Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: frazil ice

frazil ice

Frazil Ice: A Crystalline Threat to Water Infrastructure

Frazil ice, with its granular or spike-shaped crystals, poses a significant challenge in cold regions, particularly for industries involved in environmental and water treatment. This type of ice forms in supercooled water, where temperatures dip below freezing but the water remains liquid due to rapid movement and turbulence. Unlike sheet ice, which forms in calmer water, frazil ice remains dispersed, creating a troublesome obstacle for water systems.

How Frazil Ice Impacts Water Treatment:

  • Clogging and Blockage: Frazil ice can accumulate rapidly in pipes, screens, and other water treatment equipment, leading to reduced flow and inefficient operation. This can disrupt water supply, hinder treatment processes, and increase maintenance costs.
  • Damage to Infrastructure: The abrasive nature of frazil ice can cause damage to pumps, turbines, and other critical components of water treatment systems. This damage can lead to downtime, repairs, and ultimately, a reduction in system lifespan.
  • Impeding Heat Transfer: Frazil ice crystals can form on heat exchangers used in water treatment processes, hindering efficient heat transfer and impacting the effectiveness of these processes.
  • Increased Energy Consumption: The need to overcome the resistance of frazil ice in pipelines and equipment can lead to increased energy consumption for pumping and operation.

Mitigating Frazil Ice Formation and Impact:

  • Temperature Control: Maintaining water temperatures above freezing is crucial to prevent frazil ice formation. This can involve using insulation, heat tracing, or other heat management systems.
  • Flow Control: Reducing water velocity and turbulence can inhibit the formation of frazil ice. This can be achieved through careful design of pipelines and the use of flow control devices.
  • Ice Removal Techniques: Various techniques, such as mechanical scraping, chemical treatment, and air injection, are employed to remove existing frazil ice from water systems.
  • Early Detection: Monitoring water temperature and flow rates can help detect the presence of frazil ice early on, allowing for timely intervention and preventing significant damage.

Frazil Ice and the Future of Water Treatment:

As climate change continues to impact weather patterns, the prevalence of frazil ice is expected to increase in many regions. This highlights the importance of understanding the behavior of this unique ice form and developing effective strategies to mitigate its impact. Continuous research and technological advancements in areas like ice detection, prevention, and removal are crucial for ensuring the reliable and efficient operation of water treatment facilities in cold climates.

By embracing innovative solutions and employing proactive strategies, the environmental and water treatment industries can effectively address the challenges posed by frazil ice and continue to provide clean, reliable water for all.

Test Your Knowledge

Frazil Ice Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the defining characteristic of frazil ice that distinguishes it from sheet ice?

a) Its large, flat shape. b) Its formation in calm water. c) Its granular or spike-shaped crystals. d) Its ability to melt quickly.


c) Its granular or spike-shaped crystals.

2. Which of the following is NOT a negative impact of frazil ice on water treatment systems?

a) Clogging of pipes and screens. b) Increased energy consumption for pumping. c) Improved heat transfer efficiency. d) Damage to pumps and turbines.


c) Improved heat transfer efficiency.

3. Which of these techniques is NOT commonly used to mitigate frazil ice formation?

a) Maintaining water temperatures above freezing. b) Reducing water velocity and turbulence. c) Using chemical treatments to dissolve the ice. d) Employing specialized ice-resistant materials in pipelines.


d) Employing specialized ice-resistant materials in pipelines.

4. What is the primary reason why the threat of frazil ice is expected to increase in the future?

a) Increased demand for water due to population growth. b) Changes in water treatment technologies. c) Climate change leading to more frequent cold snaps. d) Growing urbanization and development.


c) Climate change leading to more frequent cold snaps.

5. Which of the following is a crucial step in mitigating the impact of frazil ice?

a) Relying solely on mechanical ice removal techniques. b) Early detection of frazil ice formation. c) Ignoring the threat until it becomes a major problem. d) Limiting the use of water treatment systems during cold weather.


b) Early detection of frazil ice formation.

