Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: Folded Flow

Folded Flow

Folded Flow: Optimizing Wastewater Treatment Efficiency

Folded Flow is a unique flow scheme employed in high-rate water and wastewater treatment processes, particularly associated with USFilter/Envirex technologies. This innovative approach offers several advantages over conventional treatment systems, leading to increased efficiency, reduced footprint, and improved performance.

Understanding the Concept:

Folded Flow utilizes a series of interconnected compartments or tanks arranged in a specific sequence. Instead of a linear flow path, wastewater is directed through these compartments in a "folded" pattern, allowing for multiple passes through the treatment media. This design ensures:

  • Enhanced Contact Time: The folded flow path provides significantly longer contact time between the wastewater and the treatment media, facilitating more complete removal of contaminants.
  • Increased Treatment Capacity: By optimizing the flow and contact time, Folded Flow allows for higher treatment capacities within a smaller footprint compared to traditional systems.
  • Improved Mixing: The folding pattern encourages mixing and promotes even distribution of the wastewater throughout the treatment media, ensuring consistent and effective treatment.

Key Applications in USFilter/Envirex Systems:

USFilter/Envirex, a leading provider of water and wastewater treatment solutions, has incorporated Folded Flow into several of its renowned technologies, including:

  • The Aqua-Aerobic System: This biological treatment system employs a folded flow design to optimize the contact between wastewater and the aerobic bacteria responsible for removing organic matter. This results in superior efficiency and reduced energy consumption.
  • The BIO-CEL System: This high-rate biological treatment system utilizes a series of compartments and a folded flow pattern to maximize the contact between wastewater and the treatment media. The BIO-CEL system is highly efficient in removing organic matter, nutrients, and other contaminants.
  • The BIO-FO System: This advanced treatment system combines a folded flow design with a unique biological filtration process to achieve efficient removal of organic matter, nutrients, and suspended solids.

Benefits of Folded Flow:

The advantages of Folded Flow technology are undeniable:

  • Increased Efficiency: Improved contact time and optimized flow patterns lead to higher treatment efficiencies and lower operating costs.
  • Reduced Footprint: Folded Flow allows for smaller treatment plants, minimizing land usage and construction costs.
  • Improved Performance: Consistent and efficient mixing ensures consistent treatment quality and reduces the risk of process upsets.
  • Enhanced Sustainability: Lower energy consumption and reduced chemical usage promote environmental sustainability.


Folded Flow technology represents a significant advancement in wastewater treatment, enabling more efficient, compact, and sustainable treatment solutions. By incorporating this innovative flow scheme, USFilter/Envirex continues to provide cutting-edge technologies that address the evolving needs of the water and wastewater industries.

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