Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Sustainable Water Management: drawdown


Drawdown: Understanding the Impact of Water Use on Our Resources

The term "drawdown" in environmental and water treatment refers to the depletion of water resources. It can manifest in various ways, all impacting the availability of water for human use and ecological systems. Here's a breakdown of three common ways drawdown is observed:

1. Groundwater Drawdown:

  • Description: This refers to the drop in the water table or level of water in the ground when water is being pumped from a well. Imagine a sponge saturated with water. When you squeeze the sponge, the water level within the sponge drops. Similarly, when we pump water out of a well, the surrounding groundwater level decreases.
  • Impact: Excessive groundwater drawdown can have severe consequences, including:
    • Lowering the water table: This can lead to dry wells, reduced crop yields, and loss of groundwater-dependent ecosystems.
    • Land subsidence: As groundwater is removed, the ground above it can compact and sink, causing damage to infrastructure and buildings.
    • Saltwater intrusion: In coastal areas, excessive drawdown can allow saltwater to infiltrate freshwater aquifers, contaminating drinking water supplies.

2. Water Drawdown in Reservoirs and Tanks:

  • Description: This refers to the amount of water used from a tank or reservoir. It is a measure of how much water has been withdrawn from a storage facility.
  • Impact: Drawdown in reservoirs and tanks can impact:
    • Water availability: High drawdown can strain the water supply, particularly during drought conditions.
    • Reservoir management: Drawdown levels are crucial for regulating water release for irrigation, hydropower generation, and flood control.

3. Water Level Drawdown in Reservoirs and Tanks:

  • Description: This refers to the drop in the water level of a tank or reservoir. It is a direct measure of the change in water volume within the storage facility.
  • Impact: Water level drawdown can indicate:
    • Demand exceeding supply: A rapid drop in water level can signal that water usage exceeds the rate of replenishment.
    • Evaporation losses: High evaporation rates, especially during hot, dry periods, can contribute to water level drawdown.
    • Leakage or seepage: Significant water level drawdown without corresponding usage can point to leaks or seepage from the reservoir or tank.

Managing Drawdown for Sustainable Water Resources:

Understanding drawdown is crucial for managing water resources effectively. By carefully monitoring water levels and implementing strategies such as:

  • Conserving water: Reducing water usage through efficient appliances, water-wise landscaping, and leak prevention.
  • Recharging aquifers: Utilizing methods like rainwater harvesting and artificial recharge to replenish groundwater resources.
  • Implementing water allocation policies: Ensuring equitable and sustainable distribution of water resources based on demand and availability.

We can strive towards a future where water resources are sustainably managed and available for generations to come.

Test Your Knowledge

Drawdown Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "drawdown" refer to in the context of water resources?

(a) The amount of water used for irrigation. (b) The increase in water levels in a reservoir. (c) The depletion of water resources. (d) The process of cleaning water for human consumption.


The correct answer is **(c) The depletion of water resources.**

2. Which of these is NOT a consequence of excessive groundwater drawdown?

(a) Lowering the water table. (b) Increased precipitation. (c) Land subsidence. (d) Saltwater intrusion.


The correct answer is **(b) Increased precipitation.**

3. What does "water level drawdown in reservoirs and tanks" refer to?

(a) The amount of water used from a reservoir. (b) The drop in water level within a reservoir. (c) The process of filling a reservoir with water. (d) The rate at which water evaporates from a reservoir.


The correct answer is **(b) The drop in water level within a reservoir.**

4. Which of these is NOT a strategy for managing drawdown?

(a) Conserving water. (b) Recharging aquifers. (c) Increasing water usage. (d) Implementing water allocation policies.


The correct answer is **(c) Increasing water usage.**

5. A rapid drop in water level in a reservoir can indicate:

(a) An increase in rainfall. (b) Demand exceeding supply. (c) Reduced evaporation rates. (d) A decrease in population.


The correct answer is **(b) Demand exceeding supply.**

Drawdown Exercise

Scenario: You are a farmer in a region experiencing a drought. You rely on a nearby reservoir for irrigation. Over the past few months, the reservoir's water level has been steadily declining.

Task: Identify three potential causes for the reservoir's drawdown and propose two practical solutions to address the issue.

Exercise Correction

Here are some potential causes for the reservoir's drawdown:

  • Increased demand: The drought may have led to increased water usage by other farmers, industries, or households relying on the reservoir.
  • Reduced rainfall: Lack of precipitation means less water is flowing into the reservoir to replenish it.
  • Evaporation: Hot and dry weather can cause increased evaporation from the reservoir's surface.

Here are two practical solutions to address the issue:

  • Implement water conservation measures: Implement water-saving techniques in your farming practices, such as drip irrigation, to reduce water usage.
  • Rainwater harvesting: Collect rainwater from rooftops and direct it into the reservoir to replenish its supply.


  • Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming: By Paul Hawken (2017) - While focused on climate change, this book explores various solutions, some of which directly address water conservation and management.
  • Water in a Changing World: By Peter H. Gleick (2010) - Offers a comprehensive overview of global water challenges and solutions, including discussions on water scarcity and drawdown.
  • The World's Water: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources: Published by the World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) - Provides a global overview of water resources and challenges, including data on water withdrawals and drawdown.


  • "Groundwater Depletion: A Global Problem" by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - A comprehensive report on the global situation of groundwater depletion and its implications.
  • "The Global Water Crisis: A Look at the Facts and Figures" by the World Resources Institute (WRI) - This article presents data and analysis on water scarcity, usage, and challenges, including drawdown.
  • "Water Scarcity: A Growing Threat to Sustainable Development" by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) - Discusses the relationship between water scarcity, drought, and land degradation, emphasizing the impact of drawdown.

Online Resources

  • World Resources Institute (WRI): Their website provides data, research, and resources on water resources and management, including information on groundwater depletion and drawdown. (
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO): This organization has a dedicated website for water resources, including information on water scarcity, groundwater management, and drawdown. (
  • International Water Management Institute (IWMI): This organization provides research, training, and capacity building in water management, with a focus on addressing water scarcity and drawdown. (

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Groundwater drawdown," "reservoir drawdown," "water level drawdown."
  • Combine keywords with geographical locations: "Groundwater drawdown in California," "Reservoir drawdown in India."
  • Use quotation marks: "Water scarcity and drawdown" to search for the exact phrase.
  • Specify search filters: Filter your search results by date, language, or file type to narrow down your results.
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