Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: GLWQA


Protecting the Jewel of the North: The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

The Great Lakes, a vast network of freshwater holding 20% of the world's surface freshwater, are a vital resource for millions of people and countless ecosystems. Recognizing their importance, Canada and the United States entered into the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA), a landmark agreement aimed at protecting and restoring the health of the Great Lakes.

First signed in 1972, the GLWQA has undergone numerous revisions and expansions, most notably in 1978, 1987, and 2012. This iterative process reflects the evolving understanding of the complex challenges facing the Great Lakes, from persistent pollutants like PCBs and mercury to invasive species and climate change.

Key Aspects of the GLWQA:

  • Shared Responsibility: The agreement emphasizes the shared responsibility of both countries to protect the Great Lakes, acknowledging the transboundary nature of the ecosystems.
  • Binational Cooperation: It mandates joint planning, research, monitoring, and implementation of remedial actions to address water quality issues.
  • Target-based Approach: The GLWQA sets specific targets for reducing pollution and restoring the ecological health of the Great Lakes.
  • Public Participation: The agreement emphasizes public involvement and transparency in decision-making processes.

Achievements of the GLWQA:

The GLWQA has significantly contributed to the recovery of the Great Lakes, leading to:

  • Reduced Pollution: Levels of toxic pollutants like PCBs and mercury have declined significantly since the agreement was first signed.
  • Improved Water Quality: The overall water quality in the Great Lakes has improved, with better clarity and oxygen levels in many areas.
  • Habitat Restoration: Significant efforts have been undertaken to restore degraded wetlands and fish habitats, supporting the recovery of diverse aquatic life.
  • Increased Awareness: The GLWQA has raised public awareness about the importance of the Great Lakes and the need for their protection.

Challenges and Future Directions:

Despite significant progress, challenges remain, including:

  • Climate Change: Climate change is altering precipitation patterns, water temperatures, and ice cover, impacting the Great Lakes ecosystem.
  • Invasive Species: The introduction and spread of invasive species continue to threaten native biodiversity.
  • Nutrient Pollution: Agricultural runoff and wastewater discharge contribute to nutrient pollution, fueling algal blooms and threatening water quality.

The GLWQA is constantly evolving to address new challenges. The 2012 update focused on addressing climate change, invasive species, and nutrient pollution. Future efforts will need to prioritize:

  • Adapting to Climate Change: Implementing strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change on the Great Lakes.
  • Strengthening Invasive Species Management: Investing in early detection, prevention, and control of invasive species.
  • Reducing Nutrient Pollution: Promoting sustainable agricultural practices and improving wastewater treatment infrastructure.

The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement is a vital tool for protecting and restoring the health of these precious ecosystems. Continued commitment to binational collaboration, science-based decision-making, and public engagement is crucial to ensure the long-term sustainability of the Great Lakes for generations to come.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Protecting the Jewel of the North: The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) was first signed in: a) 1952 b) 1972 c) 1987 d) 2012


b) 1972

2. Which of the following is NOT a key aspect of the GLWQA? a) Shared responsibility between Canada and the United States b) Binational cooperation in research and monitoring c) Setting specific targets for pollution reduction d) Prioritizing individual country's interests over shared goals


d) Prioritizing individual country's interests over shared goals

3. Which of the following is a significant achievement of the GLWQA? a) Increased levels of toxic pollutants like PCBs and mercury b) Decreased water clarity in the Great Lakes c) Reduced habitat restoration efforts d) Improved overall water quality in the Great Lakes


d) Improved overall water quality in the Great Lakes

4. What major challenge does climate change pose to the Great Lakes? a) Increased water clarity b) Reduced invasive species c) Altered precipitation patterns and water temperatures d) Decreased nutrient pollution


c) Altered precipitation patterns and water temperatures

5. The 2012 update to the GLWQA focused on addressing which of the following issues? a) Only climate change b) Only invasive species c) Only nutrient pollution d) Climate change, invasive species, and nutrient pollution


d) Climate change, invasive species, and nutrient pollution

Exercise: Protecting the Great Lakes

Scenario: Imagine you are part of a local community group in a city on the Great Lakes. You are tasked with organizing an event to raise awareness about the GLWQA and its importance.

Task: Develop a plan for this awareness event. Consider the following:

  • Target audience: Who are you trying to reach? (e.g., families, youth, local businesses)
  • Format: What type of event would be most engaging for your target audience? (e.g., workshop, film screening, festival, etc.)
  • Activities: What activities can you include to educate and inspire your audience? (e.g., guest speakers, interactive displays, art projects)
  • Resources: What resources do you need to organize the event? (e.g., volunteers, funding, venue)

Write a brief proposal outlining your event plan.

Exercice Correction

This is an open-ended question and there are many possible solutions. A good answer would include a clear plan for the event, addressing the points mentioned in the task. For example:

Event Proposal: "Great Lakes Day"

  • Target Audience: Families with children, local residents interested in environmental issues.
  • Format: Outdoor festival with booths, activities, and live entertainment.
  • Activities:
    • Interactive booths explaining the GLWQA, its achievements, and challenges.
    • Art activities for children related to the Great Lakes ecosystem (e.g., painting, drawing, building model boats).
    • Educational games on water quality, invasive species, and climate change.
    • Live music by local artists with environmental themes.
    • Guest speaker from a local environmental organization sharing success stories about the Great Lakes.
  • Resources: * Volunteers from the community group and local environmental organizations. * Funding from local businesses and grants. * Venue: Local park with ample space for booths and activities.

    This is just one example, and your plan can be tailored to your specific community and resources.


  • The Great Lakes: An Environmental Atlas by David R. Leach (2016) - Provides a comprehensive overview of the Great Lakes ecosystem, including historical context, environmental challenges, and the role of the GLWQA.
  • The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: A History of International Cooperation by William M. Blum (2003) - Details the history of the GLWQA, its evolution, and its impact on the Great Lakes.
  • The Great Lakes: An Environmental History by Alan H. Taylor (2003) - Offers a historical perspective on the environmental challenges facing the Great Lakes and the role of human activity in shaping their condition.


  • "The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: A Success Story?" by Peter J. Upton (Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2012) - Analyzes the effectiveness of the GLWQA in addressing various water quality issues.
  • "The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: A 50-Year Perspective" by Peter J. Upton (Great Lakes Research Review, 2022) - Provides a retrospective look at the GLWQA's achievements and challenges over its 50-year history.
  • "Climate Change and the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement" by John P. Gallagher (Water Resources Research, 2019) - Discusses the impact of climate change on the Great Lakes and the role of the GLWQA in adapting to these challenges.

Online Resources

  • International Joint Commission (IJC): - The IJC is the binational organization responsible for overseeing the implementation of the GLWQA. This website provides access to reports, publications, and other resources related to the agreement.
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement website: - This dedicated website provides information on the GLWQA, including its history, goals, and progress made.
  • Great Lakes Commission: - The Great Lakes Commission is a tri-national organization that works to protect and enhance the Great Lakes. Their website offers information on the GLWQA and other initiatives related to the Great Lakes.

Search Tips

  • "Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement" - This basic search will return a variety of relevant articles, reports, and websites.
  • "Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement" + "specific topic" - Refine your search by adding keywords related to specific issues, such as "climate change," "invasive species," or "nutrient pollution."
  • "Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement" + "pdf" - Limit your search to PDF documents, which often contain reports, research articles, and official documents.
  • "Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement" + "history" - Focus on the historical context of the agreement, its evolution, and key milestones.
  • "Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement" + "successes" or "challenges" - Explore the effectiveness of the GLWQA in addressing different water quality concerns.
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