Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Gould clarifier

Gould clarifier

Gould Clarifiers: A Versatile Solution for Wastewater Treatment

Gould clarifiers, also known as rectangular clarifiers, are a common type of secondary clarifier widely used in wastewater treatment plants. They offer a robust and reliable solution for removing suspended solids from treated wastewater before it is discharged.

Key Features of Gould Clarifiers:

  • Rectangular Design: Gould clarifiers feature a rectangular shape, maximizing surface area for efficient sedimentation. This design allows for a higher flow rate compared to circular clarifiers.
  • Dual Chain and Flight Sludge Collector Mechanisms: These mechanisms, traveling along the tank floor, effectively collect settled sludge and move it towards a central hopper for removal. This ensures consistent and thorough sludge removal.
  • Single Sludge Hopper: A central sludge hopper conveniently collects all the collected sludge, simplifying the sludge handling process.

How Gould Clarifiers Work:

  1. Influent Flow: Treated wastewater enters the clarifier, where the flow velocity is slowed down to allow settling of suspended solids.
  2. Sedimentation: Suspended solids settle to the bottom of the tank, forming a sludge layer.
  3. Sludge Collection: The chain and flight mechanisms continuously scrape the settled sludge from the bottom, transporting it towards the central sludge hopper.
  4. Effluent Discharge: Clear effluent water flows out of the clarifier through an overflow weir, ready for discharge or further treatment.

Advantages of Gould Clarifiers:

  • High Efficiency: The rectangular design and efficient sludge collection mechanisms ensure maximum solids removal.
  • Reliability: Gould clarifiers are known for their robust construction and reliable operation.
  • Flexibility: They can be customized to accommodate different flow rates and sludge characteristics.
  • Ease of Maintenance: The centralized sludge collection system simplifies sludge handling and maintenance.


Gould clarifiers find widespread application in various wastewater treatment scenarios, including:

  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants: Removing suspended solids from treated wastewater before discharge.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Handling industrial wastewater containing high levels of suspended solids.
  • Stormwater Management: Separating solids from stormwater runoff before discharge.


Gould clarifiers are a proven and reliable solution for effective solids removal in wastewater treatment. Their rectangular design, efficient sludge collection mechanisms, and ease of maintenance make them a valuable asset for ensuring clean and safe water discharge.

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