Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: erosion


Erosion: A Silent Threat to Environmental and Water Treatment

Erosion, the gradual wearing away of land by natural forces, might seem like a slow, natural process. However, in the context of environmental and water treatment, it poses a significant and often overlooked threat. Understanding erosion's impact is crucial for protecting our ecosystems, maintaining water quality, and ensuring the effectiveness of treatment systems.

The Silent Destroys:

Erosion is a multifaceted phenomenon driven by several key agents:

  • Running Water: Rainwater, rivers, and streams carry sediment and rocks downstream, carving channels and eroding soil. This is the most prevalent form of erosion, especially in areas with heavy rainfall or steep slopes.
  • Waves: Ocean waves constantly pound the shoreline, breaking down rocks and carrying away sand, leading to coastal erosion.
  • Wind: Strong winds can pick up and transport soil particles, especially in arid regions, causing wind erosion.
  • Glacial Activity: Massive glaciers carve out valleys and transport sediment as they move, leaving behind significant landform changes.

Impact on Water Treatment:

Erosion's impact on water treatment is multifaceted:

  • Increased Sediment Load: Erosion significantly increases the amount of sediment in water bodies. This sediment can clog filters, pipelines, and other treatment infrastructure, leading to costly repairs and reduced efficiency.
  • Contamination: Eroded soil can carry contaminants such as pesticides, fertilizers, heavy metals, and pathogens into water sources. These contaminants pose a serious health risk to humans and aquatic life.
  • Turbidity: Increased sediment levels cause turbidity, making the water cloudy and reducing its transparency. This hampers photosynthesis and hinders aquatic life, affecting the overall ecosystem.

Addressing Erosion:

Minimizing erosion is essential for effective environmental and water treatment. This can be achieved through a combination of:

  • Sustainable Land Management: Practices like contour farming, crop rotation, and cover cropping help stabilize the soil and reduce runoff.
  • Reforestation and Afforestation: Trees act as natural barriers, preventing soil erosion and filtering pollutants.
  • Vegetative Buffer Strips: Planting vegetation along waterways and stream banks helps slow down water flow, reducing erosion and filtering runoff.
  • Erosion Control Structures: Structures like check dams, gabions, and riprap can be implemented to slow down water flow and stabilize slopes.

The Need for Action:

Erosion is a significant challenge that necessitates a multi-pronged approach involving government agencies, communities, and individuals. By understanding erosion's impact and implementing appropriate measures, we can protect our water resources, safeguard the environment, and ensure the effectiveness of our water treatment systems. The future of our water quality and ecosystems depends on our collective efforts to combat this silent threat.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Erosion - A Silent Threat

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a major agent of erosion?

a) Running water b) Wind c) Earthquakes d) Glacial activity


c) Earthquakes

2. How does erosion impact water treatment?

a) Increases the amount of sediment in water sources b) Introduces harmful contaminants into water sources c) Reduces the effectiveness of water treatment systems d) All of the above


d) All of the above

3. What is turbidity, and how is it related to erosion?

a) Turbidity is the clarity of water. Erosion increases turbidity by adding sediment to water sources. b) Turbidity is the color of water. Erosion changes the color of water by adding sediment. c) Turbidity is the temperature of water. Erosion can increase water temperature, leading to turbidity. d) Turbidity is the acidity of water. Erosion can make water more acidic, leading to turbidity.


a) Turbidity is the clarity of water. Erosion increases turbidity by adding sediment to water sources.

4. Which of these practices helps reduce soil erosion?

a) Deforestation b) Intensive farming c) Contour farming d) Overgrazing


c) Contour farming

5. Why is it important to address erosion?

a) To protect the environment and ensure water quality b) To reduce the cost of water treatment c) To safeguard human health d) All of the above


d) All of the above

Exercise: Erosion Prevention

Scenario: You are tasked with designing a plan to reduce erosion on a farm with a sloping field. The field is currently used for growing crops and is experiencing significant soil loss due to runoff.

Task: Create a plan outlining two specific measures to implement on the farm to reduce soil erosion. Include the following information for each measure:

  • Measure: Briefly describe the chosen measure.
  • How it works: Explain how the chosen measure helps reduce erosion.
  • Benefits: Outline the positive impacts of the measure.


  • Measure: Planting a vegetative buffer strip along the slope.
  • How it works: The vegetation slows down water flow and absorbs some of the rainwater, reducing runoff and soil erosion.
  • Benefits: Prevents soil loss, filters pollutants from runoff, and improves the overall health of the surrounding ecosystem.

Please submit your completed plan for review.

Exercice Correction

There are many possible solutions to this exercise, but here are two examples:

Measure 1: Contour Farming

How it works: Contour farming involves plowing and planting crops along the contours of the slope. This creates a series of ridges and furrows that intercept water runoff, slowing its flow and reducing erosion.


  • Reduces soil loss
  • Improves water infiltration
  • Increases soil moisture retention

Measure 2: Cover Cropping

How it works: Cover cropping involves planting non-cash crops (like legumes or grasses) during the off-season. These crops help protect the soil from wind and rain erosion, improve soil health, and reduce nutrient loss.


  • Reduces soil erosion
  • Improves soil structure and fertility
  • Suppresses weeds
  • Provides natural pest control

Remember, these are just two examples. There are many other effective erosion control measures, and the best solution will depend on the specific conditions of the farm.


  • Soil Erosion and Conservation: By Rattan Lal (CRC Press) - Covers the science behind soil erosion, its impact, and various conservation strategies.
  • Water Quality: Understanding and Managing Water Resources: By John D. Hem (Prentice Hall) - Provides a comprehensive overview of water quality issues, including erosion's role in contaminant transport.
  • Water Treatment Engineering: By M. N. Snell (Pearson) - Explains the principles and processes of water treatment, highlighting challenges posed by erosion-related sediment and contaminants.


  • "Soil Erosion: A Global Threat" By Rattan Lal - Published in Environmental Science & Technology (2001) - Examines the global impact of soil erosion and its link to water quality degradation.
  • "The Impact of Erosion on Water Treatment Plant Performance" By P. K. Sharma and S. K. Singh - Published in Water Resources Management (2005) - Investigates the specific effects of erosion on water treatment facilities.
  • "Erosion Control for Water Quality Protection" By J. A. Dixon - Published in Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (1995) - Presents practical strategies for erosion control with a focus on water quality.

Online Resources

  • National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS): - Offers comprehensive information on soil erosion and conservation practices.
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): - Provides guidance on water quality protection, including erosion control measures.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): - Focuses on water quality and wastewater treatment, including the impact of erosion on water treatment facilities.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "erosion," "water treatment," "sediment," "contaminants," "water quality," and "conservation."
  • Use quotation marks: To find exact phrases, enclose them in quotation marks, e.g., "impact of erosion on water treatment."
  • Specify search scope: Use "site:" before a website's address to search within a specific site, e.g., " erosion control."
  • Combine search operators: Use "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to refine your search results. For example, "erosion AND water treatment NOT coastal erosion."
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