Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: LOOP


LOOP: A Vital Concept in Wastewater Treatment and the Smith & Loveless Oxidation Ditch

The acronym LOOP stands for "Limited Oxygen Uptake Profile," a crucial concept in wastewater treatment that refers to the way microorganisms consume oxygen during biological processes. This concept forms the foundation for many efficient wastewater treatment systems, including the Smith & Loveless Oxidation Ditch, a widely-used package wastewater treatment process.

Understanding LOOP:

In a wastewater treatment plant, microorganisms are essential for breaking down organic matter and pollutants. These microorganisms require oxygen to survive and perform their cleaning duties. The LOOP concept is based on the observation that microorganisms consume oxygen at a specific rate, influenced by factors like temperature, available food sources, and the presence of inhibitors.

The LOOP profile typically follows a pattern:

  • Initial rapid oxygen consumption: As microorganisms encounter a fresh supply of organic matter, they consume oxygen at a high rate.
  • Declining consumption: As the organic matter is broken down, the oxygen consumption rate gradually decreases.
  • Steady state: Eventually, the consumption rate stabilizes, reaching a steady state where the oxygen demand is balanced by the oxygen supply.

The Smith & Loveless Oxidation Ditch:

The Smith & Loveless Oxidation Ditch is a unique wastewater treatment system that leverages the LOOP principle. It consists of a long, narrow channel with a continuous flow of wastewater. Air is constantly injected into the channel, creating an aerobic environment that encourages the growth of beneficial microorganisms.

Key features of the Smith & Loveless Oxidation Ditch:

  • High efficiency: The continuous flow and aeration provide optimal conditions for biological breakdown of organic matter.
  • Compact design: The long, narrow channel maximizes surface area for oxygen transfer, allowing for smaller footprint compared to other treatment systems.
  • Flexibility: It can be customized to handle a wide range of flow rates and wastewater compositions.
  • Low energy consumption: The system utilizes efficient aeration techniques, minimizing energy requirements.

How LOOP is Applied:

The Smith & Loveless Oxidation Ditch is designed to maximize the efficiency of the biological process by creating an environment that aligns with the LOOP profile. By continuously supplying oxygen, the system ensures that microorganisms are always actively consuming organic matter. This prevents the buildup of sludge and maximizes the removal of pollutants.

Benefits of the LOOP Concept:

The LOOP concept allows engineers to:

  • Optimize treatment efficiency: By understanding the oxygen consumption dynamics, they can design systems that provide the optimal balance of oxygen supply and demand.
  • Reduce energy consumption: By minimizing unnecessary aeration, the LOOP concept helps save energy and reduce operating costs.
  • Improve effluent quality: By ensuring efficient breakdown of organic matter, LOOP-based systems produce high-quality treated effluent.


The LOOP concept is a fundamental principle in wastewater treatment that guides the design of highly efficient and environmentally friendly systems. The Smith & Loveless Oxidation Ditch exemplifies how this concept can be effectively implemented to achieve high treatment efficiency with minimal environmental impact. As we continue to develop innovative solutions for wastewater management, the LOOP concept will remain an essential guiding principle.

Test Your Knowledge


Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the acronym LOOP stand for in wastewater treatment?

a) Low Oxygen Uptake Process b) Limited Oxygen Uptake Profile c) Long-term Oxygen Oxidation Process d) Liquid Oxygen Oxidation Program


b) Limited Oxygen Uptake Profile

2. Which of the following factors influences the rate of oxygen consumption by microorganisms in wastewater?

a) Temperature b) Available food sources c) Presence of inhibitors d) All of the above


d) All of the above

3. What is the typical pattern of oxygen consumption by microorganisms in a wastewater treatment system, according to the LOOP concept?

a) Steady and constant oxygen consumption throughout the process. b) Rapid consumption followed by gradual decline, eventually reaching a steady state. c) Slow consumption initially, increasing gradually over time. d) Fluctuating consumption with no clear pattern.


b) Rapid consumption followed by gradual decline, eventually reaching a steady state.

