Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: fixed film process

fixed film process

Fixed Film Processes in Environmental & Water Treatment: A Biofilm-Based Approach

Biological wastewater treatment plays a crucial role in safeguarding our environment by removing harmful organic matter and pollutants from wastewater. One of the most effective and widely used methods for this process is the fixed film process, also known as the attached growth process. In this approach, microorganisms responsible for wastewater purification are immobilized on an inert support material, forming a biofilm. This article delves into the intricacies of fixed film processes, highlighting their key features and advantages.

Understanding the Mechanism:

The fixed film process relies on the principle of biofilm formation. Biofilms are complex microbial communities attached to a solid surface, forming a protective layer. In the context of wastewater treatment, these biofilms consist of bacteria, fungi, and protozoa that actively break down organic matter and convert it into harmless byproducts. The support material, typically composed of materials like rocks, plastic media, or even ceramic materials, provides a large surface area for the biofilm to attach and grow.

Advantages of Fixed Film Processes:

  1. High Efficiency: The immobilized microbes in biofilms have a significantly higher concentration than suspended microorganisms in traditional activated sludge processes. This leads to improved efficiency in removing organic matter and pollutants.
  2. Reduced Sludge Production: Due to the immobilized nature of the microbes, the amount of excess biomass produced is significantly less, reducing sludge disposal costs and environmental impact.
  3. Enhanced Nutrient Removal: Fixed film processes excel at removing nitrogen and phosphorus, key nutrients that contribute to water pollution.
  4. Resilience to Shock Loads: Biofilms are more resilient to sudden changes in wastewater composition and flow rates, ensuring a more consistent and stable treatment process.
  5. Lower Energy Requirements: Fixed film processes typically require less energy for aeration and mixing compared to suspended growth systems.

Types of Fixed Film Processes:

Several variations of fixed film processes are employed in wastewater treatment, each with unique advantages and applications:

  • Trickling Filters: Wastewater is trickled through a bed of media, allowing the attached biofilm to break down organic matter. These are particularly suitable for pretreating wastewater with high organic loads.
  • Rotating Biological Contactors (RBCs): Discs with a large surface area are partially submerged in wastewater and rotated slowly. The biofilm formed on the discs removes organic matter as they rotate through the wastewater. RBCs are suitable for both primary and secondary wastewater treatment.
  • Packed Bed Reactors: A packed bed of media, such as plastic rings or ceramic beads, provides a large surface area for biofilm growth. Wastewater flows through the bed, allowing for efficient organic matter removal.
  • Biofilters: A layer of porous media, such as sand or gravel, is used for biofiltration. The biofilm formed within the porous media removes organic matter and pollutants.

Concluding Remarks:

Fixed film processes represent a reliable and efficient approach to biological wastewater treatment. Their ability to remove a wide range of organic matter and pollutants, coupled with reduced sludge production and energy consumption, makes them an essential tool for safeguarding water quality and promoting a sustainable environment. As research and development continue, fixed film processes are expected to play an increasingly significant role in addressing future challenges in water treatment and environmental protection.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Fixed Film Processes in Environmental & Water Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind fixed film processes in wastewater treatment? a) The use of chemicals to break down organic matter. b) The attachment of microorganisms to a support material to form a biofilm. c) The sedimentation of suspended particles in the wastewater. d) The filtration of wastewater through a membrane.


The correct answer is **b) The attachment of microorganisms to a support material to form a biofilm.**

2. What is a key advantage of fixed film processes compared to traditional activated sludge processes? a) Lower operating costs. b) Higher energy requirements. c) Increased sludge production. d) Less efficient removal of organic matter.


The correct answer is **a) Lower operating costs.**

3. Which of the following is NOT a type of fixed film process? a) Trickling filters b) Rotating biological contactors (RBCs) c) Reverse osmosis d) Packed bed reactors


The correct answer is **c) Reverse osmosis.**

4. What is the main role of the support material in a fixed film process? a) To break down organic matter. b) To remove nutrients from the wastewater. c) To provide a surface for biofilm growth. d) To filter out solid particles.


The correct answer is **c) To provide a surface for biofilm growth.**

5. How do fixed film processes contribute to environmental protection? a) By reducing the amount of pollutants released into waterways. b) By increasing the use of harmful chemicals in treatment. c) By increasing energy consumption. d) By producing more sludge waste.


