Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: gear pump

gear pump

Gear Pumps: A Workhorse for Environmental & Water Treatment

Gear pumps are a vital component in many environmental and water treatment applications, playing a crucial role in transporting liquids, slurries, and even solids. Their robust design and reliable performance make them a preferred choice for handling challenging fluids and demanding tasks.

The Basics: How Gear Pumps Work

Gear pumps are categorized as positive displacement pumps, meaning they transport fluid by trapping a specific volume within the pump and displacing it. This mechanism relies on the interaction of two intermeshing gears:

  • Rotation: The gears, mounted on parallel shafts, rotate in opposite directions.
  • Cavity Formation: As the gears rotate, they create cavities between their teeth.
  • Fluid Intake: These cavities form on the suction side of the pump, drawing fluid into the chamber.
  • Fluid Displacement: As the gears continue rotating, the cavities move towards the discharge side, forcing the fluid out of the pump.

Key Advantages in Environmental & Water Treatment

Gear pumps offer several advantages making them ideal for environmental and water treatment applications:

  • High Flow Rates: They can efficiently move large volumes of liquid, crucial for processing wastewater and other environmental fluids.
  • Accurate Dosage: Their consistent flow rate allows for precise chemical dosing in treatment processes.
  • Handling of High Viscosity Fluids: Gear pumps excel at moving viscous liquids like sludge or heavy oils, common in wastewater treatment.
  • Self-Priming Capability: Certain gear pump designs can self-prime, making them suitable for applications requiring suction from below the pump level.
  • Minimal Shear Stress: The gentle action of gear pumps minimizes damage to delicate suspended solids, critical for maintaining water quality.

Applications in Environmental & Water Treatment

Gear pumps find diverse applications across environmental and water treatment sectors, including:

  • Wastewater Treatment: Pumping raw sewage, sludge, and recycled water.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Handling process water, cleaning solutions, and industrial byproducts.
  • Drinking Water Treatment: Pumping chemicals for disinfection, coagulation, and other treatment steps.
  • Water Desalination: Transferring seawater and brine solutions in reverse osmosis systems.
  • Slurry Handling: Transporting thick slurries in mining, agriculture, and industrial processes.

Beyond the Basics: Considerations and Types

Choosing the right gear pump depends on specific application needs:

  • Types of Gear Pumps: External gear pumps (most common) and internal gear pumps offer different performance characteristics.
  • Material Selection: Choosing compatible materials for the pump components is essential for handling corrosive or abrasive fluids.
  • Flow Rate and Pressure Requirements: Selecting a pump with appropriate flow rate and pressure head ensures efficient operation.


Gear pumps are a reliable and versatile solution for a wide range of environmental and water treatment applications. Their consistent performance, ability to handle challenging fluids, and adaptability make them essential tools for ensuring clean water and efficient waste management.

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