Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: hazardous area, class 1

hazardous area, class 1

Navigating the Hazardous Terrain: Understanding Class 1 Hazardous Areas in Environmental and Water Treatment

The world of environmental and water treatment often involves working with substances that pose inherent risks. One crucial aspect of safety in these fields is understanding and classifying hazardous areas. This article delves into the specifics of Class 1 hazardous areas, which are locations where flammable gases or vapors can potentially create explosive or ignitable mixtures in the air.

Defining the Threat: Class 1 Hazardous Areas

Class 1 hazardous areas, as defined by international standards like IEC 60079, are characterized by the presence of flammable gases or vapors in concentrations that can ignite or explode. These areas are further categorized into zones, depending on the frequency and duration of flammable gas or vapor presence:

  • Zone 0: This zone represents the most hazardous area, where flammable gases or vapors are continuously present or present for long periods.
  • Zone 1: Here, flammable gases or vapors are likely to occur during normal operation.
  • Zone 2: This zone indicates areas where flammable gases or vapors are unlikely to occur during normal operation, but might occur in case of a malfunction or accident.

Identifying Class 1 Locations in Environmental and Water Treatment

Identifying Class 1 hazardous areas in environmental and water treatment facilities is crucial for ensuring safety and preventing accidents. Here are some common locations where these areas may exist:

  • Wastewater Treatment Plants: Processes involving the breakdown of organic matter often release flammable gases like methane and hydrogen sulfide.
  • Chemical Storage and Handling Areas: Storage tanks, pipelines, and processing units that handle flammable solvents, fuels, or other chemicals pose significant risk.
  • Sewage Pumping Stations: Pumping sewage often releases flammable gases, particularly in areas with high organic content.
  • Wastewater Biogas Production: The anaerobic digestion process used in biogas production generates highly flammable methane gas.

Safety Measures and Equipment:

To mitigate the risks associated with Class 1 hazardous areas, specialized safety measures and equipment are required:

  • Explosion-Proof Electrical Equipment: Electrical devices and components used in these zones must be designed and certified to prevent ignition of flammable atmospheres.
  • Intrinsically Safe Equipment: This equipment is designed to be inherently safe, even in the presence of flammable atmospheres.
  • Flame-Resistant Materials: Clothing and other materials used in these areas should be flame-resistant to minimize the risk of ignition.
  • Ventilation Systems: Effective ventilation systems are crucial to dilute and remove flammable gases and vapors, preventing hazardous concentrations.
  • Gas Detection Systems: Continuous monitoring using gas detectors helps alert personnel to the presence of flammable gases or vapors.


Understanding Class 1 hazardous areas is critical for the safety of workers and the environment in environmental and water treatment facilities. By implementing appropriate safety measures, utilizing specialized equipment, and adhering to strict regulations, the risks associated with these areas can be effectively mitigated. This ensures a safer working environment for professionals and promotes responsible handling of flammable substances in these crucial sectors.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Class 1 Hazardous Areas in Environmental & Water Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What defines a Class 1 hazardous area? a) Areas where toxic chemicals are present. b) Areas with high levels of radiation. c) Locations with flammable gases or vapors that could ignite or explode.


c) Locations with flammable gases or vapors that could ignite or explode.

2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a Zone 0 hazardous area? a) Flammable gases are continuously present. b) Flammable vapors are present for long periods. c) Flammable gases are likely to occur during normal operation.


c) Flammable gases are likely to occur during normal operation.

3. Which of these environmental or water treatment facilities is LEAST likely to have a Class 1 hazardous area? a) Wastewater treatment plants. b) Chemical storage and handling areas. c) Drinking water purification plants.


c) Drinking water purification plants.

4. Which type of equipment is specifically designed to be safe even in the presence of flammable atmospheres? a) Explosion-proof electrical equipment. b) Intrinsically safe equipment. c) Flame-resistant materials.


b) Intrinsically safe equipment.

5. What is the primary purpose of ventilation systems in Class 1 hazardous areas? a) To prevent the build-up of toxic gases. b) To dilute and remove flammable gases and vapors. c) To provide fresh air for workers.


b) To dilute and remove flammable gases and vapors.

