Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: friction factor

friction factor

Friction Factor: A Key Player in Environmental and Water Treatment

In the world of environmental and water treatment, the efficiency and effectiveness of fluid flow are paramount. Whether it's transporting wastewater through pipes or facilitating the movement of chemicals within a treatment system, friction plays a significant role. This is where the friction factor comes into play, a crucial parameter quantifying the resistance experienced by fluids as they flow through pipes, channels, or other conduits.

Understanding the Friction Factor:

Imagine water flowing through a pipe. The molecules of water in contact with the pipe's inner surface experience friction, causing them to slow down. This slowing effect propagates throughout the fluid, impacting the overall flow rate and energy expenditure. The friction factor, denoted by the symbol 'f', is a dimensionless quantity representing this resistance.

Factors Influencing Friction Factor:

The friction factor is not a fixed value but rather depends on various factors:

  • Pipe or Channel Roughness: Rougher surfaces create greater resistance to flow, resulting in a higher friction factor.
  • Fluid Viscosity: Thicker fluids, like viscous sludge, encounter greater friction than thin fluids like clean water, leading to a higher friction factor.
  • Reynolds Number (Re): This dimensionless number represents the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces within the fluid. It dictates the flow regime (laminar or turbulent) and significantly influences the friction factor.

Friction Factor's Impact on Water Treatment:

The friction factor is crucial for efficient water treatment design and operation. Here's how:

  • Pumping Requirements: A higher friction factor necessitates greater pumping power to maintain desired flow rates. This translates to increased energy consumption and operational costs.
  • Treatment Process Efficiency: Friction impacts the residence time of fluids in treatment units. A higher friction factor can disrupt the intended contact time between water and treatment chemicals, affecting treatment effectiveness.
  • Pipe Sizing and Material Selection: Understanding the friction factor allows engineers to select appropriate pipe diameters and materials that minimize flow resistance and optimize overall system performance.

Calculating Friction Factor:

Several methods are available for calculating the friction factor, including empirical equations (like the Darcy-Weisbach equation) and graphical charts (like the Moody chart). These methods consider factors like the flow regime, pipe roughness, and fluid properties.


The friction factor is a critical parameter in environmental and water treatment, impacting energy consumption, treatment efficiency, and overall system design. Understanding this concept allows engineers to optimize treatment processes, reduce operating costs, and ensure effective wastewater management. By carefully considering the factors influencing friction and utilizing appropriate calculation methods, we can design and operate water treatment systems that are both environmentally sound and economically viable.

Test Your Knowledge

Friction Factor Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the friction factor represent?

a) The force required to move a fluid through a pipe. b) The resistance encountered by a fluid as it flows through a conduit. c) The rate of fluid flow through a pipe. d) The pressure difference between two points in a pipe.


b) The resistance encountered by a fluid as it flows through a conduit.

2. Which of the following factors DOES NOT influence the friction factor?

a) Pipe or channel roughness. b) Fluid viscosity. c) Fluid temperature. d) Reynolds number.


c) Fluid temperature.

3. A higher friction factor generally leads to:

a) Reduced pumping requirements. b) Increased treatment process efficiency. c) Lower operational costs. d) Increased energy consumption.


d) Increased energy consumption.

4. What is the primary function of the Moody chart?

a) To calculate the flow rate of a fluid. b) To determine the friction factor based on flow regime, pipe roughness, and fluid properties. c) To estimate the pressure drop across a pipe. d) To analyze the effects of turbulence on fluid flow.


b) To determine the friction factor based on flow regime, pipe roughness, and fluid properties.

5. In the context of water treatment, a lower friction factor is generally desirable because it:

a) Increases the residence time of water in treatment units. b) Allows for the use of smaller diameter pipes. c) Reduces energy consumption for pumping. d) Improves the effectiveness of chemical treatment processes.


c) Reduces energy consumption for pumping.

Friction Factor Exercise:


You are designing a wastewater treatment system for a small town. The system includes a pipe transporting wastewater from the collection point to the treatment plant. The pipe is 1000 meters long and has an internal diameter of 200 mm. The wastewater flow rate is 100 liters per second. The pipe is made of concrete, with a roughness coefficient of 0.015 mm.


Calculate the friction factor (f) for this pipe using the Darcy-Weisbach equation:

f = (0.79 * ln(Re))^−2


  • Re is the Reynolds number.
  • Re = (ρ * v * D) / µ
  • ρ = density of wastewater (assume 1000 kg/m³)
  • v = flow velocity (m/s)
  • D = pipe diameter (m)
  • µ = viscosity of wastewater (assume 10⁻³ Pa·s)


  1. Calculate the flow velocity (v).
  2. Calculate the Reynolds number (Re).
  3. Calculate the friction factor (f) using the Darcy-Weisbach equation.

Exercice Correction

Here's the solution: 1. **Flow velocity (v):** * Convert flow rate from liters per second to cubic meters per second: 100 L/s = 0.1 m³/s * Calculate the cross-sectional area of the pipe: A = π * (D/2)² = π * (0.2 m / 2)² = 0.0314 m² * Calculate the flow velocity: v = Q / A = 0.1 m³/s / 0.0314 m² = 3.18 m/s 2. **Reynolds Number (Re):** * Re = (ρ * v * D) / µ = (1000 kg/m³ * 3.18 m/s * 0.2 m) / 10⁻³ Pa·s = 636,000 3. **Friction factor (f):** * f = (0.79 * ln(Re))^−2 = (0.79 * ln(636,000))^-2 = 0.0048 Therefore, the friction factor for this pipe is approximately 0.0048.


  • Fluid Mechanics by Frank M. White (This comprehensive textbook covers fluid dynamics, including friction factor calculations and its application in various engineering fields, including water treatment)
  • Water and Wastewater Engineering by Davis and Cornwell (This standard textbook for environmental engineers includes detailed sections on hydraulics, pipe flow, and friction factor considerations in water treatment processes)
  • Handbook of Hydraulics by Bruce E. Larock (This reference book offers a detailed discussion on friction factor calculations, with specific applications in open channel flow and pipe networks relevant to water treatment)


  • "Friction Factor in Turbulent Pipe Flow" by John F. Douglas, et al. (This article provides a thorough explanation of friction factor calculation methods, including the Colebrook-White equation, and its application in various turbulent flow scenarios)
  • "Optimization of Pipe Diameter for Water Distribution Systems" by A. K. Singh, et al. (This article examines the role of friction factor in pipe design and its impact on energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness in water distribution systems)
  • "The Impact of Pipe Roughness on Water Treatment Process Efficiency" by B. Sharma, et al. (This research paper investigates the influence of pipe roughness on friction factor and its impact on the effectiveness of water treatment processes)

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  • "Friction factor calculation Darcy-Weisbach"
  • "Moody chart friction factor"
  • "Friction factor in pipe flow water treatment"
  • "Impact of friction factor on pumping requirements"
  • "Friction factor in turbulent flow"
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