Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: iodine number

iodine number

Understanding Iodine Number: A Key Metric for Activated Carbon Performance in Environmental & Water Treatment

Activated carbon, a porous material with an extensive surface area, is widely used in environmental and water treatment applications to remove various contaminants. One crucial parameter for assessing the effectiveness of activated carbon is its iodine number. This article delves into the significance of iodine number, its determination, and its relevance in selecting the right activated carbon for specific treatment goals.

What is Iodine Number?

The iodine number represents a surrogate value that quantifies an activated carbon's ability to adsorb low molecular weight organic compounds. It is determined by measuring the amount of iodine, a small, easily adsorbable molecule, that is adsorbed by a specific weight of activated carbon from a standardized solution.

How is Iodine Number Measured?

The iodine number is typically determined through a standardized laboratory procedure. A known amount of activated carbon is mixed with a solution containing a known concentration of iodine. After a specific time, the remaining iodine concentration in the solution is measured. The iodine number is then calculated based on the amount of iodine adsorbed by the activated carbon.

Significance of Iodine Number in Environmental & Water Treatment:

A higher iodine number indicates a greater adsorption capacity for low molecular weight organic compounds. This is important for various water treatment applications, including:

  • Removal of taste and odor compounds: Many organic compounds responsible for unpleasant tastes and odors in water are low molecular weight. A high iodine number in the activated carbon ensures efficient removal of these compounds.
  • Removal of disinfection byproducts (DBPs): DBPs are formed during water disinfection processes and can pose health risks. Activated carbon with a high iodine number can effectively remove certain DBPs, improving water quality.
  • Removal of organic pollutants: Many industrial wastewaters and contaminated surface waters contain low molecular weight organic pollutants. Activated carbon with a high iodine number is essential for their effective removal.

Factors Affecting Iodine Number:

The iodine number of an activated carbon is influenced by several factors, including:

  • Source material: Different source materials for activated carbon production (e.g., coal, wood, coconut shell) result in varying pore structures and surface areas, affecting the iodine number.
  • Activation method: The specific method used to activate the carbon (e.g., steam activation, chemical activation) significantly affects the pore structure and adsorption capacity.
  • Particle size: Smaller particle sizes generally have higher surface areas and therefore, higher iodine numbers.

Choosing the Right Activated Carbon:

The iodine number is a valuable tool for selecting the appropriate activated carbon for specific water treatment applications. While a high iodine number is desirable for removing low molecular weight organics, other factors should also be considered, such as:

  • Target pollutants: The specific type of organic contaminants to be removed dictates the optimal pore size distribution and adsorption properties of the activated carbon.
  • Flow rate and contact time: Higher flow rates require activated carbons with larger pore sizes and better mass transfer characteristics.
  • Cost-effectiveness: While a high iodine number indicates high performance, choosing an activated carbon with a suitable iodine number and cost-effectiveness is crucial.


The iodine number is a key parameter for evaluating the performance of activated carbon in environmental and water treatment applications. It provides a reliable measure of its ability to adsorb low molecular weight organic compounds, crucial for removing taste and odor compounds, DBPs, and various pollutants. Understanding the significance of iodine number and its influence by various factors helps in selecting the optimal activated carbon for specific treatment needs, ensuring efficient removal of contaminants and achieving desired water quality.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Iodine Number in Activated Carbon

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the iodine number of activated carbon represent?

(a) The total surface area of the activated carbon (b) The ability to adsorb heavy metal ions (c) The ability to adsorb low molecular weight organic compounds (d) The strength of the activated carbon material


(c) The ability to adsorb low molecular weight organic compounds

2. Which of the following factors does NOT influence the iodine number of activated carbon?

(a) Source material (b) Activation method (c) Particle size (d) pH of the solution


(d) pH of the solution

3. A higher iodine number indicates:

(a) Lower adsorption capacity (b) Greater adsorption capacity (c) Lower surface area (d) Higher cost


