Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: EIMIX


EIMIX: A Revolutionary Approach to Digester Mixing

EIMIX stands for Enhanced In-Tank Mixer, a novel approach to digester mixing developed by Baker Process. Unlike traditional mixers that rely on mechanical agitation, EIMIX utilizes a unique combination of air injection and hydraulic principles to achieve optimal mixing within anaerobic digesters.

Traditional Mixing Challenges:

  • Inefficient mixing: Mechanical mixers often struggle to create uniform mixing throughout the digester, especially in deep tanks with complex geometries.
  • High maintenance: Mechanical components are prone to wear and tear, requiring frequent maintenance and potential downtime.
  • Energy consumption: Mechanical mixing consumes significant energy, contributing to operational costs.

EIMIX Advantages:

  • Enhanced mixing: EIMIX's air injection creates a consistent, gentle upward flow, effectively distributing solids and promoting microbial activity throughout the digester.
  • Reduced energy consumption: EIMIX requires significantly less energy compared to mechanical mixers, leading to cost savings.
  • Increased biogas production: Efficient mixing leads to optimal nutrient availability and enhanced microbial activity, resulting in increased biogas production.
  • Reduced maintenance: EIMIX's air injection system has fewer moving parts, minimizing maintenance requirements and downtime.
  • Improved operational efficiency: By optimizing mixing, EIMIX contributes to a more stable digester environment, reducing fluctuations and improving overall operational efficiency.

How it works:

EIMIX works by injecting air at the bottom of the digester, creating a gentle upward flow that circulates the digester contents. The air bubbles are strategically positioned and controlled to create the optimal mixing pattern, ensuring even distribution of solids and nutrients throughout the digester.


EIMIX is applicable for various digester types, including:

  • High-solids digesters: EIMIX effectively mixes high-solids content, preventing settling and promoting efficient digestion.
  • Low-solids digesters: EIMIX ensures uniform distribution of nutrients and microorganisms, optimizing biogas production in low-solids digesters.
  • Deep digesters: EIMIX's air injection system effectively mixes even deep digesters, overcoming the challenges faced by traditional mechanical mixers.


EIMIX offers a revolutionary solution to the challenges of digester mixing, delivering superior performance, reduced operational costs, and enhanced biogas production. By embracing this innovative technology, wastewater treatment facilities can achieve improved efficiency and sustainability in their anaerobic digestion processes.

Test Your Knowledge


Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does EIMIX stand for?

a) Enhanced In-Tank Mixing b) Efficient In-Tank Mixing c) Energy-Efficient In-Tank Mixing d) Environmental In-Tank Mixing


a) Enhanced In-Tank Mixing

2. How does EIMIX achieve optimal mixing in anaerobic digesters?

a) Using mechanical agitation b) Injecting air at the bottom of the digester c) Utilizing a combination of mechanical agitation and air injection d) Employing a chemical mixing process


b) Injecting air at the bottom of the digester

3. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of EIMIX over traditional mechanical mixers?

a) Reduced energy consumption b) Increased biogas production c) Higher maintenance requirements d) Enhanced mixing efficiency


c) Higher maintenance requirements

4. What type of digesters is EIMIX suitable for?

a) Only high-solids digesters b) Only low-solids digesters c) Only deep digesters d) All of the above


d) All of the above

5. How does EIMIX contribute to improved operational efficiency?

a) By reducing the number of required maintenance interventions b) By minimizing fluctuations in the digester environment c) By optimizing biogas production d) All of the above


d) All of the above

EIMIX Exercise:


A wastewater treatment facility is currently using a traditional mechanical mixer in their anaerobic digester. They are experiencing challenges with inefficient mixing, high maintenance costs, and fluctuating biogas production. They are considering switching to EIMIX.


Create a list of potential benefits and potential drawbacks the facility might experience if they switch from their traditional mechanical mixer to EIMIX. Consider factors like energy consumption, maintenance requirements, biogas production, and overall efficiency.

Exercice Correction

Potential Benefits:

  • Reduced Energy Consumption: EIMIX uses air injection, requiring significantly less energy compared to mechanical mixers, leading to operational cost savings.
  • Enhanced Mixing Efficiency: EIMIX's gentle upward flow ensures even distribution of solids and nutrients throughout the digester, promoting optimal microbial activity.
  • Increased Biogas Production: Efficient mixing leads to better nutrient availability and enhanced microbial activity, resulting in increased biogas production.
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs: EIMIX has fewer moving parts, minimizing maintenance requirements and downtime compared to mechanical mixers.
  • Improved Operational Efficiency: EIMIX contributes to a more stable digester environment, reducing fluctuations and improving overall operational efficiency.

Potential Drawbacks:

  • Initial Investment: Switching to EIMIX might require an initial investment for the system installation.
  • Air Supply Requirements: EIMIX relies on a consistent air supply, which may necessitate additional infrastructure or modifications.
  • Potential for Air Leaks: While less frequent, air leaks could occur in the system, requiring attention and repairs.
  • Adapting to New Technology: Operating and maintaining EIMIX might require staff training and adaptation to new procedures.



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