4. What is a key feature of the Smith & Loveless Oxidation Ditch that makes it highly efficient?

a) Use of a single, large aeration tank. b) Batch processing of wastewater. c) Continuous flow and aeration. d) Reliance on anaerobic bacteria.


c) Continuous flow and aeration.

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of applying the LOOP concept in wastewater treatment?

a) Optimized treatment efficiency b) Reduced energy consumption c) Increased sludge production d) Improved effluent quality


c) Increased sludge production

LOOP Exercise

Scenario: A wastewater treatment plant is experiencing problems with high levels of organic matter in its effluent. This is causing an increase in the plant's operating costs and negatively impacting the environment.


  1. Explain how the LOOP concept could be applied to improve the treatment efficiency and reduce the organic matter in the effluent.
  2. Describe how the Smith & Loveless Oxidation Ditch might be used to address this issue.

Exercice Correction

1. Applying the LOOP Concept: * The LOOP concept can be applied by analyzing the current oxygen supply and demand in the treatment system. * If the oxygen supply is insufficient, increasing aeration or optimizing aeration methods can improve the efficiency of the biological breakdown of organic matter. * Monitoring the oxygen consumption rate and adjusting the aeration system based on the LOOP profile can ensure optimal conditions for microbial activity. * This will lead to a more efficient breakdown of organic matter, resulting in lower levels of organic matter in the effluent. 2. Using the Smith & Loveless Oxidation Ditch: * The Smith & Loveless Oxidation Ditch, with its continuous flow and aeration, offers a suitable solution for this situation. * The system's design ensures that a consistent supply of oxygen is available for microorganisms to break down organic matter. * The long, narrow channel maximizes surface area for oxygen transfer, further enhancing the efficiency of the treatment process. * By implementing a Smith & Loveless Oxidation Ditch, the treatment plant can achieve a significant reduction in the organic matter in its effluent, leading to improved efficiency and environmental protection.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy (This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of wastewater treatment, including biological processes and the LOOP concept.)
  • Biological Wastewater Treatment: Principles, Modelling and Design by M. Henze, P. Harremoës, J.C. Wentzel, E. Arvin (This book delves into the biological fundamentals of wastewater treatment, discussing the LOOP concept and its application.)
  • Handbook of Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations by W. Wesley Eckenfelder (This handbook provides practical guidance on operating wastewater treatment plants, including sections on biological processes and the LOOP principle.)


  • "Limited Oxygen Uptake Profile (LOOP) and its Applications in Wastewater Treatment" by A.K. Rao and S.K. Singh (This article provides a detailed explanation of the LOOP concept and its various applications in wastewater treatment systems.)
  • "Smith & Loveless Oxidation Ditch: A Review of its Design and Performance" by J.C. Wentzel (This article discusses the design and operation of the Smith & Loveless Oxidation Ditch, highlighting its effectiveness in removing pollutants.)
  • "The Role of the Limited Oxygen Uptake Profile (LOOP) in Biological Wastewater Treatment" by J.P. Heijnen (This article examines the significance of the LOOP concept in optimizing biological treatment processes and improving effluent quality.)

Online Resources

  • EPA's Wastewater Treatment Technology Fact Sheet: (This EPA fact sheet provides an overview of various wastewater treatment technologies, including information on the Smith & Loveless Oxidation Ditch.)
  • Smith & Loveless Website: (The company's website offers detailed information about their oxidation ditch technology, including technical specifications and case studies.)
  • Wastewater Technology Centre (WTC): (The WTC website offers a range of resources on wastewater treatment, including articles, research reports, and training materials related to biological processes.)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "LOOP," try "Limited Oxygen Uptake Profile wastewater treatment," "LOOP Smith & Loveless," or "LOOP oxidation ditch."
  • Combine keywords: Use phrases like "LOOP concept application," "Smith & Loveless oxidation ditch design," or "LOOP principle wastewater treatment."
  • Utilize quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches, such as "Limited Oxygen Uptake Profile" or "Smith & Loveless Oxidation Ditch."
  • Filter by date: If you need recent information, filter your search results by date range to find the latest research and articles.
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