Frazil Ice Exercise

Scenario: A water treatment plant in a cold region is experiencing problems with frazil ice formation in their intake pipes. The ice is causing blockages and reducing water flow to the treatment facility.


  1. Identify three potential causes of frazil ice formation in the intake pipes.
  2. Propose three solutions that the plant could implement to mitigate the frazil ice problem.
  3. Explain why each of your solutions is effective in addressing the specific cause you identified.

Exercise Correction

**Possible Causes:** 1. **Cold Water Temperatures:** If the water entering the intake pipes is already near or below freezing, frazil ice formation is likely to occur. 2. **Turbulence and Velocity:** High water velocity and turbulence within the pipes can promote the formation of frazil ice. 3. **Insufficient Insulation:** If the intake pipes are not properly insulated, heat loss can lead to the water cooling down and forming frazil ice. **Proposed Solutions:** 1. **Heat Tracing:** Applying heat tracing to the intake pipes can help maintain the water temperature above freezing, preventing frazil ice formation. 2. **Flow Control:** Implementing flow control measures like reducing the water velocity through the pipes or installing flow-control devices can minimize turbulence and reduce frazil ice formation. 3. **Insulation:** Adding insulation to the intake pipes can help minimize heat loss and prevent the water from cooling down to the point of frazil ice formation. **Explanation of Effectiveness:** 1. **Heat tracing:** By maintaining water temperatures above freezing, this solution directly addresses the root cause of frazil ice formation, which is the presence of supercooled water. 2. **Flow control:** Reducing turbulence and velocity directly inhibits the formation of frazil ice crystals, making this an effective solution. 3. **Insulation:** By preventing heat loss from the pipes, insulation helps maintain the water temperature above freezing, preventing the formation of frazil ice.


  • "Ice Engineering" by P.C. S. Kalas: Offers a comprehensive overview of ice formation and its effects on various engineering applications, including water treatment.
  • "Handbook of Snow: Principles, Processes, Management and Applications" edited by D. Armstrong, G. Liston, and M. Sturm: Provides a detailed chapter on frazil ice formation and its impact on hydrological systems.
  • "Hydropower Engineering: Principles and Practices" by A.K. Biswas: Addresses the challenges posed by frazil ice in hydropower systems and the methods used for its mitigation.


  • "Frazil Ice: A Review" by J.P. Dempsey and S.R. Gaboury (2000): This review article provides an in-depth overview of the formation, properties, and impacts of frazil ice, particularly in relation to hydropower systems.
  • "Frazil Ice Formation and Mitigation in Water Resources Systems" by S.E. Beltaos (2010): This article discusses the formation processes, physical properties, and mitigation strategies for frazil ice in various water infrastructure.
  • "The Impact of Climate Change on Frazil Ice Formation and its Implications for Water Treatment" by B.A. Cosgrove and M.R. Peterson (2022): This recent article explores the potential effects of climate change on frazil ice formation and the need for adapting water treatment strategies.

Online Resources

  • National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC): This website offers a wealth of information on various aspects of ice, including frazil ice, with specific resources dedicated to its formation and impact on water systems.
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): ASCE publishes numerous articles and reports related to water infrastructure and environmental engineering, including those concerning frazil ice.
  • Hydro-Quebec: This company has extensive experience dealing with frazil ice in hydropower systems and offers valuable insights into its formation, mitigation, and impact on their operations.

Search Tips

  • Use specific search terms like "frazil ice water treatment," "frazil ice mitigation," "frazil ice hydropower," "frazil ice formation."
  • Include relevant geographical locations, e.g., "frazil ice Canada," "frazil ice Alaska."
  • Use advanced operators like "site:" to search within specific websites, e.g., " frazil ice."
  • Combine multiple keywords using boolean operators ("AND," "OR," "NOT") to refine your search results.
  • Utilize the "filter" options on Google Search to narrow down your results by date, type of content, etc.
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