Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: FREX


FREX: Unlocking the Secrets of Oil and Grease in Water

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, understanding the presence and behavior of oil and grease is crucial for ensuring clean and safe water sources. One valuable tool in this pursuit is the FREX test, short for Freon extractable oil and grease. This article delves into the intricacies of this analytical technique, shedding light on its application and significance.

What is FREX?

FREX is a laboratory method used to determine the total amount of oil and grease present in water samples. It involves extracting the oil and grease using a solvent, specifically trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11), which is highly efficient at dissolving non-polar compounds like fats, oils, and greases.

The Procedure:

  1. Sample Collection: Water samples are collected and preserved to prevent degradation of the target analytes.
  2. Extraction: The collected sample is mixed with Freon 11 in a sealed container, allowing the solvent to extract the oil and grease.
  3. Separation: The mixture is then separated, with the Freon layer containing the extracted oil and grease.
  4. Analysis: The Freon layer is evaporated, leaving behind the extracted oil and grease, which is then weighed to determine the total concentration.

FREX vs. Other Methods:

While FREX is a widely accepted method, it's not without limitations. Other methods, like the Hexane Extractable Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (HETP), are also used for oil and grease analysis. However, FREX offers advantages in its ability to extract a broader range of compounds, including some not readily extracted by hexane.

Importance of FREX:

FREX plays a crucial role in various aspects of environmental and water treatment:

  • Monitoring Water Quality: The test helps track the levels of oil and grease in wastewater, surface water, and drinking water, providing insights into potential contamination sources and the effectiveness of treatment processes.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Many jurisdictions have set limits on oil and grease concentrations in wastewater discharge. FREX is used to ensure compliance with these regulations, safeguarding water bodies from harmful pollutants.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment: FREX analysis helps assess the environmental impact of industrial activities that may discharge oil and grease into water sources.

Challenges and Alternatives:

  • Toxicity of Freon 11: Due to its ozone-depleting properties, Freon 11 is now restricted in many countries. This has led to the exploration of alternative solvents like methylene chloride.
  • Method Limitations: FREX is not always a perfect measure of all oil and grease types. Some compounds, like volatile oils, may not be fully extracted.


The FREX test remains a valuable tool in environmental and water treatment, offering insights into the presence and levels of oil and grease in water samples. While it faces challenges with the phasing out of Freon 11, ongoing research and development aim to provide alternative methods that maintain the accuracy and effectiveness of this crucial analytical technique. By understanding and utilizing FREX, we can ensure the health and safety of our water resources for generations to come.

Test Your Knowledge

FREX Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does FREX stand for?

a) Freon-related Extraction b) Freon extractable oil and grease c) Fluorinated Reactive Extraction d) Free-range Extractable


b) Freon extractable oil and grease

2. What is the main solvent used in the FREX test?

a) Hexane b) Methylene chloride c) Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) d) Ethanol


c) Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using FREX in water analysis?

a) Monitoring water quality for oil and grease contamination b) Ensuring compliance with regulatory limits on oil and grease c) Assessing the environmental impact of industrial activities d) Determining the specific types of oil and grease present


d) Determining the specific types of oil and grease present

4. What is a major challenge associated with the FREX test?

a) The high cost of Freon 11 b) The limited availability of trained personnel c) The toxicity of Freon 11 d) The inability to extract volatile oils


c) The toxicity of Freon 11

5. What is a potential alternative solvent to Freon 11 in FREX analysis?

a) Benzene b) Methylene chloride c) Acetone d) Diethyl ether


b) Methylene chloride

FREX Exercise:


A wastewater treatment plant is discharging effluent into a nearby river. The plant needs to ensure compliance with the local regulations, which set a maximum limit of 50 mg/L for oil and grease in the effluent. The FREX test is performed on a sample of the effluent, and the result shows an oil and grease concentration of 65 mg/L.


  1. Identify the problem based on the FREX test result.
  2. Explain the potential consequences of exceeding the regulatory limit.
  3. Suggest possible solutions to bring the oil and grease concentration below the limit.

Exercice Correction

**1. Problem:** The wastewater treatment plant is exceeding the regulatory limit for oil and grease in its effluent, with a concentration of 65 mg/L compared to the permitted 50 mg/L. **2. Consequences:** * **Environmental Contamination:** Exceeding the limit can lead to pollution of the river, potentially harming aquatic life, disrupting ecosystems, and affecting water quality for downstream users. * **Legal Penalties:** The plant could face fines or other legal consequences for non-compliance with regulations. * **Reputation Damage:** Exceeding the limit could negatively impact the plant's public image and relationship with regulatory agencies. **3. Solutions:** * **Improve Treatment Processes:** Evaluate and optimize the existing treatment processes to remove more oil and grease from the wastewater. This may involve upgrading equipment, adjusting operating parameters, or implementing additional treatment stages. * **Source Control:** Identify and address sources of oil and grease entering the wastewater system within the plant or upstream. This could involve leaks, spills, or improper waste handling. * **Pre-treatment:** Implement a dedicated pre-treatment step to remove oil and grease before the main treatment process. This could involve using separators, filters, or other specialized technologies. * **Monitoring and Control:** Implement regular monitoring of the effluent for oil and grease content, and use the data to adjust treatment processes and identify potential problems proactively.


  • Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (23rd Edition): The gold standard for water quality testing methods. Look for the specific method related to FREX (originally Method 5520D) within the relevant chapter.
  • Water Quality Analysis: A Practical Guide to Water and Wastewater Analysis: This comprehensive text covers various water quality parameters, including oil and grease analysis, offering insights into techniques and interpretations.
  • Environmental Chemistry: This book delves into the chemical processes and principles underlying environmental monitoring, including analytical techniques for oil and grease.


  • "Determination of Oil and Grease in Water: A Review of Methods and Their Applications" by Sharma et al. (2017): This review paper provides a comprehensive overview of various oil and grease analysis techniques, including FREX, along with their advantages and limitations.
  • "Evaluation of alternative solvents for the determination of oil and grease in water" by Ghaly et al. (2006): This article explores different solvents as potential replacements for Freon 11 in FREX analysis.
  • "The Freon Extractable Material (FEM) Test: A Historical Perspective" by Rosen and Rosen (2003): This paper delves into the historical context of FREX development and its evolution over time.

Online Resources

  • US EPA: Oil and Grease Analysis: The EPA website provides information on oil and grease regulations, analysis methods, and technical guidance.
  • ASTM International: Standard D3921 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Oil and Grease in Water by Freon Extraction: This standard provides detailed instructions for the FREX method.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): WEF offers technical resources and publications on water quality, including information related to oil and grease analysis.

Search Tips

  • "FREX method" + "oil and grease" + "water analysis": This search will return specific results about FREX for oil and grease analysis in water.
  • "Freon 11" + "alternative solvents" + "oil and grease": This search will uncover articles and research related to alternative solvents for FREX.
  • "oil and grease regulations" + "wastewater": This search helps locate information on regulatory limits for oil and grease in wastewater discharge.
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