Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: gunbarrel


The Gunbarrel: A Simple but Effective Tool in Oil & Water Separation

In the world of oil and gas production, the efficient separation of oil and water is crucial. The presence of free oil in produced water is not only environmentally damaging but also costly, requiring further treatment before it can be safely discharged. One of the oldest and most straightforward methods employed in this separation process is the gunbarrel, a vertical settling tank.

How it Works:

The gunbarrel operates on the principle of gravity separation. Produced water, often mixed with free oil and other impurities, enters the tank at the top. The water is then allowed to flow downwards through a series of baffles, designed to slow the flow and allow the oil to rise to the surface. As the water travels downwards, the heavier components settle at the bottom, forming a sludge layer. The oil, being lighter than water, rises to the top and accumulates in a separate layer.

Key Features:

  • Simplicity: The gunbarrel is a relatively simple and inexpensive design, requiring minimal maintenance and operation.
  • Efficiency: While not as efficient as more advanced technologies, the gunbarrel can effectively remove a significant amount of free oil from the produced water.
  • Versatility: It can be used in various settings, from small-scale production sites to larger facilities.


  • Limited capacity: Gunbarrels are typically designed for smaller flow rates and may not be suitable for large-scale production.
  • Incomplete separation: While they remove a significant amount of free oil, gunbarrels may not achieve complete separation, leaving some residual oil in the water.
  • Susceptibility to fouling: Over time, the baffles and bottom of the tank can become fouled with sludge, reducing efficiency and requiring regular cleaning.

Modern Applications:

While newer, more advanced technologies have been developed for oil and water separation, the gunbarrel still finds application in several settings:

  • Pre-treatment: Gunbarrels can be used as a pre-treatment step to remove a large portion of free oil before the water undergoes further treatment.
  • Small-scale production: In smaller production facilities or remote locations, the gunbarrel's simplicity and cost-effectiveness make it an attractive option.
  • Emergency situations: In case of equipment failure or emergencies, the gunbarrel can provide a reliable method for separating oil and water.


The gunbarrel, despite its simplicity, remains a valuable tool in oil and water separation. While it may not be the most efficient or technologically advanced solution, its cost-effectiveness, ease of maintenance, and versatility make it a reliable option for various applications in the oil and gas industry. As we continue to strive for cleaner and more sustainable oil production practices, understanding the role of simple technologies like the gunbarrel is crucial.

Test Your Knowledge

Gunbarrel Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind the operation of a gunbarrel? a) Magnetic separation b) Chemical reaction c) Gravity separation d) Filtration


c) Gravity separation

2. Which of the following is NOT a key feature of a gunbarrel? a) Simplicity b) High efficiency c) Versatility d) Low maintenance


b) High efficiency

3. What is a major limitation of the gunbarrel? a) It requires specialized equipment. b) It is expensive to operate. c) It has limited capacity. d) It is not environmentally friendly.


c) It has limited capacity.

4. In which scenario would a gunbarrel be most suitable? a) A large-scale oil production facility. b) A remote location with limited resources. c) A laboratory setting for research. d) A wastewater treatment plant.


b) A remote location with limited resources.

5. What is a potential drawback of using a gunbarrel for oil and water separation? a) It can contaminate the water with chemicals. b) It can release harmful gases into the atmosphere. c) It can be susceptible to fouling. d) It requires a constant power supply.


c) It can be susceptible to fouling.

Gunbarrel Exercise


You work at a small oil production site in a remote location. Due to a recent equipment malfunction, your primary oil-water separator is out of commission. The existing gunbarrel is the only available option for separating oil and water before discharging the water.


  1. List three potential challenges you might face while using the gunbarrel as a temporary solution.
  2. Suggest two measures you could take to mitigate these challenges and ensure safe and efficient operation of the gunbarrel.

Exercice Correction

**Potential Challenges:** 1. **Reduced capacity:** The gunbarrel may not be able to handle the full flow rate of produced water, leading to overflow or incomplete separation. 2. **Increased fouling:** Without the primary separator, the gunbarrel may experience faster fouling due to increased impurities. 3. **Reduced efficiency:** The gunbarrel may not be as efficient as the primary separator, resulting in higher residual oil levels in the water. **Mitigation Measures:** 1. **Reduce flow rate:** Implement measures to reduce the flow rate of produced water into the gunbarrel. This could involve temporarily halting production or diverting some of the flow to alternative storage. 2. **Regular cleaning:** Conduct regular cleaning of the gunbarrel to remove accumulated sludge and maintain efficiency. This may involve manual cleaning or using specialized equipment depending on the design of the gunbarrel.


  • Oil and Gas Production Handbook: This comprehensive handbook will likely have a section on oil and water separation, potentially including the gunbarrel.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: Another comprehensive resource, likely containing information on various separation techniques, including the gunbarrel.
  • Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes: While focused on refining, this handbook may include information on pre-treatment methods for crude oil, which could involve the gunbarrel.


  • "Oil-Water Separation Technologies for the Oil and Gas Industry": A search for this phrase on scholarly databases like ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, and IEEE Xplore will yield relevant articles discussing various separation techniques, potentially including the gunbarrel.
  • "A Review of Oil-Water Separation Technologies": Similar to the previous suggestion, this search will offer articles comparing different separation methods, possibly referencing the gunbarrel.
  • "Optimization of Oil-Water Separation in Oil Production": Articles focusing on optimizing separation processes may touch upon the use of the gunbarrel for pre-treatment or in specific scenarios.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Website: The SPE website hosts a wealth of resources on oil and gas production, including technical papers, presentations, and webinars. Search for "oil-water separation" or "gunbarrel" to find relevant information.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API) Website: API offers technical standards and guidelines for the oil and gas industry. Search for relevant documents related to oil-water separation.
  • Oil and Gas Journal (OGJ): This industry publication frequently publishes articles on various aspects of oil and gas production, including separation technologies. Search for articles related to "oil-water separation" or "gunbarrel".

Search Tips

  • Use precise keywords: Search for "gunbarrel oil water separation", "gunbarrel oil production", or "gunbarrel settling tank".
  • Combine keywords with industry terms: Include keywords like "petroleum", "upstream", or "production" to narrow down your search results.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose phrases like "oil-water separation" in quotation marks to ensure that those exact words are found in the search results.
  • Include specific locations or regions: If you are interested in the use of gunbarrels in a particular geographic region, add the location to your search query.
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