Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Henry’s Law

Henry’s Law

The Unsung Hero of Water Treatment: Henry's Law

Imagine a glass of water left open to the air. Over time, you might notice tiny bubbles forming on the sides. These bubbles are actually dissolved gases like oxygen and nitrogen escaping from the water. The amount of these gases dissolved in the water is determined by a fundamental principle in chemistry known as Henry's Law.

Henry's Law states that the weight of any gas that will dissolve in a given volume of a liquid at constant temperature is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas above the liquid. Simply put, the higher the pressure of a gas above a liquid, the more of that gas will dissolve into the liquid.

This seemingly simple principle holds immense significance in the field of environmental and water treatment. Here's how:

1. Aeration and De-aeration:

  • Aeration: This process involves increasing the dissolved oxygen content in water. It's crucial for aquatic life, and plays a vital role in wastewater treatment by promoting microbial activity for waste decomposition. Henry's Law dictates that increasing the partial pressure of oxygen above the water through aeration will result in higher dissolved oxygen levels.
  • De-aeration: Conversely, reducing the dissolved gas content in water, like removing dissolved oxygen in boilers, is essential to prevent corrosion. By applying a vacuum or other methods to lower the partial pressure of gases above the water, we can effectively decrease the dissolved gas content.

2. Gas Stripping:

  • This method utilizes Henry's Law to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from water. By bubbling air through contaminated water, the VOCs are transferred from the liquid phase to the gas phase, effectively removing them from the water. The efficiency of gas stripping directly depends on the volatility of the VOCs and their partial pressure in the water.

3. Carbon Dioxide Removal:

  • In drinking water treatment, carbon dioxide (CO2) removal is crucial to prevent a corrosive environment. Using Henry's Law, we can effectively remove CO2 by reducing its partial pressure above the water, often achieved through aeration or chemical treatment.

4. Understanding Gas Solubility:

  • Henry's Law is also essential for understanding the behavior of dissolved gases in various environmental settings. This includes predicting the fate of greenhouse gases like methane in water bodies, or the solubility of pollutants like volatile organic compounds in groundwater.

5. Design and Optimization:

  • Engineers and scientists rely on Henry's Law to design and optimize various water treatment processes. This includes determining the ideal pressure for aeration systems, calculating the efficiency of gas stripping processes, and predicting the equilibrium concentration of dissolved gases in various water bodies.

Henry's Law, though seemingly simple, provides a fundamental framework for understanding the interaction between gases and liquids. This understanding is vital for effective water treatment, environmental protection, and ensuring safe and clean water resources for all.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Henry's Law and Water Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following statements accurately describes Henry's Law? (a) The amount of gas dissolved in a liquid is inversely proportional to the gas's partial pressure. (b) The weight of gas dissolved in a liquid is directly proportional to the gas's partial pressure. (c) The volume of gas dissolved in a liquid is independent of the gas's partial pressure. (d) The temperature of the liquid has no impact on the amount of gas dissolved.


(b) The weight of gas dissolved in a liquid is directly proportional to the gas's partial pressure.

2. How does Henry's Law explain the process of aeration? (a) Aeration removes dissolved gases from water by reducing their partial pressure. (b) Aeration increases the dissolved oxygen content in water by increasing its partial pressure. (c) Aeration uses a vacuum to remove dissolved gases from water. (d) Aeration is a chemical process that does not involve Henry's Law.


(b) Aeration increases the dissolved oxygen content in water by increasing its partial pressure.

3. Which of the following is NOT a direct application of Henry's Law in water treatment? (a) Removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) through gas stripping. (b) Increasing the dissolved oxygen content in wastewater for microbial activity. (c) Removing chlorine from drinking water using filtration. (d) Reducing the dissolved carbon dioxide content in drinking water to prevent corrosion.


(c) Removing chlorine from drinking water using filtration.

4. What happens to the solubility of a gas in water when the temperature increases? (a) Solubility increases. (b) Solubility decreases. (c) Solubility remains constant. (d) Solubility becomes unpredictable.


(b) Solubility decreases.

5. Henry's Law is crucial for understanding the behavior of dissolved gases in various environmental settings. Which of the following is NOT an example of how Henry's Law is applied in environmental contexts? (a) Predicting the fate of greenhouse gases like methane in water bodies. (b) Determining the solubility of pollutants like volatile organic compounds in groundwater. (c) Calculating the efficiency of a water pump in a municipal water treatment plant. (d) Estimating the rate of oxygen transfer from the atmosphere to a lake.


