Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: evaporator


Evaporation: A Key Player in Environmental and Water Treatment

Evaporation, the process of transforming a liquid into a vapor, plays a crucial role in various environmental and water treatment applications. This seemingly simple process is driven by heat energy, which provides the necessary energy for molecules to break free from the liquid state and become a gas. In the context of water treatment, evaporators are employed to separate water from dissolved salts and other impurities, effectively purifying the water.

Here's a closer look at the different types of evaporators used in environmental and water treatment:

1. Multi-Effect Evaporators:

These are widely used in industrial applications, particularly in desalination plants. The principle behind these evaporators is to use the latent heat of condensation from one stage to heat the feed water in the next stage. This allows for a more efficient use of energy and results in a significant reduction in steam consumption.

2. Forced Circulation Evaporators:

These evaporators employ a pump to circulate the feed water through the evaporator tubes, ensuring a high heat transfer rate. This design is particularly suitable for processing high-viscosity fluids or handling high-fouling conditions.

3. Thin-Film Evaporators:

These evaporators create a thin film of feed water on a heated surface, promoting rapid evaporation. They are ideal for processing heat-sensitive materials and achieve efficient heat transfer due to the large surface area exposed to heat.

4. Falling Film Evaporators:

As the name suggests, these evaporators allow the feed water to flow down a heated surface in a thin film. They are efficient and offer low-pressure drop, making them suitable for handling corrosive or viscous materials.

5. Solar Evaporators:

These evaporators utilize solar energy to heat the feed water, offering a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional heat sources. They are particularly suitable for applications in remote areas with abundant sunlight.

Environmental and Water Treatment Applications of Evaporators:

  • Desalination: Evaporators are essential for desalination plants, which convert seawater into fresh water.
  • Wastewater Treatment: Evaporators can be used to concentrate wastewater, allowing for easier disposal and potentially recovering valuable resources.
  • Industrial Process Water: Evaporators are used to purify and recycle water used in various industrial processes.
  • Pharmaceutical and Food Industries: Evaporators are employed in the production of various pharmaceuticals and food products, where precise evaporation is crucial.

Benefits of Evaporation in Water Treatment:

  • High Purity: Evaporators can remove almost all impurities, resulting in highly purified water.
  • Versatile Applications: Evaporators can handle a wide range of feed waters, including seawater, wastewater, and industrial process water.
  • Energy Efficiency: Modern evaporators are designed for energy efficiency, minimizing energy consumption and reducing operational costs.

Challenges of Evaporation:

  • Scaling and Fouling: Mineral buildup and fouling can occur on the heating surfaces, affecting the efficiency and lifespan of the evaporator.
  • High Energy Consumption: Evaporation is an energy-intensive process, and minimizing energy consumption is a key challenge.
  • Corrosion: The corrosive nature of some feed waters can damage the evaporator materials.


Evaporators are essential tools for various environmental and water treatment applications. Their ability to purify water, concentrate wastewater, and recycle valuable resources makes them invaluable for addressing global water challenges and promoting sustainable development. However, careful consideration of scaling, fouling, and energy efficiency is crucial to ensure the long-term effectiveness and sustainability of these technologies.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Desalination and Water Reuse: A Handbook" by M.A. Salih & G.F. Skarnulis: Covers various desalination technologies, including evaporation.
  • "Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by W.J. Weber: Provides a comprehensive overview of water treatment processes, including evaporation.
  • "Handbook of Industrial Membrane Technology" by H. Strathmann: Discusses various membrane-based separation technologies, including evaporative separation.
  • "Principles of Chemical Engineering" by D. Himmelblau: Provides a theoretical foundation of evaporation and mass transfer.


  • "Multi-Effect Evaporation: Principles, Applications and Recent Developments" by A.H. Al-Mansoori et al.: A review of multi-effect evaporators, including their advantages and limitations.
  • "Solar Evaporation for Desalination: A Review" by K.A. Hanafi et al.: Discusses the potential of solar evaporators for desalination.
  • "Membrane Distillation: A Promising Technology for Desalination and Wastewater Treatment" by S.K. Kim et al.: Examines membrane distillation, a hybrid evaporation technology.
  • "Fouling in Evaporators: Mechanisms, Prevention and Mitigation" by R.A. Gani: Focuses on the challenges of fouling and its impact on evaporator performance.

Online Resources

  • "Desalination" Journal: A leading publication on desalination research and technologies, including evaporation.
  • "Water Research" Journal: A prominent journal covering water treatment and resource management, with relevant articles on evaporation.
  • "American Water Works Association (AWWA)" website: Offers resources on water treatment technologies, including evaporation.
  • "International Desalination Association (IDA)" website: Provides information and resources on desalination, including evaporation technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use keywords like "evaporation", "desalination", "wastewater treatment", "industrial water", "water purification", "solar evaporation" etc.
  • Combine keywords with specific evaporator types, like "multi-effect evaporation", "thin-film evaporation", "falling film evaporation", etc.
  • Use search operators like "+" to include specific words, "-" to exclude words, and "" to search for exact phrases.
  • Explore relevant websites, journals, and research institutions through Google Scholar.
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