Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: Gritt Mitt

Gritt Mitt

Gritty Business: Understanding Grit Removal and the Grit Mitt Conveyor Unit

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, grit removal is a critical step in ensuring the efficient and sustainable operation of wastewater treatment plants. Grit, the unwanted sand, gravel, and other heavy inorganic particles, can cause serious problems if not removed effectively. From clogging pumps and pipes to interfering with biological treatment processes, grit can significantly impede the treatment process and lead to costly repairs and downtime.

Enter the Grit Mitt, a revolutionary conveyor unit developed by WesTech Engineering Inc. designed to tackle the challenge of grit removal head-on. This innovative system, specifically tailored for wastewater treatment, offers a comprehensive solution with multiple advantages:

What is Grit Removal?

Grit removal is a crucial stage in wastewater treatment, responsible for separating dense, inorganic particles like sand, gravel, and stones from the incoming wastewater stream. These particles, referred to as grit, are heavier than organic matter and settle out quickly when the wastewater flow is slowed down.

Traditional Grit Removal Methods:

Traditional grit removal systems often rely on:

  • Grit Chambers: These chambers use gravity to settle the heavier grit particles, allowing the lighter organic material to be flushed away.
  • Aerated Grit Chambers: These chambers introduce air to create a swirling motion, aiding in the separation of grit from the wastewater.

The WesTech Grit Mitt: A Game-Changer:

The Grit Mitt conveyor unit from WesTech Engineering offers a superior approach to grit removal with its:

  • Efficient Grit Collection: This unit uses a unique conveyor system with specialized buckets to collect and transport grit out of the settling area.
  • High Capacity: The Grit Mitt can handle large volumes of grit, making it ideal for wastewater treatment plants with high flow rates.
  • Reduced Maintenance: The conveyor system is designed for durability and minimizes the need for frequent maintenance, saving on operational costs.
  • Minimal Footprint: The compact design of the Grit Mitt requires less space compared to traditional grit removal systems, making it suitable for installations with limited space.
  • Automated Operation: The Grit Mitt can be fully automated, further reducing manual labor and minimizing the risk of human error.

Benefits of the Grit Mitt Conveyor Unit:

  • Enhanced Efficiency: The Grit Mitt increases the efficiency of grit removal, ensuring that grit is captured and removed effectively.
  • Improved Treatment Process: The removal of grit minimizes its negative impact on subsequent treatment processes, leading to improved overall treatment plant performance.
  • Reduced Costs: The Grit Mitt's durability and automated operation contribute to reduced operational costs and maintenance requirements.
  • Environmental Sustainability: By optimizing grit removal, the Grit Mitt helps to reduce environmental impact and promote sustainable wastewater treatment.


The Grit Mitt conveyor unit by WesTech Engineering stands as a testament to the continuous advancements in wastewater treatment technology. With its innovative approach to grit removal, the Grit Mitt offers a highly efficient, reliable, and cost-effective solution that addresses the critical need for effective grit management in wastewater treatment plants. This system not only improves operational efficiency but also contributes to environmental sustainability, making it an invaluable asset for any wastewater treatment facility striving for optimal performance.

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