Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: dynamic membrane

dynamic membrane

Dynamic Membranes in Environmental & Water Treatment: A Deeper Dive into the "Transient" Filter

Dynamic membranes, often described as "transient" filters, play a crucial role in environmental and water treatment. They offer a unique approach to filtration, forming a dynamic barrier on the surface of a base membrane, effectively capturing and removing contaminants. This article delves deeper into the concept of dynamic membranes, exploring their formation, characteristics, and applications.

Understanding the "Transient" Nature:

As the name suggests, dynamic membranes are not permanent structures. They form dynamically on the surface of a base membrane as the feed stream containing suspended solids flows through it. This layer is composed of the captured particles, forming a porous, dynamic filter. The characteristics of this dynamic membrane are influenced by factors like:

  • Feed Concentration: Higher feed concentrations result in denser and thicker dynamic membranes.
  • Particle Size & Morphology: The size and shape of the particles affect the porosity and permeability of the dynamic membrane.
  • Membrane Material & Properties: The base membrane material and its surface characteristics influence the formation and stability of the dynamic membrane.

Formation & Functionality:

Dynamic membranes form through a process called "cake filtration." As the feed stream passes through the base membrane, particles larger than the pore size are trapped on the surface. These particles accumulate, forming a layer that becomes the dynamic membrane. This layer acts as a secondary filter, trapping smaller particles and improving the overall filtration efficiency.

The dynamic membrane's functionality is characterized by:

  • Selective Filtration: It selectively removes particles based on size, allowing smaller particles to pass through.
  • Enhanced Removal: It removes a broader range of contaminants, including those smaller than the base membrane's pore size.
  • Self-Cleaning: The dynamic membrane can be flushed or backwashed, removing the accumulated particles and regenerating the filter.

Applications in Environmental & Water Treatment:

Dynamic membranes are widely used in diverse environmental and water treatment applications, including:

  • Wastewater Treatment: Removal of suspended solids, organic matter, and heavy metals.
  • Drinking Water Treatment: Pre-treatment for conventional filtration processes, removing turbidity and suspended particles.
  • Industrial Process Water Treatment: Removing contaminants from industrial process streams to improve efficiency and product quality.
  • Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs): Used in combination with biological treatment to remove both dissolved and particulate contaminants.

Advantages & Challenges:

Dynamic membranes offer several advantages:

  • High Removal Efficiency: Enhanced removal of contaminants, including fine particles.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Lower capital costs compared to other membrane technologies.
  • Flexibility: Adaptable to varying feed conditions and contaminant types.

However, there are challenges associated with dynamic membranes:

  • Membrane Fouling: The build-up of particles on the dynamic membrane can reduce its permeability and effectiveness.
  • Operating Conditions: Specific operating conditions are required for optimal performance, including flow rate, pressure, and backwash frequency.
  • Membrane Instability: The dynamic membrane can be prone to instability and breakdown under certain conditions.

Future Perspectives:

Despite these challenges, dynamic membranes hold promising potential in environmental and water treatment. Ongoing research focuses on:

  • Developing New Membrane Materials: Improving the stability, durability, and fouling resistance of dynamic membranes.
  • Optimizing Operating Conditions: Developing strategies to maximize the efficiency and minimize the fouling of dynamic membranes.
  • Hybrid Systems: Combining dynamic membranes with other technologies to achieve enhanced treatment performance.

In conclusion, dynamic membranes represent a valuable tool in environmental and water treatment, offering a flexible and cost-effective approach to contaminant removal. As research progresses, dynamic membranes are poised to play an even more significant role in addressing global water challenges and ensuring sustainable water resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Dynamic Membranes Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What makes dynamic membranes "transient"?

a) They are only effective for a short period of time.


Incorrect. Dynamic membranes can operate for extended periods.

b) They are constantly being formed and reformed.


Correct. Dynamic membranes are constantly evolving as particles accumulate and are removed.

c) They are not physically attached to the base membrane.


Incorrect. Dynamic membranes are formed on the surface of the base membrane.

d) They are temporary structures used for specific filtration tasks.


Incorrect. Dynamic membranes are not necessarily temporary, but rather they are constantly changing.

