Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Air Quality Management: Enviropac


Enviropac: A Sustainable Solution for Waste Management

The quest for sustainable waste management practices is ever-growing. At the forefront of this movement lies Enviropac, a revolutionary system employed in wastewater treatment and the management of organic waste. This technology, developed by Walker Process Equipment, utilizes a unique approach known as the Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC).

What is an Enviropac RBC?

The Enviropac RBC is a biological wastewater treatment system that utilizes a series of rotating, circular discs partially submerged in a basin of wastewater. These discs are comprised of a specially designed plastic media that provides a large surface area for the growth of microorganisms. As the discs rotate, they are exposed to the wastewater and air, facilitating the biological oxidation of organic matter.

How does it work?

The process is a fascinating interplay of nature and technology.

  1. Wastewater Treatment: As the discs rotate, they create a continuous flow of wastewater over their surface.
  2. Microorganisms at Work: Attached to the plastic media are billions of aerobic bacteria and other microorganisms. These microorganisms consume the organic pollutants in the wastewater as their food source.
  3. Biological Oxidation: The microorganisms break down the organic matter through a process called biooxidation, converting it into harmless byproducts like carbon dioxide and water.
  4. Clean Water Discharge: The treated wastewater, now significantly cleaner, is discharged back into the environment.

Benefits of Enviropac RBC:

The Enviropac RBC system offers several advantages for waste management:

  • High Efficiency: RBCs are highly efficient in removing organic matter, BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), and other pollutants from wastewater.
  • Low Energy Consumption: Compared to traditional wastewater treatment methods, RBCs require significantly less energy. This translates to lower operating costs and a reduced carbon footprint.
  • Versatile Applications: Enviropac RBCs are adaptable to various applications, including industrial wastewater treatment, municipal wastewater treatment, and organic waste management.
  • Environmentally Friendly: The biological process is natural and sustainable, reducing the reliance on harsh chemicals and minimizing environmental impact.

Walker Process Equipment - A Leader in Enviropac Technology:

Walker Process Equipment is a renowned manufacturer and provider of Enviropac RBC systems. They are pioneers in developing and refining this technology, ensuring its optimal performance and reliability. Walker Process Equipment offers comprehensive services including:

  • System Design and Engineering: Tailored solutions to meet specific needs.
  • Equipment Manufacturing: High-quality Enviropac RBC components.
  • Installation and Commissioning: Professional setup and training.
  • Ongoing Support and Maintenance: Ensuring system longevity and efficiency.

The Future of Enviropac:

With its proven effectiveness and sustainability, Enviropac RBC technology is poised to play an increasingly important role in waste management. It offers a cost-effective and environmentally responsible solution for municipalities, industries, and individuals looking to reduce their environmental impact and contribute to a cleaner future. As research and development continue, we can anticipate even greater innovations in Enviropac technology, leading to even more efficient and sustainable waste management solutions.

Test Your Knowledge

Enviropac Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary mechanism used in Enviropac RBC technology for wastewater treatment?

a) Chemical filtration b) Physical sedimentation c) Biological oxidation d) Mechanical separation


c) Biological oxidation

2. What type of microorganisms are responsible for breaking down organic pollutants in an Enviropac RBC system?

a) Anaerobic bacteria b) Aerobic bacteria c) Fungi d) Viruses


b) Aerobic bacteria

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of Enviropac RBC technology?

a) High efficiency in removing organic matter b) Low energy consumption c) High maintenance requirements d) Versatile applications


c) High maintenance requirements

4. What is the role of the rotating discs in an Enviropac RBC system?

a) To physically remove solids from wastewater b) To provide a large surface area for microbial growth c) To generate heat for the biological process d) To circulate air for aeration


b) To provide a large surface area for microbial growth

5. Who is the primary developer and provider of Enviropac RBC systems?

a) Water Treatment Technologies b) BioClean Systems c) Walker Process Equipment d) AquaTech Solutions


c) Walker Process Equipment

Enviropac Exercise

Task: Imagine you are a consultant for a small municipality. They are looking for a sustainable and cost-effective solution for their wastewater treatment needs.

Based on the information provided, explain why an Enviropac RBC system would be a suitable recommendation for this municipality. Consider the following points in your explanation:

  • Efficiency in removing pollutants
  • Energy consumption
  • Adaptability to different wastewater types
  • Environmental friendliness

Write your recommendation in a clear and concise manner.

Exercice Correction

An Enviropac RBC system is an excellent recommendation for this municipality due to its numerous advantages: * **High efficiency:** Enviropac RBCs are highly effective in removing organic matter, BOD, and other pollutants, ensuring cleaner discharged wastewater. This meets the municipality's need for effective treatment. * **Low energy consumption:** The system uses significantly less energy compared to traditional methods, leading to lower operating costs and a reduced carbon footprint. This aligns with the municipality's goal of sustainability. * **Versatile applications:** Enviropac RBCs can be adapted to different wastewater types, making it suitable for varying municipal needs. * **Environmental friendliness:** The biological process is natural and sustainable, minimizing reliance on harsh chemicals and reducing environmental impact. This contributes to the municipality's commitment to environmental responsibility. Overall, an Enviropac RBC system presents a cost-effective and environmentally sound solution for the municipality's wastewater treatment needs. Its efficiency, low energy consumption, versatility, and environmental friendliness make it a strong contender for a sustainable future.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy (This comprehensive textbook covers various wastewater treatment methods, including Rotating Biological Contactors.)
  • Principles of Wastewater Treatment by Tchobanoglous, Burton, & Stensel (Another standard text in wastewater engineering, offering detailed information on biological treatment processes.)
  • Biological Wastewater Treatment by Grady, Daigger, & Lim (Focuses on biological treatment principles, including RBCs, and explores their applications.)


  • "Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) Technology: A Review" by Khan et al. (This article provides a comprehensive overview of RBC technology, its applications, and its advantages and disadvantages.)
  • "Performance of Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) for Domestic Wastewater Treatment" by Hassan et al. (Focuses on the use of RBCs in domestic wastewater treatment and evaluates its effectiveness.)
  • "Enviropac RBC System: A Sustainable Solution for Wastewater Treatment" by Walker Process Equipment (A company brochure showcasing the features and benefits of Enviropac RBC systems.)

Online Resources

  • Walker Process Equipment website: ( - Offers detailed information on Enviropac RBC technology, products, services, and case studies.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): ( - A professional organization for water quality professionals, providing resources and information on wastewater treatment technologies.
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): ( - Provides resources on wastewater treatment regulations, technologies, and best practices.
  • The Water Research Foundation: ( - Conducts research and develops technologies for water treatment and conservation, including wastewater treatment.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include terms like "Enviropac RBC", "Rotating Biological Contactor", "wastewater treatment", "biological treatment", and "Walker Process Equipment" in your search queries.
  • Filter by date: If you're looking for the most recent information, use the "Tools" option in Google Search to filter results by date.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose keywords in quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, "Enviropac RBC technology".
  • Include site-specific searches: Use the "site:" operator to limit your search to specific websites, such as " Enviropac RBC".
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