(b) Greater adsorption capacity

4. Iodine number is particularly important for which of the following water treatment applications?

(a) Removal of suspended solids (b) Removal of iron and manganese (c) Removal of taste and odor compounds (d) Removal of bacteria and viruses


(c) Removal of taste and odor compounds

5. When selecting activated carbon for water treatment, which factor should be considered ALONG with the iodine number?

(a) The cost of the activated carbon (b) The type of organic contaminant to be removed (c) The flow rate and contact time (d) All of the above


(d) All of the above

Exercise: Choosing the Right Activated Carbon

Scenario: You are tasked with selecting activated carbon for a water treatment plant that needs to remove taste and odor compounds, as well as some disinfection byproducts (DBPs). Two types of activated carbon are available:

  • Carbon A: Iodine number = 800 mg/g, Particle size = 0.5 mm, Cost = $10/kg
  • Carbon B: Iodine number = 1200 mg/g, Particle size = 1.0 mm, Cost = $15/kg


  1. Based on the iodine number, which activated carbon would be more effective for removing taste and odor compounds and DBPs? Explain your reasoning.
  2. Considering the particle size, which carbon might be more suitable for high flow rates?
  3. Taking into account the cost, which carbon might be more cost-effective for this application? Explain your reasoning.

Exercice Correction

1. **Carbon B** would be more effective due to its higher iodine number (1200 mg/g) indicating a greater capacity for adsorbing low molecular weight organic compounds like taste and odor compounds and DBPs. 2. **Carbon A** with a smaller particle size (0.5 mm) would be more suitable for high flow rates. Smaller particles provide a larger surface area for adsorption, allowing for faster removal of contaminants. 3. **Carbon A** might be more cost-effective. While Carbon B offers higher adsorption capacity, its higher cost ($15/kg) compared to Carbon A ($10/kg) might make it less economical for this application. The specific flow rate and contaminant levels would need to be considered to determine the optimal balance between cost and performance.


  • "Activated Carbon: Characterization and Applications" by M. J. McKee - Offers a comprehensive overview of activated carbon, including chapters on characterization techniques like iodine number determination.
  • "Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by Davis and Cornwell - Covers various water treatment technologies, with dedicated sections on activated carbon and its properties like iodine number.
  • "Activated Carbon: An Introduction to its Chemistry and Physics" by Richard T. Yang - Provides in-depth insights into the fundamentals of activated carbon, covering adsorption mechanisms and how iodine number relates to its performance.


  • "Iodine Number: A Simple and Effective Method for Characterizing Activated Carbon for Water Treatment" by A. Kumar and S. K. Gupta - A detailed explanation of the iodine number test and its application in water treatment, including a discussion on the influence of various factors on the number.
  • "Activated Carbon for Water Treatment: A Review" by B. D. Gupta - A review article exploring the wide range of applications of activated carbon in water treatment, highlighting the importance of iodine number as a critical parameter for selection.
  • "The Role of Iodine Number in Assessing the Performance of Activated Carbon for Drinking Water Treatment" by R. J. Knapik - This article specifically discusses the use of iodine number in selecting activated carbon for drinking water applications, focusing on the removal of taste and odor compounds and DBPs.

Online Resources

  • Activated Carbon Handbook by Cabot Corporation: This resource offers detailed information on activated carbon, including sections on iodine number, its significance, and how it relates to other adsorption parameters.
  • "Iodine Number Determination of Activated Carbon" by ASTM International: This online document provides the standard testing method for determining iodine number according to ASTM D4607.
  • "Activated Carbon: A Guide to Selection and Use" by Chemviron Carbon: This comprehensive guide explores various aspects of activated carbon, including its properties like iodine number, and their significance in different applications.

Search Tips

  • Use specific search terms like "iodine number activated carbon water treatment," "activated carbon iodine number test," or "activated carbon iodine number significance" to find relevant articles and resources.
  • Include "pdf" in your search to filter for downloadable documents and technical reports.
  • Explore specific websites like ASTM International, CABOT Corporation, Chemviron Carbon, and Water Research Foundation to find in-depth information and technical resources related to activated carbon and iodine number.
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