Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: EGL


Unveiling the Flow: Understanding the Energy Grade Line (EGL) in Environmental & Water Treatment

The efficient movement of water and wastewater is crucial in environmental and water treatment processes. Understanding the forces at play within these systems is vital for optimizing performance and ensuring safety. One key concept in this regard is the Energy Grade Line (EGL).

What is the EGL?

The EGL represents the total energy head of flowing water at any given point within a system. It is a theoretical line that visually depicts the sum of:

  • Elevation Head: The height of the water above a reference point.
  • Pressure Head: The pressure exerted by the water, converted to an equivalent height.
  • Velocity Head: The energy associated with the water's movement, also converted to an equivalent height.

Visualizing the EGL

The EGL is typically drawn as a continuous line on a schematic diagram of the water system. It slopes downward along the direction of flow, reflecting the gradual loss of energy due to friction and other factors.

Significance in Environmental & Water Treatment:

The EGL plays a significant role in several aspects of environmental and water treatment:

  • Pumping Systems: Understanding the EGL helps determine the necessary pump head to overcome friction losses and deliver water to its desired location.
  • Pipe Sizing: The slope of the EGL indicates the energy losses along the pipe. This information aids in choosing appropriate pipe diameters to minimize these losses.
  • Gravity Flow Systems: In gravity-fed systems, the EGL determines if sufficient energy is available to move water through the treatment processes.
  • Troubleshooting: Deviations in the EGL can indicate problems such as blockages, leaks, or pump malfunctions.

Example Application:

Imagine a water treatment plant that pumps water from a source to a storage tank. The EGL will show the energy available at different points in the system. The pump will add energy to the water, causing the EGL to rise. The EGL then gradually decreases as the water flows through pipes and treatment processes due to friction.


The Energy Grade Line (EGL) is a vital tool for understanding and optimizing water flow in environmental and water treatment systems. By visualizing the energy head at various points, engineers and operators can make informed decisions regarding pump selection, pipe sizing, and overall system design. A clear understanding of the EGL ensures efficient water flow and efficient operation of treatment processes.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding the Energy Grade Line (EGL)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the Energy Grade Line (EGL) represent?

a) The total head loss in a water system b) The total energy head of flowing water at any point c) The pressure head of the water at a specific location d) The velocity of the water flow in a pipe


b) The total energy head of flowing water at any point

2. Which of the following is NOT a component of the Energy Grade Line (EGL)?

a) Elevation Head b) Pressure Head c) Velocity Head d) Hydraulic Gradient


d) Hydraulic Gradient

3. How does the EGL typically slope along the direction of flow?

a) Upward b) Downward c) Remains horizontal d) Fluctuates randomly


b) Downward

4. Which of the following applications benefits from understanding the EGL?

a) Determining the required pump head b) Selecting appropriate pipe sizes c) Evaluating the effectiveness of a water treatment process d) All of the above


d) All of the above

5. In a gravity-fed water system, what does the EGL indicate about the system's ability to deliver water?

a) The EGL must be higher at the outlet than the inlet b) The EGL must be lower at the outlet than the inlet c) The EGL must remain constant throughout the system d) The EGL is not relevant in gravity-fed systems


a) The EGL must be higher at the outlet than the inlet

Exercise: EGL Application

Scenario: A water treatment plant pumps water from a reservoir (elevation 100 meters) to a storage tank (elevation 150 meters) through a 1 km long pipeline. The pump adds a pressure head of 20 meters to the water.


  1. Sketch a simple schematic of the system, including the reservoir, pump, pipeline, and storage tank.
  2. On your schematic, draw the approximate Energy Grade Line (EGL) for the system, considering the elevation heads, pressure head added by the pump, and the expected decrease in EGL due to friction losses in the pipeline.
  3. Explain how the EGL demonstrates whether the water can be successfully delivered to the storage tank.

Exercice Correction

1. Schematic:

[Insert a simple schematic showing the reservoir, pump, pipeline, and storage tank. You can draw this by hand or use a drawing tool.]

2. EGL:

[Draw the EGL on the schematic. The EGL should start at the reservoir elevation (100 meters) and rise due to the pump pressure head (20 meters). It should then gradually slope downward as it flows through the pipeline due to friction losses. Finally, it should reach the storage tank elevation (150 meters).]

3. Explanation:

The EGL demonstrates that the water can be successfully delivered to the storage tank because the EGL at the outlet (storage tank) is higher than the EGL at the inlet (reservoir). This means that the system has enough energy to overcome friction losses in the pipeline and deliver water to the higher elevation of the storage tank.


  • Fluid Mechanics: This is a broad topic, but any textbook covering fluid mechanics will discuss the concepts of head and EGL. Some good options include:
    • Fluid Mechanics by Frank M. White
    • Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Robert W. Fox, Alan T. McDonald, Philip J. Pritchard
    • Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics by Munson, Young, Okiishi


  • Engineering Journal Articles: Searching databases like ASCE's "Journal of Hydraulic Engineering" or "Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management" will yield specific articles on EGL applications in water systems.
  • Technical Articles from Water/Wastewater Industry Websites: Websites of organizations like AWWA (American Water Works Association) and WEF (Water Environment Federation) often publish articles explaining EGL concepts.

Online Resources

  • Engineering Software Documentation: Software like EPANET (for water distribution system modeling) often has detailed sections on EGL and its application in the software.
  • Educational Websites: Websites like Khan Academy or Lumen Learning may have introductory content on fluid mechanics and energy concepts that apply to EGL.
  • University Courses: Look for free online courses on fluid mechanics or water treatment offered by universities.

Search Tips

  • Specific Terms: Use combinations like "EGL water treatment", "energy grade line pipe sizing", "EGL pump design" to refine your search.
  • Focus on Resources: Use "" or "" to target educational or government websites.
  • Example Problems: Search for "EGL example problems" to find illustrative case studies.
  • Image Search: Search for "energy grade line diagram" to visualize the concept.
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