Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Hydrocell


Hydrocells: A Powerful Tool for Water Treatment with Induced Air Flotation Separators

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, "Hydrocell" refers to a specialized technology employed for the separation of suspended solids from water. This method, often utilizing induced air flotation (IAF) separators manufactured by companies like USFilter/Whittier, relies on the principle of buoyancy to remove contaminants.

How Hydrocells Work: A Breakdown of Induced Air Flotation

IAF separators, also known as Hydrocells, work by introducing tiny air bubbles into the water stream. These bubbles attach themselves to the suspended solids, effectively decreasing the density of the contaminated particles. This buoyancy effect allows the solids to rise to the surface, where they can be collected and removed.

Key Features of USFilter/Whittier's Hydrocells:

  • High Efficiency: IAF separators designed by USFilter/Whittier boast exceptional removal rates for a wide range of contaminants, including oils, greases, suspended solids, and biological matter.
  • Versatility: Hydrocells find applications in diverse water treatment scenarios, from industrial wastewater to potable water treatment, and even municipal sewage treatment.
  • Customization: USFilter/Whittier offers tailored Hydrocell designs to suit specific process requirements, ensuring optimal performance for each application.
  • Minimal Footprint: Hydrocells are compact and can be easily integrated into existing water treatment facilities.
  • Reduced Chemical Use: By relying on air injection rather than chemical flocculation, IAF separators minimize the use of chemicals, promoting environmental sustainability.

Benefits of Using Hydrocells:

  • Improved Water Quality: Hydrocells effectively remove suspended solids, resulting in cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing water.
  • Reduced Operational Costs: The high efficiency of IAF separators translates to lower operating expenses, as less energy and chemicals are required.
  • Enhanced Environmental Protection: By minimizing chemical usage and reducing sludge generation, Hydrocells contribute to a more sustainable water treatment process.
  • Reliable Performance: USFilter/Whittier's Hydrocells are built to last, offering long-term reliability and minimal maintenance requirements.

Applications of Hydrocell Technology:

  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Hydrocells effectively remove oil, grease, and suspended solids from industrial wastewater, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations.
  • Potable Water Treatment: IAF separators play a vital role in the removal of turbidity and algae from raw water, ensuring the production of safe and palatable drinking water.
  • Municipal Sewage Treatment: Hydrocells aid in the removal of organic matter and suspended solids from sewage, enhancing the efficiency of sewage treatment plants.
  • Food and Beverage Processing: Hydrocells are essential for cleaning and purifying wastewater generated in food and beverage production facilities, minimizing contamination risks.


Hydrocells, powered by induced air flotation technology, offer a reliable and sustainable solution for various water treatment challenges. USFilter/Whittier's expertise in designing and manufacturing these systems ensures high performance, efficiency, and environmental responsibility. By leveraging the power of buoyancy, Hydrocells contribute to cleaner water, reduced operational costs, and a more sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge

Hydrocells Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind the operation of a Hydrocell? a) Chemical flocculation b) Magnetic separation c) Gravity settling d) Induced air flotation


d) Induced air flotation

2. Which company is a prominent manufacturer of Hydrocells using Induced Air Flotation (IAF) technology? a) Siemens b) GE Water c) USFilter/Whittier d) Veolia


c) USFilter/Whittier

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using Hydrocells? a) Improved water quality b) Increased chemical usage c) Reduced operational costs d) Enhanced environmental protection


b) Increased chemical usage

4. In which of the following applications are Hydrocells commonly used? a) Industrial wastewater treatment b) Potable water treatment c) Municipal sewage treatment d) All of the above


d) All of the above

5. How do air bubbles contribute to the separation of suspended solids in a Hydrocell? a) They dissolve the solids b) They increase the density of the solids c) They attach to the solids, reducing their density d) They trap the solids at the bottom of the tank


c) They attach to the solids, reducing their density

Hydrocell Exercise:

Problem: A wastewater treatment plant is experiencing difficulties removing oil and grease from its effluent. Currently, they rely on a chemical flocculation process, but it is not achieving the desired removal rate. They are considering implementing a Hydrocell system.


  1. Analyze the situation: Identify the key challenges faced by the wastewater treatment plant.
  2. Propose a solution: Explain how a Hydrocell system could address these challenges and improve the effluent quality.
  3. Highlight the advantages: Describe the specific benefits of using a Hydrocell in this scenario.

Exercice Correction

**1. Analysis:** The wastewater treatment plant is struggling to remove oil and grease from its effluent using a chemical flocculation process. This indicates that the current method is not effective enough. **2. Proposed Solution:** Implementing a Hydrocell system using Induced Air Flotation (IAF) technology could significantly improve the removal of oil and grease. The IAF process introduces tiny air bubbles that attach to the oil and grease particles, reducing their density and causing them to rise to the surface for collection. **3. Advantages:** * **Improved Removal Efficiency:** IAF technology is highly effective in removing oil and grease, potentially achieving a higher removal rate than the existing chemical flocculation process. * **Reduced Chemical Usage:** Hydrocells minimize the use of chemicals, leading to environmental benefits and reduced operating costs. * **Improved Effluent Quality:** The effective removal of oil and grease would significantly improve the effluent quality, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and minimizing potential harm to receiving waters.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design by McGraw-Hill - This comprehensive book covers various water treatment technologies, including induced air flotation.
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment by James A. McWhirter - This reference guide delves into the principles and practices of wastewater treatment, with a chapter dedicated to flotation processes.
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. - This authoritative text explores wastewater treatment methods, including air flotation technology.


  • "Induced Air Flotation: A Versatile Technology for Water Treatment" by Water Environment & Technology - This article provides an overview of induced air flotation, its applications, and advantages.
  • "Comparative Evaluation of Different Air Flotation Technologies for Wastewater Treatment" by Journal of Environmental Engineering - This research paper compares the efficiency of different air flotation techniques.
  • "The Application of Induced Air Flotation for the Removal of Suspended Solids from Industrial Wastewater" by Water Research - This study focuses on the effectiveness of IAF in treating industrial wastewater.

Online Resources

  • USFilter/Whittier Website: - This website features information on their Hydrocell technology and its applications.
  • "Induced Air Flotation" on Wikipedia: - This Wikipedia page provides a general overview of the technology.
  • "Air Flotation" on the Water Environment Federation (WEF) website: - WEF's website offers resources and publications related to water treatment technologies, including air flotation.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "induced air flotation," "hydrocell," "IAF separator," "USFilter/Whittier," "water treatment."
  • Combine keywords with relevant terms: "induced air flotation wastewater treatment," "hydrocell industrial applications," "IAF separator efficiency."
  • Use quotation marks for exact phrases: "induced air flotation technology" to find results that match the specific phrase.
  • Refine your search with filters: "date" (to find recent publications), "filetype" (to find specific document types), "region" (to focus on specific geographical areas).
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