Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Hydro-Chek


Hydro-Chek: A Powerful Tool for Efficient Water Treatment

Hydro-Chek, a widely recognized term in the field of environmental and water treatment, refers to a comprehensive approach to water purification that emphasizes the use of dissolved oxygen to enhance the effectiveness of various treatment processes. This method relies on the principle that increased dissolved oxygen levels can significantly improve the performance of biological, chemical, and physical water treatment technologies.

One crucial component of Hydro-Chek systems are coarse bubble diffusers, like those offered by Pollution Control Systems, Inc. These diffusers play a vital role in introducing oxygen into the water, facilitating a more efficient and effective treatment process.

Coarse bubble diffusers offer numerous advantages compared to other oxygenation methods:

  • Efficient Oxygen Transfer: Coarse bubbles, due to their larger size, rise slower in the water column, offering more time for oxygen to dissolve. This results in higher oxygen transfer efficiency compared to fine bubble diffusers.
  • Reduced Energy Consumption: The slower ascent of coarse bubbles requires less energy to achieve the desired dissolved oxygen levels, making the process more cost-effective.
  • Durability: Coarse bubble diffusers are known for their robust construction, capable of withstanding the harsh conditions often encountered in wastewater treatment plants.
  • Low Maintenance: These diffusers require minimal maintenance, reducing operational costs and downtime.

Pollution Control Systems, Inc., a renowned manufacturer of water treatment equipment, offers a wide range of Hydro-Chek compatible coarse bubble diffusers. Their products are designed for various applications, including:

  • Wastewater treatment: Improving biological treatment processes by enhancing oxygen availability.
  • Industrial process water treatment: Optimizing chemical reactions and reducing fouling.
  • Aquaculture: Increasing dissolved oxygen levels in fish ponds and tanks.
  • Drinking water treatment: Enhancing the effectiveness of disinfection processes.

In conclusion, Hydro-Chek, coupled with coarse bubble diffusers from Pollution Control Systems, Inc., presents a powerful and efficient solution for a wide range of water treatment needs. This approach offers numerous advantages, including increased treatment effectiveness, reduced energy consumption, and minimized maintenance requirements. By promoting dissolved oxygen levels, Hydro-Chek empowers water treatment facilities to achieve cleaner, safer, and more sustainable water resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Hydro-Chek Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind Hydro-Chek water treatment?

a) Using chemicals to purify water.


Incorrect. Hydro-Chek focuses on using dissolved oxygen.

b) Increasing dissolved oxygen levels to enhance treatment processes.


Correct! Hydro-Chek utilizes dissolved oxygen to improve treatment efficiency.

c) Filtering water through a series of membranes.


Incorrect. While filtration is a water treatment method, it's not the core principle of Hydro-Chek.

d) Using UV light to disinfect water.


Incorrect. UV disinfection is a separate water treatment method.

2. What type of diffuser is commonly used in Hydro-Chek systems?

a) Fine bubble diffusers


Incorrect. Fine bubble diffusers are less efficient for oxygen transfer.

b) Coarse bubble diffusers


Correct! Coarse bubble diffusers are preferred for their efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

c) Membrane diffusers


Incorrect. Membrane diffusers are used for different applications.

d) Venturi diffusers


Incorrect. Venturi diffusers are primarily used for aeration, not oxygenation.

3. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of coarse bubble diffusers?

a) Efficient oxygen transfer


Incorrect. Coarse bubble diffusers offer high oxygen transfer efficiency.

b) Reduced energy consumption


Incorrect. Coarse bubble diffusers require less energy compared to fine bubble diffusers.

c) Increased maintenance requirements


Correct! Coarse bubble diffusers are known for their low maintenance needs.

d) Durability


Incorrect. Coarse bubble diffusers are robust and durable.

4. What is Pollution Control Systems, Inc. known for?

a) Manufacturing water treatment equipment, including Hydro-Chek compatible diffusers.


Correct! Pollution Control Systems, Inc. specializes in water treatment equipment and offers a wide range of Hydro-Chek compatible diffusers.

b) Conducting research on water treatment technologies.


Incorrect. While they may engage in research, their primary focus is on manufacturing.

c) Implementing Hydro-Chek systems in various locations.


Incorrect. They focus on manufacturing equipment, not directly implementing systems.

d) Developing new water treatment chemicals.


Incorrect. Their focus is on equipment, not chemical development.

5. Which of the following is NOT a potential application of Hydro-Chek technology?

a) Wastewater treatment


Incorrect. Hydro-Chek is widely used in wastewater treatment.

b) Industrial process water treatment


Incorrect. Hydro-Chek is beneficial for industrial water treatment.

c) Groundwater remediation


Correct! While Hydro-Chek has broad applications, it's not typically used for groundwater remediation.

d) Drinking water treatment


Incorrect. Hydro-Chek can enhance disinfection processes in drinking water treatment.

Hydro-Chek Exercise

Scenario: A small wastewater treatment plant is facing challenges with inefficient biological treatment processes. The plant manager is considering implementing Hydro-Chek technology to improve performance.

Task: Research and design a potential solution using Hydro-Chek technology for this wastewater treatment plant. Consider the following:

  • Current treatment processes: What are the current methods used for biological treatment at the plant?
  • Oxygen demand: What is the estimated dissolved oxygen requirement for the biological processes?
  • Diffuser selection: Which type of coarse bubble diffuser would be suitable for this plant?
  • Installation location: Where would the diffusers be installed to maximize oxygen transfer?
  • Expected benefits: What improvements are anticipated with the implementation of Hydro-Chek?

Exercise Correction:

Exercise Correction

A potential solution using Hydro-Chek technology could involve the following steps:

  1. Current Treatment Processes: Identify the current biological treatment methods (e.g., activated sludge, trickling filter).
  2. Oxygen Demand: Determine the dissolved oxygen levels required for optimal biological activity.
  3. Diffuser Selection: Choose coarse bubble diffusers with appropriate size and flow rate for the plant's specific requirements.
  4. Installation Location: Install the diffusers in strategic locations within the biological treatment tanks or basins where oxygen transfer is needed.
  5. Expected Benefits: Anticipated improvements include:
    • Increased biological treatment efficiency.
    • Reduced sludge production.
    • Improved effluent quality.
    • Lower energy consumption.
    • Reduced maintenance costs.


  • "Water Treatment Plant Design" by Metcalf & Eddy: This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of water treatment processes, including oxygenation techniques.
  • "Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse" by Metcalf & Eddy: This book offers detailed information on wastewater treatment technologies and principles.
  • "Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology" by A.K. Biswas: This book provides an extensive overview of different water and wastewater treatment technologies.


  • "Dissolved Oxygen in Wastewater Treatment: A Review" by **[Author Name]: This article can be found on various scientific databases like Sciencedirect, SpringerLink, and Google Scholar.
  • "The Benefits of Coarse Bubble Diffusers in Water Treatment" by **[Author Name]: Search for similar articles on the same databases.

Online Resources

  • Pollution Control Systems, Inc. website: You can find specific information about their "Hydro-Chek" technology and products on their website.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): This organization offers various resources on water treatment and wastewater management.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): This organization provides information about drinking water treatment and distribution.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of searching for "Hydro-Chek," try searching for "dissolved oxygen water treatment," "coarse bubble diffusers," or "oxygenation in wastewater treatment."
  • Include relevant company names: Search for "Pollution Control Systems, Inc. Hydro-Chek" or "Pollution Control Systems, Inc. coarse bubble diffusers" to find their specific products.
  • Combine keywords with quotation marks: This will help you find exact phrases. For example, "Hydro-Chek technology" or "coarse bubble diffusers benefits."
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