Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: Grease


Grease: A Gremlin in Your Water Treatment System

Grease, the bane of kitchens and restaurants, can also be a major headache in water treatment systems. While it might seem harmless, this oily substance poses serious challenges, impacting system efficiency, increasing maintenance costs, and even hindering the quality of the treated water.

How Does Grease Impact Water Treatment?

Grease, in its various forms (animal fats, vegetable oils, and petroleum-based products), behaves like a slippery adversary in water treatment:

  • Clogs Filters & Pipes: Grease molecules clump together, forming a sticky layer that obstructs pipes and filters, reducing flow rates and leading to system inefficiencies.
  • Harbors Bacteria: The oily film provides a perfect breeding ground for harmful bacteria, compromising water quality and potentially causing health issues.
  • Interferes with Chemical Processes: Grease interferes with the effectiveness of chemical treatments designed to purify water, rendering them less potent and potentially leading to inadequate water quality.

Combating the Grease Monster: Two Effective Solutions

Luckily, there are proven solutions to tackle grease in water treatment systems. Two powerful tools in the arsenal are:

1. Grabber Grease:

This innovative product by Abanaki Corp. is a specialized, oil-absorbing material that efficiently traps and removes grease from wastewater. Its unique, high-capacity formula soaks up grease quickly and effectively, preventing it from clogging pipes and filters. Grabber Grease is:

  • Environmentally Friendly: It's biodegradable and non-toxic, minimizing environmental impact.
  • Highly Efficient: It boasts exceptional oil absorption capabilities, maximizing grease removal.
  • Easy to Use: It comes in convenient formats, making it simple to integrate into existing systems.

2. Abanaki Corp.'s Oil Skimmer:

This robust and reliable piece of equipment is designed to skim and remove grease from the surface of water. The oil skimmer operates with:

  • Automatic Operation: It continuously removes oil, minimizing the risk of grease build-up.
  • Minimal Maintenance: Its design ensures easy cleaning and upkeep, maximizing operational efficiency.
  • Customizable Solutions: Available in various sizes and configurations to fit diverse water treatment needs.

The Bottom Line:

Tackling grease in water treatment is crucial for ensuring optimal system performance and safeguarding water quality. By using innovative solutions like Grabber Grease and Abanaki Corp.'s Oil Skimmer, you can effectively combat this oily gremlin, paving the way for efficient and reliable water treatment.

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