(c) Calculating the efficiency of a water pump in a municipal water treatment plant.

Exercise: Designing an Aeration System

Problem: A local pond is suffering from low dissolved oxygen levels, impacting the fish population. You are tasked with designing an aeration system to increase the dissolved oxygen content in the pond.


  1. Explain how Henry's Law is relevant to your design.
  2. Identify at least two methods for increasing the oxygen partial pressure above the pond water.
  3. Explain how these methods will contribute to achieving the desired dissolved oxygen levels in the pond.

Bonus: Discuss any limitations or challenges you might encounter in implementing your aeration system.

Exercice Correction

1. **Henry's Law is relevant because it directly dictates the relationship between the partial pressure of oxygen above the water and the amount of oxygen dissolved in the water.** To increase dissolved oxygen, we need to increase the oxygen partial pressure in the air above the pond. 2. **Methods to increase oxygen partial pressure:** * **Surface aeration:** Introducing air through a series of diffusers or spray nozzles at the surface of the pond creates a higher concentration of oxygen above the water, leading to increased dissolution. * **Subsurface aeration:** Using submerged air diffusers, air is injected into the water, creating bubbles that rise to the surface and release oxygen. This method increases the oxygen content within the water column itself. 3. **How these methods achieve desired dissolved oxygen levels:** * **Surface aeration** directly increases the oxygen partial pressure above the water, driving more oxygen into the pond. * **Subsurface aeration** introduces oxygen directly into the water column, ensuring more efficient and rapid oxygenation, particularly in deeper parts of the pond.

**Bonus:** * **Limitations:** * **Pond depth:** Deeper ponds require more powerful aeration systems to reach the bottom. * **Water flow:** Moving water will naturally have higher oxygen levels than stagnant water, so aeration may be less effective in still ponds. * **Wind:** Strong winds can disrupt the efficiency of surface aeration by displacing the oxygenated air. * **Challenges:** * **Cost of installation and operation:** Aeration systems can be expensive to install and maintain. * **Noise:** Some aeration systems can produce noise that might be disturbing to nearby residents. * **Environmental impact:** Over-aeration can cause changes in water chemistry, potentially harming aquatic life.


  • "Physical Chemistry" by Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula: This comprehensive textbook covers the fundamental principles of physical chemistry, including a detailed section on Henry's Law and its applications.
  • "Environmental Engineering: Processes and Design" by Davis and Masten: This textbook, aimed at environmental engineers, includes a chapter dedicated to Henry's Law and its role in water and wastewater treatment.
  • "Chemistry: The Central Science" by Theodore L. Brown, H. Eugine LeMay Jr., and Bruce E. Bursten: This widely used general chemistry textbook provides a solid introduction to Henry's Law, its derivation, and its applications in various fields.


  • "Henry's Law Constant: Its Importance in Environmental Chemistry" by A.T. Campbell and R.A.M. Neumann: This article explores the significance of Henry's Law constant in environmental studies, focusing on its role in predicting the fate of pollutants in aquatic systems.
  • "Henry's Law and Its Application to Water Treatment" by M.A. Zohdi: This article provides a practical overview of Henry's Law and its applications in various water treatment processes, including aeration, de-aeration, and gas stripping.
  • "The Role of Henry's Law in Aquatic Chemistry" by J.W. Moore and E.A. Moore: This article examines the importance of Henry's Law in understanding the behavior of dissolved gases in aquatic environments, including its impact on water quality and ecological processes.

Online Resources

  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Chemistry WebBook: This website provides extensive information on the thermodynamic properties of various substances, including Henry's Law constants for numerous gases.
  • EPA's Office of Water: This government website offers numerous resources on water quality, including information on dissolved gases, their impact on water treatment, and the application of Henry's Law in environmental engineering.
  • Khan Academy: This online learning platform offers free, high-quality educational videos and resources on a variety of topics, including Henry's Law and its relevance in chemistry and environmental science.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Henry's Law definition", "Henry's Law applications in water treatment", "Henry's Law constant", "Henry's Law and gas solubility"
  • Combine keywords with search operators: "Henry's Law + aeration", "Henry's Law + gas stripping", "Henry's Law + carbon dioxide removal"
  • Use quotation marks: "Henry's Law" to find exact matches for the phrase.
  • Specify the website: "Henry's Law" to limit your search to the EPA website.
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