2. What is the primary mechanism of dynamic membrane formation?

a) Adsorption of particles onto the membrane surface.


Incorrect. Adsorption is a factor, but not the primary mechanism.

b) Chemical bonding between particles and the membrane.


Incorrect. Chemical bonding is not the primary mechanism of dynamic membrane formation.

c) Cake filtration, where particles accumulate on the membrane.


Correct. Cake filtration is the primary mechanism of dynamic membrane formation.

d) Precipitating dissolved contaminants onto the membrane surface.


Incorrect. Precipitation is not the primary mechanism of dynamic membrane formation.

3. How does the feed concentration affect the dynamic membrane?

a) Higher concentrations lead to thinner and less porous membranes.


Incorrect. Higher concentrations generally lead to thicker membranes.

b) Higher concentrations have no significant effect on the membrane.


Incorrect. Feed concentration significantly affects the dynamic membrane.

c) Higher concentrations result in denser and thicker dynamic membranes.


Correct. Higher concentrations lead to a denser and thicker cake layer.

d) Higher concentrations reduce the membrane's ability to remove contaminants.


Incorrect. Higher concentrations can increase the membrane's efficiency in removing larger particles.

4. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of dynamic membranes?

a) High removal efficiency.


Incorrect. Dynamic membranes offer high removal efficiency.

b) Low capital costs.


Incorrect. Dynamic membranes are generally cost-effective.

c) High energy consumption.


Correct. Dynamic membranes can require significant energy for backwashing and operation.

d) Flexibility in handling different feed conditions.


Incorrect. Dynamic membranes are adaptable to various feed conditions.

5. What is a major challenge associated with dynamic membranes?

a) High maintenance costs.


Incorrect. While maintenance is important, it is not the major challenge.

b) Membrane fouling.


Correct. Fouling is a significant challenge for dynamic membranes, leading to decreased performance.

c) Limited application in water treatment.


Incorrect. Dynamic membranes are widely used in water treatment.

d) Difficulty in achieving selective filtration.


Incorrect. Dynamic membranes are capable of selective filtration based on particle size.

Dynamic Membranes Exercise:


A wastewater treatment plant uses a dynamic membrane system for the removal of suspended solids. The plant is experiencing a decrease in the membrane's filtration efficiency.


Identify three possible causes for the decreased efficiency and propose solutions for each.

Exercise Correction

Possible causes for decreased efficiency: 1. **Membrane Fouling:** * **Solution:** Implement regular backwashing cycles to remove accumulated particles and restore membrane permeability. 2. **Feed Concentration:** * **Solution:** Pre-treat the wastewater to reduce the concentration of suspended solids before it reaches the dynamic membrane. This could involve sedimentation or coagulation/flocculation processes. 3. **Operating Conditions:** * **Solution:** Optimize the flow rate, pressure, and backwash frequency to maintain optimal performance and minimize fouling. This might require adjustments to the system's operating parameters.


  • Membrane Technology in Water and Wastewater Treatment by H. K. Versteeg, W. J. Koros, and S. G. Boyjoo
  • Membrane Filtration: Principles and Applications by Richard W. Baker
  • Handbook of Membrane Separations: Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Food, and Biotechnological Applications edited by Ronald W. Rousseau


  • Dynamic Membrane Filtration: Principles and Applications by G. Belfort and A. L. Zydney (Journal of Membrane Science, 1999)
  • Dynamic Membranes in Water Treatment: A Review by M. A. El-Din (Desalination, 2007)
  • Membrane Bioreactors for Wastewater Treatment: A Review by S. T. Liao and J. C. C. Wong (Journal of Membrane Science, 2006)

Online Resources

  • International Membrane Society (IMS):
  • Membrane Technology and Research (MTR):
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF):
  • National Research Council of Canada (NRC):
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

Search Tips

  • "Dynamic Membranes" AND "Water Treatment"
  • "Cake Filtration" AND "Membrane Technology"
  • "Membrane Bioreactors" AND "Wastewater Treatment"
  • "Fouling" AND "Dynamic Membrane Filtration"
  • "Dynamic Membrane" + specific application (e.g., "drinking water", "industrial wastewater")
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