Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Heatamix


Heatamix: Boosting Anaerobic Digestion with Efficient Heating and Recirculation

Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a crucial process in wastewater treatment, converting organic waste into biogas and digestate. While efficient, AD relies on optimal temperature conditions, often requiring external heat input. Enter Heatamix, a specialized system by Simon-Hartley, Ltd., designed to enhance the performance of anaerobic sludge digesters through efficient heating and recirculation.

Understanding Heatamix:

Heatamix comprises a robust system of high-performance heat exchangers and powerful recirculation pumps, engineered to precisely control the temperature and flow within the digester. This technology effectively addresses two critical aspects of efficient AD:

  • Optimal Temperature Control: Maintaining the desired temperature range is essential for maximizing biogas production and minimizing harmful pathogens. Heatamix utilizes heat exchangers to introduce heat into the digester, ensuring consistent temperature control and preventing thermal shock.

  • Enhanced Mixing and Mass Transfer: Circulation plays a crucial role in optimizing AD, ensuring even distribution of nutrients and microorganisms throughout the digester. Heatamix's powerful pumps effectively circulate the sludge, maximizing mixing and promoting efficient digestion.

Key Benefits of Heatamix:

The Heatamix system delivers a range of benefits to anaerobic digestion processes:

  • Increased Biogas Production: By maintaining optimal temperatures and promoting uniform mixing, Heatamix significantly boosts biogas production, contributing to greater energy recovery.
  • Improved Digester Stability: Consistent temperature control and efficient mixing minimize the risk of digester upset, ensuring smooth and reliable operation.
  • Reduced Operating Costs: The system's energy-efficient design minimizes heat losses and optimizes energy consumption, leading to significant cost savings in the long run.
  • Enhanced Safety and Reliability: Heatamix incorporates robust construction and advanced safety features, ensuring reliable operation and minimizing risks.

Applications of Heatamix:

The versatile Heatamix system finds applications in various settings:

  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants: Heatamix provides efficient heating and mixing for sludge digesters, optimizing biogas production and improving overall treatment efficiency.
  • Industrial Waste Treatment Facilities: Heatamix effectively handles diverse industrial waste streams, ensuring optimal digestion and reducing environmental impact.
  • Agricultural and Food Processing Facilities: Heatamix efficiently processes organic waste from agriculture and food production, contributing to sustainable waste management.


Heatamix, by Simon-Hartley, Ltd., is a game-changer in the field of anaerobic digestion. By providing precise temperature control and effective mixing, this system enhances digester performance, boosts biogas production, and contributes to a more sustainable approach to waste management. Its reliability, efficiency, and versatility make Heatamix a crucial component in optimizing anaerobic digestion processes across a wide range of applications.

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