Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: drawback


The Drawback of Drawback: Understanding Reverse Osmosis Challenges

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, membrane processes like reverse osmosis (RO) are crucial for producing high-quality water. These processes rely on semi-permeable membranes to separate water molecules from contaminants, leaving behind a concentrated stream of impurities. However, a phenomenon known as drawback can hinder the efficiency and effectiveness of these systems, posing a significant challenge for water treatment professionals.

What is Drawback?

Drawback refers to the reverse flow of water from the permeate side (clean water) to the feedwater or concentrate side (impure water). This occurs due to osmotic pressure, a natural force that drives water movement from areas of low solute concentration to areas of high solute concentration across a semi-permeable membrane.

Understanding the Mechanics:

  1. Pressure Gradient: In an RO system, pressure is applied to the feedwater side, forcing water molecules through the membrane against the osmotic pressure gradient.
  2. Concentration Differences: The concentrate side, where the rejected impurities accumulate, has a higher solute concentration compared to the permeate side.
  3. Osmotic Pressure: This concentration difference creates osmotic pressure, driving water from the permeate side back towards the feedwater side.

Consequences of Drawback:

  • Reduced Water Recovery: As water flows back to the feedwater side, the overall water recovery rate of the RO system decreases.
  • Increased Energy Consumption: To overcome the osmotic pressure and maintain water flow in the desired direction, the RO system requires more energy to operate.
  • Decreased Membrane Performance: Over time, the continuous backflow of water can lead to membrane fouling, reducing its efficiency and lifespan.
  • Reduced Permeate Quality: The permeate water quality can be affected as the backflow of concentrate can introduce impurities back into the treated water.

Mitigating Drawback:

Several strategies can be implemented to mitigate drawback and improve the performance of RO systems:

  • Optimize Pressure: Maintaining a higher pressure on the feedwater side helps overcome the osmotic pressure and minimize backflow.
  • Optimize Feedwater Quality: Pre-treating the feedwater to reduce the concentration of impurities minimizes the osmotic pressure difference.
  • Membrane Selection: Utilizing membranes with high salt rejection rates and low water permeability can effectively reduce the backflow.
  • System Design: Employing multiple RO stages with carefully selected pressure and flow configurations can minimize the impact of drawback.
  • Operating Parameters: Adjusting operational parameters like flow rates and recovery rates can optimize performance and minimize backflow.


Drawback, though a natural phenomenon in RO systems, can significantly impact their efficiency and effectiveness. Understanding its causes and implementing appropriate mitigation strategies are essential for ensuring optimal water treatment outcomes and maximizing the benefits of membrane technology. By addressing drawback effectively, we can optimize the performance of RO systems and contribute to the production of high-quality water for a variety of applications.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Drawback of Drawback

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary cause of drawback in reverse osmosis (RO) systems?

a) High feedwater pressure b) Osmotic pressure c) Membrane fouling d) Low water recovery rate


b) Osmotic pressure

2. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of drawback in RO systems?

a) Reduced water recovery b) Increased energy consumption c) Enhanced membrane performance d) Decreased permeate quality


c) Enhanced membrane performance

3. How does optimizing feedwater quality help mitigate drawback?

a) It increases the osmotic pressure. b) It reduces the concentration of impurities in the feedwater. c) It increases the pressure gradient across the membrane. d) It enhances the membrane's salt rejection rate.


b) It reduces the concentration of impurities in the feedwater.

4. What is the main advantage of using membranes with high salt rejection rates to mitigate drawback?

a) They increase the water recovery rate. b) They increase the osmotic pressure. c) They decrease the backflow of water to the feedwater side. d) They increase the pressure gradient across the membrane.


c) They decrease the backflow of water to the feedwater side.

