Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: laundering weir

laundering weir

Laundering Weirs: A Vital Component of Water Treatment Systems

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, maintaining efficient and consistent flow rates is crucial for achieving optimal treatment outcomes. Laundering weirs, specifically v-notched overflow weirs, play a critical role in achieving this goal.

What is a Laundering Weir?

A laundering weir is a structural component typically installed in open channels or tanks, designed to control the flow of water by regulating the water level. It functions by creating a specific head (difference in water level) across its crest, which then dictates the flow rate over the weir.

V-Notched Overflow Weirs: Promoting Uniform Flow

V-notched overflow weirs are a popular type of laundering weir due to their ability to promote uniform flow rates. Their characteristic v-shape creates a progressively narrowing opening as the water level rises. This unique design has several key benefits:

  • Precise Flow Control: The v-notch design ensures a consistent flow rate regardless of fluctuations in the water level. This is crucial for achieving accurate and reliable treatment processes.
  • Uniform Distribution: The narrowing opening at higher water levels helps to distribute the water flow more evenly across the weir's crest. This prevents localized areas of high flow and ensures a consistent treatment throughout the entire system.
  • Reduced Energy Dissipation: The v-notch shape allows for a smooth transition of water over the weir, minimizing energy dissipation and turbulence. This can improve the overall efficiency of the water treatment system.

Applications of Laundering Weirs in Water Treatment

Laundering weirs, particularly v-notched overflow weirs, find applications in various water treatment scenarios:

  • Sedimentation Tanks: They control the flow of water into sedimentation tanks, ensuring uniform distribution of the wastewater and promoting efficient sedimentation.
  • Filtration Systems: Laundering weirs regulate the flow of water through filter beds, optimizing filtration efficiency and minimizing clogging.
  • Overflow Control: They can act as overflow structures, preventing excessive water levels in tanks and channels, thereby safeguarding against flooding.


Laundering weirs, particularly v-notched overflow weirs, are essential components of efficient water treatment systems. Their ability to promote uniform flow rates, precisely control flow, and distribute water evenly contributes significantly to optimizing treatment outcomes and ensuring safe and effective wastewater management.

Test Your Knowledge

Laundering Weirs Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a laundering weir in a water treatment system?

a) To remove impurities from the water. b) To control the flow rate of water. c) To aerate the water. d) To measure the volume of water.


b) To control the flow rate of water.

2. Which type of weir is commonly used to promote uniform flow in water treatment systems?

a) Rectangular weir. b) Triangular weir. c) V-notched overflow weir. d) Circular weir.


c) V-notched overflow weir.

3. What is the main advantage of a v-notched overflow weir compared to a rectangular weir?

a) It requires less space. b) It is easier to install. c) It promotes uniform flow distribution. d) It is more resistant to clogging.


c) It promotes uniform flow distribution.

4. In which of the following water treatment processes are laundering weirs commonly used?

a) Disinfection. b) Coagulation. c) Sedimentation. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. What is the main benefit of using a laundering weir in a sedimentation tank?

a) It prevents the formation of sludge. b) It improves the settling efficiency of particles. c) It reduces the volume of wastewater. d) It adds chlorine to the water.


b) It improves the settling efficiency of particles.

Laundering Weirs Exercise

Scenario: You are designing a new sedimentation tank for a wastewater treatment plant. The tank will have a rectangular shape with a width of 10 meters and a length of 20 meters. You want to install a v-notched overflow weir along the length of the tank to control the flow rate of wastewater entering the tank. The desired flow rate is 100 liters per second.


  1. Calculate the required head (difference in water level) across the weir to achieve the desired flow rate of 100 liters per second.
  2. Choose a suitable v-notch angle for the weir based on the available information.
  3. Explain how the chosen v-notch angle affects the flow rate and uniformity of water distribution.

Exercice Correction

The correction will depend on the specific formula used to calculate the flow rate over a v-notched weir, which varies depending on the resources used. The student should show their work and provide a logical explanation for their choice of v-notch angle and its effect on flow rate and distribution. A well-reasoned explanation and appropriate calculations will constitute a successful exercise solution.


  • Fluid Mechanics by Frank M. White - This classic textbook offers a comprehensive understanding of fluid flow principles, including weirs and their design.
  • Water Treatment Engineering by David A. Cornwell - This book focuses on the practical aspects of water treatment, including the role of weirs in sedimentation and filtration processes.
  • Handbook of Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations by William D. Reece - This handbook provides detailed information on various aspects of wastewater treatment, including the operation and maintenance of weirs.


  • "Weir Flow Measurement: Principles and Applications" by J.P. Tullis - This article dives into the theory and practical applications of weir flow measurement, which is crucial for understanding and optimizing weir performance.
  • "V-Notch Weir Design for Open Channel Flow" by R.J. Houghtalen - This article focuses specifically on the design and analysis of v-notched weirs, providing insights into their specific advantages.
  • "Laundering Weirs in Water Treatment Plant Design" by A.B. Sharma - This article discusses the role of laundering weirs in water treatment plants, emphasizing their use in sedimentation tanks and filtration systems.

Online Resources

  • "Weir Flow Measurement" by USGS - This website offers a detailed overview of weir flow measurement principles, including the different types of weirs and their applications.
  • "V-notch Weir Calculator" - This online tool allows you to calculate the flow rate over a v-notched weir based on specific dimensions and water levels.
  • "Hydraulics of Open Channels" by ASCE - This online resource provides comprehensive information on the hydraulics of open channels, including the principles of weir flow.

Search Tips

  • "Laundering weir design": This search will provide articles, documents, and resources related to the design of laundering weirs.
  • "V-notch weir equation": This search will give you information on the mathematical equations used to calculate flow rates over v-notched weirs.
  • "Laundering weir applications in water treatment": This search will focus on the specific applications of laundering weirs in water treatment systems.
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