Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: Hydroclean


Hydroclean: Revolutionizing Combined Sewer Overflow Treatment with Fine Screening

Combined sewer systems, common in older cities, pose a significant environmental challenge. During heavy rainfall, these systems can overflow, discharging untreated wastewater and debris directly into waterways, polluting our rivers and lakes. Hydroclean, a revolutionary technology, offers a solution to this problem through efficient and reliable fine screening of combined sewer overflows (CSOs).

Grande, Novac & Associates, Inc. (GNA), a leader in environmental engineering, specializes in the design and implementation of Hydroclean systems. These systems employ high-capacity screens that effectively remove debris and solids from CSOs before they reach waterways. This process significantly reduces the environmental impact of these overflows, protecting aquatic ecosystems and improving water quality.

The Hydroclean System:

  • High-Capacity Screening: Hydroclean systems utilize specialized, self-cleaning screens capable of handling large volumes of flow while efficiently removing debris as small as 2 millimeters. This fine screening ensures effective removal of harmful pollutants, including organic matter, plastics, and other debris.
  • Automatic Cleaning: The screens are equipped with automatic cleaning mechanisms that remove collected debris, ensuring continuous operation and minimizing maintenance needs.
  • Environmental Benefits: Hydroclean systems significantly reduce the discharge of pollutants into waterways, mitigating environmental damage and promoting a cleaner, healthier ecosystem.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: The system's efficiency and low maintenance requirements contribute to cost-effectiveness, making it a viable solution for municipalities facing CSO challenges.

Benefits of Hydroclean for CSO Treatment:

  • Reduced Pollution: The fine screening process eliminates a large portion of pollutants from CSOs, significantly reducing the harmful impact on aquatic environments.
  • Improved Water Quality: Clean water is crucial for public health and recreation. Hydroclean systems contribute to a cleaner, healthier water supply by removing pollutants from CSOs.
  • Reduced Environmental Impact: By reducing the volume and toxicity of CSO discharges, Hydroclean systems minimize the environmental impact of these overflows.
  • Compliance with Regulations: The technology helps municipalities meet stringent environmental regulations regarding CSO management and water quality standards.

GNA's expertise in Hydroclean technology:

GNA possesses extensive experience in designing and implementing Hydroclean systems for CSO treatment. Their team of engineers and professionals is dedicated to providing efficient and sustainable solutions for water quality management. GNA works closely with municipalities to tailor Hydroclean systems to specific needs and local environmental conditions, ensuring maximum effectiveness and long-term sustainability.


Hydroclean offers a compelling solution to the challenges posed by combined sewer overflows. By effectively removing debris and pollutants, this technology plays a crucial role in protecting our waterways and ensuring a cleaner, healthier environment for future generations. GNA's expertise in Hydroclean systems makes them a valuable partner for municipalities seeking to implement sustainable and cost-effective CSO management solutions.

Test Your Knowledge

Hydroclean Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary environmental challenge addressed by Hydroclean technology?

a) Air pollution from industrial emissions b) Contamination of groundwater by agricultural runoff c) Combined sewer overflows discharging untreated wastewater into waterways d) Oil spills in the ocean


c) Combined sewer overflows discharging untreated wastewater into waterways

2. What is the key function of Hydroclean systems in treating combined sewer overflows?

a) Chemical treatment of wastewater b) Fine screening of debris and solids c) Evaporation of wastewater d) Diverting overflows to separate treatment plants


b) Fine screening of debris and solids

3. How do Hydroclean systems ensure continuous operation and minimize maintenance?

a) They use manual cleaning methods. b) They are designed with self-cleaning mechanisms. c) They rely on regular human intervention for maintenance. d) They require specialized cleaning chemicals.


b) They are designed with self-cleaning mechanisms.

4. What is a significant environmental benefit of implementing Hydroclean systems?

a) Increased energy consumption b) Reduced carbon emissions c) Improved water quality in rivers and lakes d) Increased waste disposal


c) Improved water quality in rivers and lakes

5. Which company specializes in the design and implementation of Hydroclean systems?

a) Hydroclean Technologies, Inc. b) Grande, Novac & Associates, Inc. (GNA) c) Water Quality Solutions, LLC d) Environmental Engineering Group


b) Grande, Novac & Associates, Inc. (GNA)

Hydroclean Exercise:

Task: Imagine you are a city council member tasked with presenting the benefits of implementing Hydroclean systems to your community. You need to create a short presentation highlighting the key benefits and addressing potential concerns about costs and implementation.


  1. Identify the main benefits of Hydroclean for your community.
  2. Address potential concerns about the cost and implementation of the system.
  3. Outline how the city council can make a compelling case for investing in Hydroclean.

Exercice Correction

This is a sample answer, feel free to adapt it according to your own needs and creativity:

Presentation Outline:


  • Begin by acknowledging the challenge of CSOs and their impact on the environment and public health.
  • Introduce Hydroclean as a proven solution for addressing these challenges.

Benefits for our Community:

  • Improved Water Quality: Emphasize the importance of clean water for public health, recreation, and aquatic life.
  • Reduced Pollution: Highlight the direct impact of CSOs on local rivers and lakes, and how Hydroclean can mitigate these harmful effects.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Explain how Hydroclean systems ensure compliance with environmental regulations and avoid potential fines.

Addressing Concerns:

  • Cost: Acknowledge the initial investment, but emphasize the long-term cost savings through reduced maintenance and fines, as well as the environmental and health benefits.
  • Implementation: Explain the process of implementing Hydroclean, highlighting the expertise and support available from GNA.


  • Reiterate the importance of clean water and the environmental responsibility of the city.
  • Emphasize the long-term benefits and sustainability of Hydroclean technology.
  • Call for action, encouraging the council to invest in Hydroclean for the betterment of the community.

Additional Tips:

  • Use visuals and data to support your points.
  • Involve community members and stakeholders in the decision-making process.
  • Showcase successful Hydroclean implementations in similar communities.


  • Combined Sewer Overflow Control: Design, Operation, and Management by Richard C. Brenner, James L. Cleasby, and Ronald C. Loehr (This book offers comprehensive information on CSOs and their management, including different treatment technologies)


  • "Fine Screening for Combined Sewer Overflow Treatment: A Review" by [Author Name] (Search for articles focusing on fine screening technology and its application in CSO treatment)
  • "Hydroclean: A Case Study in Efficient Combined Sewer Overflow Management" (This article would be an in-depth analysis of a specific application of Hydroclean technology, highlighting its benefits and challenges)

Online Resources

  • Grande, Novac & Associates, Inc. (GNA) Website: [Website URL] (GNA's website would provide detailed information about their services, including Hydroclean technology, case studies, and technical specifications)
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Website: [Website URL] (EPA website offers extensive resources on combined sewer overflows, regulations, and best management practices)
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF) Website: [Website URL] (WEF's website provides valuable information on water quality management, including CSO treatment technologies, research, and industry best practices)

Search Tips

  • Use precise keywords: "Hydroclean combined sewer overflow treatment," "fine screening CSO," "CSO management technologies."
  • Combine keywords with location: "Hydroclean [city name]," "CSO treatment [state name]" to narrow down searches to relevant projects or research.
  • Use Boolean operators: "Hydroclean AND fine screening," "CSO treatment OR Hydroclean" to refine your search results.
  • Include relevant technical terms: "screen mesh size," "automatic cleaning mechanisms," "debris removal efficiency."
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