The correct answer is **a) By reducing the amount of pollutants released into waterways.**

Exercise: Designing a Fixed Film System

Scenario: A small community is planning to build a new wastewater treatment plant using a fixed film process. The plant needs to be able to handle a flow rate of 1000 m3/day.


  • Choose a suitable fixed film process for this application. Explain your reasoning based on the characteristics of the chosen process and the requirements of the community.
  • Describe the key components of the chosen fixed film system.
  • Consider any potential challenges or limitations of the selected process.

Exercice Correction

Here is a possible solution to the exercise:

1. Choosing a Fixed Film Process:

A suitable fixed film process for this application is **Trickling Filters**. Here's why:

  • High Organic Load: Trickling filters are well-suited for treating wastewater with high organic loads, as they offer a large surface area for biofilm growth and a relatively slow flow rate, allowing for effective organic matter removal.
  • Simplicity and Robustness: Trickling filters are relatively simple to design and operate compared to more complex systems like RBCs or packed bed reactors. They are also generally robust and can handle variations in flow rates and wastewater composition.
  • Cost-Effective: Trickling filters are often more cost-effective than other fixed film processes, particularly for smaller communities with limited budgets.

2. Key Components:

  • Media Bed: A bed of inert media, such as rocks, plastic media, or ceramic material, provides the surface area for biofilm growth.
  • Distribution System: Distributes wastewater evenly over the media bed.
  • Underdrain System: Collects treated wastewater and removes excess sludge.
  • Aeration System: Provides oxygen to the biofilm for microbial activity.

3. Challenges and Limitations:

  • Land Requirements: Trickling filters require a significant amount of land, which may be a limitation for small communities with limited space.
  • Odors: Trickling filters can produce odors due to the decomposition of organic matter. Odor control measures may be necessary.
  • Clogging: The media bed can become clogged with solids, requiring periodic cleaning.

**Note:** This is just one possible solution. Other fixed film processes, like RBCs or packed bed reactors, could also be considered, depending on specific factors such as space availability, budget constraints, and wastewater characteristics.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (Provides comprehensive coverage of wastewater treatment processes, including fixed film processes)
  • Biological Wastewater Treatment: Principles, Modeling, and Design by Grady Jr., C.P.L., Daigger, G.T., and Lim, H.C. (Detailed explanation of biological wastewater treatment, with specific sections on fixed film technologies)
  • Biofilms in Wastewater Treatment: An Overview by Characklis, W.G. (Focused on biofilm formation and its role in wastewater treatment processes, including fixed film processes)
  • Water Quality: An Introduction by Davis, S.N. (Provides a foundation in water quality parameters and the impact of wastewater treatment, including fixed film technologies)


  • Fixed-Film Bioreactors for Wastewater Treatment: A Review by Z. Li, X. Wang, S. Yang, and X. Liu (Published in Engineering Journal, this article reviews the different types of fixed film bioreactors and their applications)
  • Biofilm Processes for Wastewater Treatment by R. M. Donlan (Published in Current Opinion in Biotechnology, this article provides insights into the advantages and applications of biofilm processes)
  • Biological Nutrient Removal in Fixed-Film Bioreactors: A Review by G. A. Ekama, C. P. L. Grady Jr., and R. S. Dold (Published in Water Research, this article specifically focuses on nutrient removal using fixed film technologies)
  • Enhanced Phosphorus Removal in a Trickling Filter Using a Novel Carrier Material by A. M. Abdel-Daiem, H. M. El-Gohary, and N. A. El-Gohary (Published in Journal of Environmental Management, this article demonstrates the use of specific materials for enhancing fixed film processes)

Online Resources

  • EPA: Wastewater Treatment Technologies (Provides an overview of various wastewater treatment technologies, including fixed film processes) -
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF) (Offers resources, publications, and information related to water treatment and environmental engineering, including fixed film processes) -
  • International Water Association (IWA) (Provides a global platform for water professionals, offering publications, conferences, and resources on wastewater treatment, including fixed film technologies) -

Search Tips

  • "Fixed film processes wastewater treatment" (General search for information on fixed film processes)
  • "Trickling filter design" (Specific search for information on a particular fixed film technology)
  • "Rotating biological contactor efficiency" (Focuses on the performance of a specific fixed film technology)
  • "Biofilm formation wastewater treatment" (Search for information on the biological processes involved in fixed film processes)
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