Exercise: Identifying Class 1 Hazardous Areas

Scenario: You are working on the maintenance team at a large wastewater treatment plant. You are assigned to inspect the following areas:

  1. Pumping station: This station pumps sewage from the city into the treatment plant.
  2. Digester tanks: These tanks contain organic waste undergoing anaerobic digestion to produce biogas.
  3. Chemical storage area: This area houses various chemicals used in the treatment process, including some flammable solvents.
  4. Clarifiers: These large tanks separate solids from wastewater using sedimentation.

Task: Identify which of the listed areas could potentially be classified as Class 1 hazardous areas. Explain your reasoning for each area.

Exercise Correction

Here is the breakdown of the potential Class 1 hazardous areas:

  • Pumping Station: **Yes.** Pumping sewage, especially from areas with high organic content, can release flammable gases like methane and hydrogen sulfide. This makes the pumping station a likely candidate for a Class 1 hazardous area.
  • Digester Tanks: **Yes.** The anaerobic digestion process generates highly flammable methane gas. The digester tanks would definitely be considered Class 1 hazardous areas.
  • Chemical Storage Area: **Yes.** The presence of flammable solvents makes this area a Class 1 hazardous area. Proper storage and handling procedures are critical.
  • Clarifiers: **Less likely.** While clarifiers handle wastewater, the process of sedimentation is less likely to release significant amounts of flammable gases. However, it's crucial to consider any specific chemicals or processes involved in the clarifier operation.


  • "Hazardous Area Classification for Electrical Installations: A Practical Guide" by David A. Jackson: This book provides a comprehensive overview of hazardous area classification principles and practices, specifically addressing Class 1 areas.
  • "Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas: A Guide to IEC 60079" by Peter R. Smith: This guide focuses on the IEC 60079 standard, offering detailed information on the classification, equipment selection, and safety measures for hazardous areas, including Class 1.
  • "Handbook of Environmental Engineering" by C.S. Rao: This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of environmental engineering, including chapters on hazardous waste management and safety protocols related to handling flammable substances.


  • "A Practical Guide to Hazardous Area Classification" by John P. Crean (IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications): This article offers a practical approach to understanding and applying hazardous area classification standards, with a focus on Class 1 areas.
  • "Hazardous Area Classification: A Guide for Wastewater Treatment Facilities" by Michael J. Smith (Water Environment & Technology): This article specifically addresses the challenges of hazardous area classification in wastewater treatment facilities, highlighting the importance of proper identification and control of flammable substances.
  • "Safety in Biogas Production: A Review of Hazards and Mitigation Measures" by S.K. Singh and A. Kumar (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews): This review article provides a comprehensive overview of safety considerations in biogas production, including specific hazards related to flammable gas handling and mitigation strategies.

Online Resources

  • IEC Website (International Electrotechnical Commission): This website provides access to the IEC 60079 standard, including relevant technical documents, guidelines, and interpretations regarding hazardous area classification.
  • ATEX (ATmosphères EXplosibles): This website focuses on the ATEX directive (EU 2014/34/EU), which mandates safety requirements for equipment used in explosive atmospheres, including Class 1 areas.
  • NFPA (National Fire Protection Association): This website provides information on fire and explosion safety standards, including those related to hazardous areas.
  • OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration): This website offers valuable resources on workplace safety, including guidance on handling flammable substances and working in hazardous environments.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use terms like "Class 1 hazardous areas", "flammable gases", "water treatment facilities", "wastewater treatment", "biogas production", "IEC 60079", "ATEX Directive", "explosion-proof equipment", "intrinsically safe equipment" to narrow your search results.
  • Combine keywords with specific industries: For instance, search for "Class 1 hazardous areas wastewater treatment", or "flammable gas handling biogas production" to find relevant resources related to your specific field.
  • Use quotation marks: If you're looking for specific phrases, enclose them in quotation marks to limit your search to exact matches.
  • Utilize advanced operators: Use operators like "AND", "OR", and "NOT" to refine your search and exclude irrelevant results.
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