Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: lime-and-settle


Lime-and-Settle: A Classic in Water Treatment

Lime-and-settle, a time-honored water treatment method, holds a significant place in the field of environmental and water treatment. This straightforward technique harnesses the power of chemical precipitation and sedimentation to remove undesirable impurities from water, making it suitable for a variety of applications.

The Process in a Nutshell:

Lime-and-settle, as its name suggests, involves two key steps:

  1. Lime Addition: Lime (calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2) is added to the water. This triggers a series of chemical reactions, leading to the precipitation of dissolved impurities such as:

    • Hardness: Lime reacts with calcium and magnesium ions, forming insoluble carbonates that settle out.
    • Heavy Metals: Lime can precipitate metals like iron, manganese, and arsenic, making them easier to remove.
    • Phosphate: Lime reacts with phosphate ions, creating insoluble calcium phosphate, reducing nutrient levels in wastewater.
  2. Sedimentation: The precipitated solids, now suspended in the water, settle to the bottom of a large tank. This process, known as sedimentation, allows for the removal of the precipitated solids. The clear water on top is then drawn off for further treatment or discharge.

Common Applications:

Lime-and-settle is a versatile treatment process widely employed in:

  • Municipal Water Treatment: This process helps remove hardness, making water softer and more palatable. It also contributes to the removal of other impurities, ensuring safe drinking water.
  • Wastewater Treatment: Lime-and-settle is a crucial step in wastewater treatment, removing phosphorus and heavy metals, thus reducing the environmental impact of wastewater discharge.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Many industrial processes generate wastewater containing high levels of pollutants. Lime-and-settle can be used to remove these pollutants, enabling the safe reuse or discharge of the water.

Advantages and Disadvantages:

Lime-and-settle offers several advantages:

  • Cost-Effective: This method is generally inexpensive, particularly when using locally sourced lime.
  • Effective in Removing Various Impurities: Lime-and-settle can effectively remove a wide range of contaminants, including hardness, heavy metals, and phosphorus.
  • Simple Technology: The process is relatively straightforward to implement and maintain.

However, some drawbacks are associated with this method:

  • Large Space Requirements: The sedimentation tanks require considerable space, which can be a limiting factor in certain locations.
  • Sludge Management: The sludge generated during sedimentation requires proper disposal or further treatment.
  • pH Control: Lime addition can significantly increase the pH of the water, necessitating careful monitoring and adjustment.

Modern Advancements:

While lime-and-settle has served as a reliable treatment method for decades, modern innovations are enhancing its efficiency and sustainability:

  • Sludge Reduction Technologies: Techniques like flocculation and filtration can be integrated to reduce the volume of sludge produced.
  • Process Optimization: Advanced monitoring and control systems ensure optimal lime dosage and sedimentation efficiency.
  • Lime Recovery: New technologies are being explored to recover lime from the sludge, making the process more sustainable and cost-effective.


Lime-and-settle continues to be a valuable tool in the environmental and water treatment industry. Its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and effectiveness in removing a wide range of impurities make it a suitable choice for various applications. However, careful consideration should be given to its space requirements, sludge management, and pH control. As technology advances, lime-and-settle is expected to evolve, offering even greater efficiency and sustainability in the future.

Test Your Knowledge

Lime-and-Settle Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a primary impurity removed by the lime-and-settle process?

a) Hardness b) Heavy Metals c) Dissolved Oxygen d) Phosphate


c) Dissolved Oxygen

2. Lime-and-settle primarily relies on which two key steps?

a) Filtration and Disinfection b) Coagulation and Sedimentation c) Lime Addition and Sedimentation d) Aeration and Chlorination


c) Lime Addition and Sedimentation

3. What is a major disadvantage of the lime-and-settle process?

a) High energy consumption b) Large space requirements c) Inability to remove heavy metals d) Requirement for specialized equipment


b) Large space requirements

4. Which application does NOT benefit from lime-and-settle treatment?

a) Municipal water treatment b) Industrial wastewater treatment c) Agricultural irrigation d) Wastewater treatment


c) Agricultural irrigation

5. What is a recent advancement in lime-and-settle technology aiming to improve sustainability?

a) Using chlorine instead of lime b) Lime recovery from sludge c) Replacing sedimentation with filtration d) Removing the need for sedimentation tanks


b) Lime recovery from sludge

Lime-and-Settle Exercise:

Scenario: A municipal water treatment plant is using the lime-and-settle process to remove hardness from drinking water. They are experiencing a problem with excessive sludge accumulation in their sedimentation tanks.

Task: Identify two potential causes for the excessive sludge and propose two solutions to address the problem.

Exercice Correction

**Potential Causes:**

  1. **Over-dosing of Lime:** Adding too much lime can result in more precipitation than the system can handle, leading to excess sludge.
  2. **Inefficient Sedimentation:** Issues with the sedimentation tank design, flow rate, or settling time can prevent proper separation of solids, leading to sludge buildup.


  1. **Adjust Lime Dosage:** Optimize the lime dosage to ensure the correct amount is added, minimizing excess precipitation and sludge formation.
  2. **Improve Sedimentation Efficiency:** This could involve modifying the tank design, adjusting flow rates, adding flocculants to improve settling, or increasing the sedimentation time.


  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by C.J.D. Jackson - This comprehensive textbook covers all aspects of water treatment, including lime-and-settle, with detailed explanations and practical applications.
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations by Clarence W. Warren - Provides in-depth information about the operation and maintenance of water and wastewater treatment plants, including the lime-and-settle process.
  • Water Quality: An Introduction by David A. David & Arthur J. Horne - Covers the basics of water quality, including the role of lime-and-settle in removing contaminants.


  • Lime softening of water: A critical review by K.J. Chudasama & J.R. Gowda (Journal of Environmental Management) - A comprehensive analysis of lime softening, covering its advantages, disadvantages, and various aspects of the process.
  • Lime treatment for removal of phosphorus from wastewater by M. Geng et al. (Environmental Science & Technology) - Explores the effectiveness of lime in removing phosphorus from wastewater, a crucial aspect of wastewater treatment.
  • Advances in lime-based wastewater treatment by S. Wang et al. (Chemosphere) - A review of recent innovations and improvements in lime-based wastewater treatment, including sludge reduction technologies and lime recovery methods.

Online Resources

  • Water Treatment Engineering - Lime Softening by Texas Water Development Board - A detailed guide on the principles, design, and operation of lime softening, with diagrams and practical examples.
  • Lime Treatment by US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Provides information about the use of lime in water treatment, including its application, advantages, and potential challenges.
  • Water Treatment Process: Lime Softening by Environmental Engineering Solutions - An overview of lime softening, explaining the chemical reactions involved, the equipment used, and the benefits of this method.

Search Tips

  • "Lime softening water treatment": This will lead you to a broad range of results, including articles, websites, and research papers.
  • "Lime treatment wastewater": Focusing on wastewater treatment will bring up articles related to phosphorus removal, heavy metal removal, and sludge management.
  • "Lime recovery technology": Searching for lime recovery will show you advancements in making lime treatment more sustainable.
  • "Lime and settle process design": This will help you find resources on the practical design and engineering aspects of lime-and-settle systems.
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