Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Filtermate


Filtermate: A Powerful Tool for Water Treatment in the Argo District

The Argo District, known for its industrial activity, faces unique challenges in maintaining clean and safe water for its residents and businesses. One key solution lies in advanced water treatment technologies, and Filtermate stands out as a powerful tool for this purpose.

What is Filtermate?

Filtermate is a specialized filtration coagulant developed by BetzDearborn, a leading provider of water treatment solutions. It's a liquid polymer designed to enhance the effectiveness of water filtration systems.

How does it work?

Filtermate works by:

  • Floc Formation: It helps in the formation of large, easily-filterable flocs (clumps of suspended particles). These flocs trap impurities like suspended solids, organic matter, and other contaminants, effectively removing them from the water.
  • Increased Filtration Efficiency: By forming larger flocs, Filtermate improves the efficiency of the filtration process, resulting in cleaner and clearer water.
  • Reduced Filter Backwashing Frequency: The efficient removal of impurities by Filtermate minimizes the need for frequent backwashing of filters, saving time, energy, and water.
  • Enhanced Filter Bed Life: By reducing the accumulation of contaminants in filter beds, Filtermate extends their lifespan, minimizing maintenance requirements and costs.

Benefits of Using Filtermate in the Argo District:

  • Improved Water Quality: Filtermate ensures cleaner and safer water for industrial processes, drinking purposes, and overall community well-being.
  • Reduced Operational Costs: Its efficiency translates to lower energy consumption, minimized water usage during backwashing, and extended filter life, resulting in significant cost savings for industries and the district.
  • Environmental Sustainability: By optimizing filtration processes, Filtermate minimizes waste generation and reduces the environmental impact of water treatment operations.


Filtermate is a valuable asset for the Argo District's water treatment efforts. It provides a reliable solution for achieving high-quality water while optimizing operational efficiency and promoting environmental sustainability. With its ability to enhance filtration processes, Filtermate helps ensure a cleaner and healthier future for the community.

Further information about Filtermate and other water treatment solutions from BetzDearborn can be found on their official website or by contacting their representatives directly.

Test Your Knowledge

Filtermate Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is Filtermate?

a) A type of water filter. b) A specialized filtration coagulant. c) A water treatment plant. d) A type of water pipe.


b) A specialized filtration coagulant.

2. Who developed Filtermate?

a) Argo District Water Department. b) The United States Environmental Protection Agency. c) BetzDearborn. d) A local water treatment company.


c) BetzDearborn.

3. How does Filtermate work?

a) It filters out impurities directly. b) It removes contaminants through osmosis. c) It adds chemicals to make water taste better. d) It helps form large flocs that trap impurities.


d) It helps form large flocs that trap impurities.

4. What is a benefit of using Filtermate in the Argo District?

a) Increased water usage. b) Reduced filter backwashing frequency. c) Higher operational costs. d) Decreased water quality.


b) Reduced filter backwashing frequency.

5. What is NOT a benefit of using Filtermate?

a) Improved water quality. b) Enhanced filter bed life. c) Environmental sustainability. d) Increased filter clogging.


d) Increased filter clogging.

Filtermate Exercise

Scenario: The Argo District is facing an issue with its water treatment plant. The filters are clogging frequently, requiring frequent backwashing which leads to high water and energy usage. The District is looking for a solution to improve their water quality and reduce operational costs.

Task: Research and explain how Filtermate can help solve the Argo District's problem. Consider the following aspects:

  • How does Filtermate address the issue of frequent filter clogging?
  • How does Filtermate contribute to reducing operational costs in this scenario?
  • What other benefits can the Argo District expect from using Filtermate?

Exercice Correction

Filtermate is a perfect solution for the Argo District's problem. It tackles the frequent filter clogging by forming larger, more easily filterable flocs. These flocs effectively trap impurities, reducing the amount of material that accumulates in the filter beds. This directly reduces the need for frequent backwashing.

By minimizing backwashing, Filtermate significantly reduces operational costs. This is because less water is used for backwashing, and less energy is required to operate the filtration system. Additionally, extending the lifespan of the filters further reduces costs associated with replacements and maintenance.

Beyond addressing the specific issues, the Argo District can expect other benefits like improved water quality, increased environmental sustainability, and improved overall efficiency of the water treatment process.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design by Clemente, J.S. & O'Connor, J.T. (This book provides comprehensive information on water treatment processes and technologies, including coagulation and filtration.)
  • Water Quality Engineering: Design and Operation of Water and Wastewater Systems by Davis, M.L. & Cornwell, D.A. (This book discusses various aspects of water quality, treatment techniques, and operational considerations.)


  • "Coagulation and Flocculation: Principles and Applications" by American Water Works Association (AWWA) (This article provides a detailed explanation of the principles and mechanisms of coagulation and flocculation, essential for understanding how Filtermate works.)
  • "Polymeric Coagulants and Flocculants: A Review" by Journal of Applied Polymer Science (This review paper provides information on different types of polymeric coagulants and flocculants, including their properties and applications.)

Online Resources

  • BetzDearborn Official Website: (This website provides information on their products, services, and water treatment solutions, including Filtermate.)
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): (AWWA is a leading organization for water treatment professionals. Their website contains resources, publications, and information on various aspects of water treatment.)
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): (The EPA provides information and regulations related to water quality, treatment, and environmental protection.)

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  • "Filtermate water treatment"
  • "BetzDearborn coagulant"
  • "polymeric coagulant filtration"
  • "water treatment Argo District"
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