Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH)

immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH)

Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH): A Vital Safety Measure in Environmental & Water Treatment

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, working with hazardous materials is a daily reality. These substances, while essential for various processes, can pose significant risks to human health. To safeguard workers and ensure safe operations, the concept of Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH) plays a crucial role.

What is IDLH?

IDLH is defined as the maximum environmental concentration of a substance from which one could escape within 30 minutes without irreversible adverse health effects. This value, established by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), represents a critical threshold beyond which exposure can quickly become life-threatening.

Importance of IDLH in Environmental & Water Treatment

The IDLH concept is vital in various aspects of environmental and water treatment:

  • Emergency Response: In case of accidental releases or spills, knowing the IDLH for the substance involved allows for immediate and effective emergency response. Workers can be evacuated promptly, ensuring their safety and preventing irreversible harm.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): IDLH values inform the selection of appropriate PPE for specific tasks. This ensures that workers are adequately protected against potential hazards during their activities.
  • Workplace Safety: The IDLH concept drives the establishment of safe work practices, ventilation systems, and emergency preparedness plans within treatment facilities. This helps minimize exposure risks and maintain a safe working environment.
  • Compliance and Regulations: IDLH values are often referenced in occupational safety and health regulations, providing clear guidelines for managing hazardous substances.

Examples of IDLH in Environmental & Water Treatment

Here are a few examples of substances commonly encountered in environmental and water treatment with their respective IDLH values:

  • Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S): IDLH = 100 ppm (parts per million) - This highly toxic gas is a common byproduct of wastewater treatment processes.
  • Chlorine (Cl2): IDLH = 25 ppm - Chlorine, used for water disinfection, can be hazardous if inhaled.
  • Carbon Monoxide (CO): IDLH = 1500 ppm - A product of incomplete combustion, carbon monoxide can be present in various industrial processes.


The IDLH concept is an essential tool for ensuring worker safety in environmental and water treatment. By understanding the risks associated with hazardous substances and implementing appropriate safety measures, we can minimize potential harm and maintain a healthy work environment.

It's crucial to remember that IDLH values are a guideline and should not be seen as an absolute threshold. Always prioritize a cautious approach and refer to the latest recommendations from authoritative sources.

Test Your Knowledge

IDLH Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does IDLH stand for? a) Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health b) Industrial Danger of Life Hazards c) Instantaneous Damage to Life or Health d) Industrial Death and Life Hazard


a) Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health

2. What is the primary purpose of IDLH values? a) To determine the amount of hazardous substance that can be released into the environment. b) To establish the maximum concentration of a substance a worker can be exposed to for 8 hours without harm. c) To define the maximum concentration of a substance from which one could escape within 30 minutes without irreversible health effects. d) To calculate the amount of personal protective equipment needed for specific tasks.


c) To define the maximum concentration of a substance from which one could escape within 30 minutes without irreversible health effects.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using IDLH values in environmental and water treatment? a) Improved emergency response procedures b) Proper selection of personal protective equipment c) Accurate prediction of long-term health effects d) Establishment of safe work practices


c) Accurate prediction of long-term health effects

4. Which of the following substances has an IDLH value of 100 ppm? a) Chlorine b) Carbon Monoxide c) Hydrogen Sulfide d) Ozone


c) Hydrogen Sulfide

5. True or False: IDLH values are absolute thresholds and should be used as the sole basis for safety decisions. a) True b) False


b) False

IDLH Exercise:

Scenario: You are working in a water treatment plant that uses chlorine for disinfection. A small leak occurs in a chlorine tank, releasing a small amount of gas into the air. You have a gas mask with a chlorine-specific filter, but you are unsure if it's sufficient protection.


  1. Identify the IDLH value for chlorine.
  2. Based on the IDLH value, determine if your gas mask with a chlorine-specific filter is sufficient protection in this scenario.
  3. Describe at least two other safety measures you should implement in this situation.

Exercice Correction

1. **IDLH value for chlorine:** 25 ppm

2. **Gas mask sufficiency:** You need to determine the chlorine concentration in the air to assess the risk. If the concentration is below the IDLH value of 25 ppm, your chlorine-specific filter should provide sufficient protection. However, if the concentration is higher, you should immediately evacuate the area and seek professional help.

3. **Other safety measures:**

  • **Isolate the leak:** Stop the flow of chlorine gas if possible.
  • **Ventilation:** Increase ventilation in the affected area to dilute the chlorine concentration.
  • **Evacuation:** Evacuate all personnel from the affected area if the concentration exceeds safe levels.


  • "Occupational Safety and Health for Environmental Professionals" by James P. Lee and Kenneth W. Dodd: This comprehensive text covers various aspects of safety in environmental professions, including IDLH and its importance in risk assessment and emergency response.
  • "Industrial Hygiene for Engineers" by William N. Rom: This book provides a practical guide to industrial hygiene practices, including hazard identification, risk assessment, and control measures for substances with IDLH values.
  • "The NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards" by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH): This pocket guide contains a detailed list of chemicals with their respective IDLH values and other safety information.


  • "IDLH Values: A Critical Review" by Robert A. Rinsky: This article examines the scientific basis for IDLH values and discusses challenges associated with their determination.
  • "The Role of IDLH Values in Environmental and Water Treatment Operations" by David M. Taylor: This article focuses on the specific application of IDLH values in the context of environmental and water treatment processes.

Online Resources

  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH): - The official NIOSH website offers a wealth of information on IDLH, including the "NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards" and various research publications.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): - OSHA's website provides information on workplace safety regulations and standards, including those related to IDLH values and hazardous materials handling.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): - AWWA is a professional organization dedicated to safe water treatment and supply. They provide resources on water treatment processes, safety protocols, and regulatory compliance.

Search Tips

  • "IDLH values" + "chemical name": To find the IDLH for a specific chemical, use this search string along with the name of the substance.
  • "IDLH" + "environmental treatment": This search will provide articles and resources related to IDLH applications in environmental management and treatment.
  • "IDLH" + "emergency response": This search will lead you to information on how IDLH values guide emergency response procedures.
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