Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: DynaSand


DynaSand: A Revolution in Water Treatment

The DynaSand® technology, developed by Parkson Corporation, represents a significant advancement in the field of water treatment. It utilizes a Continuously Backwashed Moving Bed Sand Filter, offering a unique approach to filtration with numerous advantages over traditional sand filtration systems.

Understanding DynaSand®:

DynaSand® is essentially a self-cleaning sand filter that operates continuously. The core of the system lies in its moving bed of sand. Unlike conventional filters where sand remains stationary, the DynaSand® system employs a continuous upward flow of water, suspending the sand particles and creating a "fluidized bed." This movement allows for the effective removal of contaminants and debris, while also ensuring a consistent filtration performance.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Continuous Backwashing: The system constantly removes accumulated debris by continuously backwashing a portion of the sand bed. This ensures optimal filtration performance throughout the process, eliminating the need for scheduled downtime for backwashing like traditional filters.
  • High Filtration Efficiency: The continuous movement of the sand creates a dynamic filtration medium, enhancing the capture and removal of even the finest particles. This leads to a higher removal efficiency for suspended solids, turbidity, and other contaminants.
  • Reduced Operating Costs: Continuous backwashing minimizes the amount of water used for backwashing, leading to significant water savings. Additionally, the extended filter run times reduce the frequency of filter maintenance, minimizing labor costs and downtime.
  • Versatile Applications: DynaSand® is suitable for a wide range of applications, including municipal water treatment, industrial wastewater treatment, and drinking water purification. Its adaptability allows for efficient treatment of varying water quality and contaminant levels.
  • Lower Maintenance: The system's self-cleaning design reduces the need for manual cleaning and maintenance, resulting in lower operational costs and fewer disruptions to the water treatment process.

Parkson Corp. Continuously Backwashed Moving Bed Sand Filter:

Parkson Corporation's Continuously Backwashed Moving Bed Sand Filter is a prime example of the DynaSand® technology in action. The filter offers exceptional performance with a high degree of automation and minimal operational intervention. The system utilizes a unique backwashing process that combines both fluidization and backwashing to effectively remove contaminants. This innovative approach ensures optimal performance while minimizing water usage and operational downtime.


DynaSand® technology is transforming the water treatment industry. The continuously backwashed moving bed sand filter offers several advantages over traditional methods, including higher efficiency, reduced operating costs, and increased operational reliability. By embracing the innovative solutions offered by Parkson Corporation and other providers of DynaSand® technology, water treatment facilities can optimize their processes, achieve superior water quality, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge

DynaSand® Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the core principle of the DynaSand® technology? a) A stationary bed of sand that filters water through gravity. b) A continuously backwashed moving bed of sand. c) A membrane filtration system with high pressure. d) A chemical treatment process using chlorine and other chemicals.


b) A continuously backwashed moving bed of sand.

2. What is the main advantage of the continuous backwashing process in DynaSand®? a) It requires less maintenance. b) It ensures optimal filtration performance. c) It minimizes water usage for backwashing. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

3. How does the moving bed of sand in DynaSand® enhance filtration efficiency? a) It creates a more porous medium for better water flow. b) It allows for the removal of larger particles. c) It creates a dynamic filtration medium, capturing even the finest particles. d) It distributes the sand more evenly for better water flow.


c) It creates a dynamic filtration medium, capturing even the finest particles.

4. What is one benefit of the DynaSand® technology in terms of operational costs? a) Reduced need for chemicals. b) Lower energy consumption. c) Reduced water usage for backwashing. d) All of the above.


c) Reduced water usage for backwashing.

5. What company is known for developing and implementing the DynaSand® technology? a) WaterTech Industries b) Aquafine Corporation c) Parkson Corporation d) Pentair


c) Parkson Corporation

DynaSand® Exercise

Scenario: You are tasked with recommending a water treatment solution for a small municipality with limited resources and a need for reliable water purification.

Task: * Briefly describe the benefits of DynaSand® technology that would make it a suitable solution for this municipality. * Explain why DynaSand® might be a better choice than traditional sand filters in this specific scenario. * Discuss one potential challenge of implementing DynaSand® and how it might be addressed.

Exercice Correction

DynaSand® technology offers several advantages that make it suitable for this municipality: * **High efficiency:** DynaSand® provides superior filtration efficiency, removing a wider range of contaminants and achieving higher water quality compared to traditional filters. This is crucial for ensuring safe drinking water for the residents. * **Reduced operational costs:** The continuous backwashing minimizes water usage and maintenance requirements, resulting in lower operating costs for the municipality. This is particularly valuable for a municipality with limited resources. * **Reliable performance:** The self-cleaning nature of DynaSand® ensures consistent filtration performance with minimal downtime, ensuring a continuous supply of clean water to the community. While DynaSand® offers significant advantages, there is a potential challenge in its initial installation cost, which may be higher than traditional sand filters. This can be addressed by exploring financing options, grants, or partnerships with water treatment companies to offset the upfront cost and reap the long-term benefits of the technology. Overall, DynaSand® presents a compelling solution for this municipality by combining high efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and reliability in water treatment. It can provide a sustainable and reliable solution for clean water supply while minimizing the operational burden on the municipality.


  • "Water Treatment Plant Design" by James M. Symons: This comprehensive textbook provides detailed information on various water treatment processes, including filtration technologies. While it may not directly mention DynaSand®, it serves as a foundation for understanding the broader context of water treatment.
  • "Water Quality and Treatment: A Handbook on Drinking Water" by American Water Works Association (AWWA): This authoritative handbook explores a wide range of topics related to drinking water quality and treatment, including filtration methods. It can provide insights into the evolution of filtration technologies and their impact on water quality.


  • "Parkson's DynaSand® Technology: A Game Changer in Water Treatment" by Parkson Corporation (available on their website): This article provides a detailed overview of DynaSand® technology, its key features, and its benefits.
  • "Continuous Backwashing Moving Bed Sand Filter - DynaSand®" by Parkson Corporation: This technical document offers a more technical explanation of DynaSand®, covering its operational principles, design, and applications.
  • "DynaSand® Technology: A New Era in Water Filtration" by Water & Wastewater International: This article discusses the advantages of DynaSand® over traditional sand filtration, highlighting its efficiency, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness.
  • "Case Studies of DynaSand® Applications" by Parkson Corporation: These case studies showcase real-world applications of DynaSand® technology in various settings, demonstrating its effectiveness in treating different types of water.

Online Resources

  • Parkson Corporation Website: The website provides extensive information on DynaSand® technology, including product specifications, case studies, and technical documentation.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF) Website: This website offers a wealth of resources on water treatment technologies, including articles, research papers, and conference proceedings that may discuss DynaSand®.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA) Website: This website provides information on water quality, treatment, and industry standards, including articles and research on filtration technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use the search term "DynaSand" along with specific keywords related to your interests, such as "technology," "benefits," "applications," "case studies," or "comparison."
  • Use quotation marks to search for specific phrases, such as "Continuously Backwashed Moving Bed Sand Filter."
  • Combine search terms using "AND" or "OR" to refine your search results. For example, "DynaSand AND municipal water treatment."
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