Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: endogenous respiration

endogenous respiration

Endogenous Respiration: The Silent Struggle for Survival in Waste Management

In the bustling world of waste management, a silent battle for survival plays out at the microscopic level. As waste decomposes, microbial communities thrive, consuming organic matter and generating energy. But what happens when the food supply dwindles? Enter endogenous respiration, a fascinating and crucial process that allows microorganisms to survive under harsh conditions.

The Microbial Feast and Famine Cycle

Microorganisms, like all living things, require energy to grow and reproduce. In waste management, they primarily obtain this energy by breaking down organic compounds through exogenous respiration, fueled by readily available nutrients. This phase, known as the logarithmic growth phase, is characterized by rapid microbial growth and vigorous decomposition.

However, this feast cannot last forever. As the organic matter is consumed, nutrient concentrations decline, leading to a shift in microbial metabolism. The microbes transition from exogenous respiration to endogenous respiration, a survival mechanism that allows them to maintain basic functions in the absence of external food sources.

Endogenous Respiration: A Survival Strategy

During endogenous respiration, microbes resort to metabolizing their own protoplasm (the internal cellular material) for energy. This process involves breaking down complex molecules like proteins and lipids, releasing energy and generating new building blocks. While this strategy allows them to survive, it comes at a cost.

Endogenous respiration leads to:

  • Decreased biomass: As microbes consume their own cellular components, their size and number decrease.
  • Reduced metabolic activity: The rate of decomposition slows down significantly, reflected in a decrease in the production of biogas or other byproducts.
  • Increased survival time: By conserving energy, microbes can prolong their existence in the absence of external nutrients.

Endogenous Respiration in Waste Management

Understanding endogenous respiration is crucial in waste management, particularly in anaerobic digesters. During the later stages of digestion, when the readily available organic matter is depleted, endogenous respiration becomes prevalent.

Here's why it matters:

  • Reduced biogas production: The shift to endogenous respiration leads to a decline in methane production, impacting the efficiency of anaerobic digestion.
  • Improved sludge stabilization: Endogenous respiration contributes to the stabilization of sewage sludge by breaking down organic matter and reducing its susceptibility to putrefaction.
  • Optimizing digestion conditions: By understanding the dynamics of endogenous respiration, waste management professionals can adjust operational parameters like retention time and nutrient supplementation to maximize the efficiency of anaerobic digestion.

The Takeaway

Endogenous respiration is a vital mechanism that allows microbial communities to survive when faced with resource scarcity. It plays a significant role in the overall efficiency and stability of waste management systems. By understanding the intricacies of this process, we can improve the design, operation, and optimization of waste treatment technologies, ensuring a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to waste management.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Endogenous Respiration in Waste Management

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following describes the primary energy source for microorganisms during exogenous respiration?

a) Their own cellular components b) Readily available nutrients c) Sunlight d) Inorganic compounds


b) Readily available nutrients

2. During endogenous respiration, what do microorganisms primarily metabolize for energy?

a) Water b) Carbon dioxide c) Their own protoplasm d) Sunlight


c) Their own protoplasm

3. What is a direct consequence of endogenous respiration in a waste management system?

a) Increased biogas production b) Increased microbial growth c) Reduced biomass d) Increased nutrient availability


c) Reduced biomass

4. Why is understanding endogenous respiration crucial for anaerobic digesters?

a) It helps predict the optimal amount of methane production. b) It allows for the control of the rate of microbial growth. c) It provides insight into the dynamics of nutrient availability. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of endogenous respiration in waste management?

a) Improved sludge stabilization b) Reduced biogas production c) Increased survival time of microbes d) Optimization of digestion conditions


b) Reduced biogas production

Exercise: Applying Endogenous Respiration Concepts

Scenario: You are managing an anaerobic digester for treating sewage sludge. You notice a significant decrease in biogas production despite maintaining consistent feedstock input.

Task: Explain how endogenous respiration could be contributing to the reduced biogas production. Suggest two practical steps you could take to address this issue based on your understanding of endogenous respiration.

Exercice Correction

**Explanation:** The decrease in biogas production suggests that the digester is transitioning to a phase dominated by endogenous respiration. This is likely due to the depletion of readily available organic matter in the sludge, forcing microbes to resort to metabolizing their own cellular components for energy. **Suggested Solutions:** 1. **Increase Retention Time:** By extending the retention time of the sludge in the digester, you allow more time for the microbes to fully degrade the remaining organic matter, potentially shifting back towards exogenous respiration and increasing biogas production. 2. **Nutrient Supplementation:** Adding specific nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus can stimulate microbial activity, promoting growth and potentially shifting the metabolic balance back towards exogenous respiration.


  • "Waste Management and Resource Recovery" by Christos A. Chryssostomidis - Covers various aspects of waste management, including microbial processes and anaerobic digestion, providing insights into endogenous respiration.
  • "Anaerobic Digestion: A Practical Guide" by D.J.A. Williams - Focuses on the principles and applications of anaerobic digestion, offering a detailed understanding of microbial metabolism and endogenous respiration in this context.
  • "Biochemistry" by Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, and Lubert Stryer - Provides a comprehensive overview of biochemistry, including cellular respiration and the processes underlying endogenous respiration.


  • "Endogenous Respiration: A Critical Process for Waste Stabilization" by X.Y. Li, Y.Z. Zhou, and Z.W. Yu - This article explores the role of endogenous respiration in waste stabilization, specifically in sewage sludge treatment.
  • "Effects of Endogenous Respiration on Biogas Production During Anaerobic Digestion" by A.K. Sharma and S.K. Sharma - This study investigates the impact of endogenous respiration on biogas production during anaerobic digestion, focusing on the decline in methane yield.
  • "Microbial Community Dynamics During Anaerobic Digestion: The Role of Endogenous Respiration" by M.J. McInerney and K.A. Sanford - This article delves into the microbial ecology of anaerobic digesters and how endogenous respiration influences community structure and function.

Online Resources

  • "Endogenous Respiration" - Wikipedia page offering a general overview of the process, including its significance in various fields.
  • "Anaerobic Digestion" - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency website providing information on anaerobic digestion technology, including its principles and microbial processes.
  • "Waste Management" - United States Department of Agriculture website offering resources on waste management practices, including information on anaerobic digestion and composting.

Search Tips

  • "Endogenous respiration AND anaerobic digestion" - Targets articles and resources focusing on endogenous respiration within the context of anaerobic digestion.
  • "Endogenous respiration AND sewage sludge treatment" - This search will find materials specific to endogenous respiration in sewage sludge treatment processes.
  • "Endogenous respiration AND biogas production" - Focuses on the impact of endogenous respiration on biogas yield and efficiency.
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