a) and b).

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of understanding melting point in environmental and water treatment? a) Increased efficiency of waste management. b) Improved water quality through desalination. c) Reduced costs for pollution control. d) Increased availability of natural resources.


d) Increased availability of natural resources.

5. How does melting point impact chemical reactions? a) It affects the rate at which reactions occur. b) It determines the type of products formed. c) It influences the energy required for the reaction. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Melting Point Exercise

Task: Imagine you are designing a new recycling plant that focuses on separating mixed plastics. Explain how you would use the melting point of different plastics to design an efficient separation system.

Exercice Correction

To design an efficient separation system for mixed plastics, we can utilize the different melting points of various plastics. Here's a possible approach:

  1. **Sorting by Density:** First, a preliminary sorting based on density could be used to remove some plastics with distinct densities (e.g., PET vs. PVC).
  2. **Melting Point Based Separation:** The remaining mixed plastics could be fed into a system with multiple chambers heated to different temperatures, corresponding to the melting points of different plastic types.
  3. **Controlled Melting:** Each chamber would be heated to a specific temperature, allowing only the plastic with a melting point below that temperature to melt.
  4. **Collection:** The melted plastics would then be collected separately for further processing, while the remaining solid plastics move to the next chamber with a higher temperature.
  5. **Continuous Process:** This process would be continuous, with the mixed plastics entering the system and separated plastics exiting at the end of each chamber.

This approach, based on the melting points of different plastics, could offer a more efficient and precise separation method compared to traditional recycling techniques.


  • Chemistry: The Central Science by Theodore L. Brown, H. Eugine LeMay Jr., and Bruce E. Bursten (This comprehensive textbook covers basic chemistry principles, including melting point, and its applications in various fields).
  • Environmental Engineering: A Global Text by R.G. Ayyappan (This book discusses various environmental engineering concepts, including waste management and water treatment processes, where melting point plays a key role).
  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by David A. Launder (This book explores different water treatment methods, including those based on freezing and crystallization, where melting point is crucial).
  • Waste Management by David A. Launder (This book covers various waste management techniques, including incineration, recycling, and thermal desorption, and the importance of melting point in each process).


  • "Melting Point and Its Applications in Environmental and Water Treatment" by [Author Name] (You can find such articles in scientific journals like Environmental Science & Technology, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Water Research, and others. Search using keywords like "melting point," "environmental treatment," "water treatment," etc.).
  • "Incineration of Waste: A Review of Technology and Environmental Impacts" by [Author Name] (This type of article discusses the role of melting point in incineration).
  • "Thermal Desorption: A Promising Technology for Soil Remediation" by [Author Name] (This article explains how melting point is important for thermal desorption).
  • "Freezing as a Water Treatment Method: A Critical Review" by [Author Name] (This review focuses on the applications of freezing in water treatment, highlighting the significance of melting point).

Online Resources

  • EPA (Environmental Protection Agency): EPA website provides comprehensive information on waste management, water treatment, and pollution control technologies. You can find resources related to melting point in specific applications by searching relevant terms.
  • USGS (United States Geological Survey): USGS website provides data and resources on water quality, water resources, and environmental factors. You can find information about melting points of relevant substances and their impact on the environment.
  • Royal Society of Chemistry: The RSC website offers various educational resources, including information on melting point and its applications in different fields.
  • Khan Academy: Khan Academy provides free educational videos and resources covering a wide range of subjects, including chemistry and environmental science.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching for information on melting point and its impact on environmental and water treatment, use specific keywords such as "melting point," "environmental treatment," "water treatment," "incineration," "thermal desorption," "freezing," "crystallization," and "pollution control."
  • Combine keywords: Combine relevant keywords to refine your search results. For example, "melting point of plastics in waste management" or "melting point of salt in water treatment."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to ensure that Google finds results containing those exact words in that specific order. For example, "melting point of lead."
  • Use operators: Utilize Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to narrow down your search results. For example, "melting point AND environmental treatment AND water treatment."
  • Check different sources: Don't rely solely on one source. Cross-reference information from various sources, including academic journals, government websites, and reputable organizations, to ensure accuracy.
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