Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: dry ice

dry ice

Dry Ice: A Versatile Tool in Environmental & Water Treatment

Dry ice, solidified carbon dioxide, is a remarkable substance with unique properties that make it a valuable asset in various environmental and water treatment applications. Its ability to vaporize directly from a solid to a gas without passing through a liquid state ("sublimation") unlocks its potential in diverse scenarios, ranging from cleaning to remediation.

Key Properties of Dry Ice:

  • Sublimation: Dry ice vaporizes at -78.5 °C (-109.3 °F), eliminating the need for liquids and minimizing residue.
  • Low Temperature: The extremely cold temperature of dry ice (-78.5 °C) allows for effective freezing and disruption of biological processes.
  • Non-toxic and Non-flammable: Dry ice is environmentally friendly, posing no threat to human health or the environment.
  • Versatile Form Factor: Available in various forms, from pellets to blocks, dry ice adapts to different application needs.

Dry Ice Applications in Environmental & Water Treatment:

  • Cleaning and Degreasing: Dry ice blasting offers a clean and environmentally friendly method for removing contaminants, grease, and coatings from surfaces without harming the underlying material. This is particularly useful in industrial settings where traditional cleaning methods may be ineffective or pose environmental risks.
  • Waste Water Treatment: Dry ice can effectively dewater sludge and other waste materials, reducing the volume and facilitating easier disposal. It also helps to break down organic matter and reduce odors, improving the overall efficiency of wastewater treatment plants.
  • Remediation of Soil and Groundwater: Dry ice can be used to remove contaminants from soil and groundwater by promoting their volatilization or by physically dislodging them. This technique is particularly useful for addressing spills and leaks of hazardous materials.
  • Control of Pests and Invasive Species: Dry ice can be used to create a cold shock environment, effectively killing pests and invasive species without the use of harmful chemicals. This method is gaining popularity for controlling insect infestations in agriculture and urban environments.
  • Water Purification: Dry ice can be used to purify water by freezing and removing harmful contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. It also helps to reduce the turbidity and improve the overall quality of water.

Advantages of Using Dry Ice:

  • Environmentally Friendly: Dry ice is a non-toxic, non-flammable, and biodegradable material, minimizing environmental impact.
  • Cost-Effective: In many cases, dry ice cleaning and treatment methods are more cost-effective than traditional methods, especially when considering long-term benefits.
  • Efficient: Dry ice's sublimation and low temperature properties provide a highly effective and rapid solution for various environmental and water treatment challenges.
  • Versatile: Dry ice can be used in various applications and can be customized to meet specific needs.


Dry ice stands as a valuable tool in the arsenal of environmental and water treatment professionals. Its unique properties, combined with its environmentally friendly nature, offer a cost-effective and efficient solution for a wide range of challenges. As technology and research continue to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative uses for dry ice in environmental and water treatment, further minimizing our impact on the planet.

Test Your Knowledge

Dry Ice Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the unique property of dry ice that makes it useful for environmental and water treatment? a) It is highly flammable. b) It melts into a liquid at room temperature. c) It sublimates directly from a solid to a gas. d) It is highly reactive with water.


c) It sublimates directly from a solid to a gas.

2. What is the primary advantage of using dry ice for cleaning compared to traditional methods? a) It is less expensive. b) It is more effective at removing dirt. c) It is environmentally friendly and leaves no residue. d) It is easier to use.


c) It is environmentally friendly and leaves no residue.

3. Which of the following is NOT a potential application of dry ice in environmental and water treatment? a) Control of pests and invasive species b) Removal of contaminants from soil and groundwater c) Degreasing industrial equipment d) Production of carbonated beverages


d) Production of carbonated beverages

4. How does dry ice help in wastewater treatment? a) It adds nutrients to the water. b) It removes dissolved oxygen from the water. c) It dewaters sludge and reduces odor. d) It increases the water's pH level.


c) It dewaters sludge and reduces odor.

5. What is the temperature of dry ice? a) -10 °C b) -78.5 °C c) 0 °C d) 25 °C


b) -78.5 °C

Dry Ice Exercise:

Scenario: A local factory is facing an issue with excessive grease build-up on its machinery. Traditional cleaning methods are proving inefficient and environmentally harmful.

Task: Explain how using dry ice blasting could be a better solution for this problem. Discuss the advantages of using dry ice in this specific scenario compared to traditional cleaning methods. Consider the following aspects:

  • Environmental impact
  • Effectiveness
  • Cost-efficiency

Exercice Correction

Dry ice blasting would be a significantly better solution for the factory's grease build-up problem. Here's why:

  • **Environmental impact:** Dry ice is non-toxic and biodegradable, making it a much more environmentally friendly option than traditional cleaning solvents which often contain harsh chemicals that can contaminate the environment.
  • **Effectiveness:** Dry ice blasting effectively removes grease and grime without damaging the underlying machinery. The low temperature of the dry ice freezes and shatters the grease, allowing for its removal without harsh scrubbing or chemicals.
  • **Cost-efficiency:** While the initial cost of dry ice may be slightly higher, the long-term benefits of using a sustainable and effective method outweigh the initial expense. The efficiency of dry ice blasting can reduce downtime and maintenance costs associated with traditional cleaning methods.

In this scenario, dry ice blasting offers a more environmentally friendly, efficient, and cost-effective solution compared to traditional cleaning methods. It allows the factory to address its grease build-up issue while minimizing its environmental footprint and maintaining the integrity of its machinery.


  • "Dry Ice Blasting: The Comprehensive Guide to Dry Ice Cleaning and Blasting" by Robert C. Matthews: Provides a detailed overview of dry ice blasting techniques, applications, and safety considerations.
  • "Wastewater Treatment Engineering" by Metcalf & Eddy: Covers the principles and practices of wastewater treatment, including sections on the use of dry ice for dewatering and odor control.
  • "Environmental Engineering" by Davis & Masten: A textbook exploring environmental engineering principles, including sections on soil and groundwater remediation, where dry ice applications are discussed.


  • "Dry Ice Blasting: A Clean and Efficient Cleaning Technology" by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): A comprehensive article exploring the advantages and applications of dry ice blasting.
  • "Dry Ice for Environmental Remediation: A Sustainable Approach to Soil and Groundwater Cleanup" by Journal of Environmental Engineering: Focuses on the use of dry ice for removing contaminants from soil and groundwater.
  • "Dry Ice for Wastewater Treatment: A Review" by Water Research Journal: A detailed review of the applications of dry ice in wastewater treatment, including dewatering, odor control, and biosolids management.

Online Resources

  • Dry Ice Association of America (DIA): Provides information on dry ice applications, safety guidelines, and industry best practices.
  • The Dry Ice Blasting Association: Offers resources on dry ice blasting techniques, equipment, and training opportunities.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Provides information on environmental regulations and technologies related to soil and groundwater remediation.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "dry ice," "environmental treatment," "water purification," "wastewater," "soil remediation," and "pest control" to narrow down your search.
  • Include location: If you're searching for companies or services in a particular region, add the location to your search terms (e.g., "dry ice cleaning services in California").
  • Use advanced search operators: Use quotation marks for specific phrases ("dry ice blasting techniques"), plus signs for including terms (+dry ice +water treatment), and minus signs for excluding terms (-industrial -commercial).
  • Explore related searches: Google's "People also ask" and "Related searches" sections can provide additional relevant terms and resources.
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