5. Which of the following strategies is NOT commonly used to mitigate drawback in RO systems?

a) Optimizing pressure b) Utilizing high-pressure pumps c) Optimizing feedwater quality d) Utilizing multiple RO stages


b) Utilizing high-pressure pumps

Exercise: Drawback Mitigation Strategy

Scenario: An RO system is experiencing a significant drawback issue, leading to reduced water recovery and increased energy consumption. The system is treating brackish water with high salt concentration.

Task: Design a mitigation strategy for this RO system, focusing on the following:

  • Pre-treatment: What pre-treatment processes could be implemented to improve the feedwater quality and minimize drawback?
  • Membrane Selection: Suggest a type of membrane that could be more effective in mitigating drawback for this specific application.
  • Operational Adjustments: How could the system's operational parameters be adjusted to reduce the impact of drawback?

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible mitigation strategy:

Pre-treatment: * Coagulation and Flocculation: To remove suspended solids and reduce turbidity, which can contribute to membrane fouling and worsen drawback. * Softening: To remove calcium and magnesium ions, reducing scaling potential on the membrane and improving salt rejection. * Reverse Osmosis Pre-treatment: A smaller RO system with a higher rejection rate can be used to pre-treat the water, reducing the salt concentration and osmotic pressure before the main RO system.

Membrane Selection: * Thin Film Composite (TFC) Membranes: These membranes have high salt rejection rates and low water permeability, minimizing backflow. Specific types like "Low Energy" or "High Rejection" TFC membranes may be suitable for brackish water applications.

Operational Adjustments: * Pressure Optimization: Adjust the operating pressure to ensure it is sufficient to overcome the osmotic pressure without causing excessive membrane stress. * Flow Rate Optimization: Adjust the flow rate to optimize water recovery while minimizing backflow. * Stage Configuration: Implementing multiple RO stages with different pressures and flow rates can minimize the impact of drawback by concentrating the salt in the final stage. * Regular Cleaning: Regular cleaning of the RO membranes is essential to maintain their performance and minimize fouling, which can exacerbate drawback.


  • "Membrane Separation Technology: Principles and Applications" by R.W. Baker: Provides comprehensive coverage of membrane processes, including reverse osmosis, and discusses the phenomenon of concentration polarization and its impact on membrane performance.
  • "Reverse Osmosis: Principles and Applications" by A.T. Benkhelifa: A dedicated book on reverse osmosis technology, delving into various aspects including the role of osmotic pressure, membrane selection, and system optimization.
  • "Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by W.J. Weber Jr.: A comprehensive textbook covering various water treatment technologies, including reverse osmosis, and discussing the challenges of membrane fouling and design considerations to address it.


  • "Reverse Osmosis for Water Desalination: A Critical Review" by M.A. Khan and M.S. Islam: A comprehensive review of reverse osmosis technology, highlighting the challenges associated with membrane fouling, energy consumption, and the influence of osmotic pressure.
  • "Concentration Polarization in Reverse Osmosis: Causes, Effects, and Mitigation Strategies" by M.R. Wiesner and R.W. Baker: Discusses the phenomenon of concentration polarization, which is closely related to drawback, and outlines various strategies to mitigate its impact.
  • "Optimization of Reverse Osmosis Systems for Desalination: A Review" by S.M. Ali and S.A. Khan: A review article focusing on the optimization of RO systems, including the role of feedwater quality, membrane selection, and operating parameters in minimizing the impact of drawback.

Online Resources

  • "Drawback" on Wikipedia: Provides a general overview of the phenomenon of drawback in RO systems, highlighting the importance of understanding its effects on efficiency and water quality.
  • "Reverse Osmosis: Principles and Technology" by the United States Geological Survey: A detailed resource from the USGS, covering the fundamentals of reverse osmosis, including the concept of osmotic pressure and its impact on membrane performance.
  • "Reverse Osmosis Membrane Technology" by the International Water Association: Offers a comprehensive overview of RO technology, discussing various aspects such as membrane types, system configurations, and the importance of controlling the impact of drawback.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use terms like "drawback reverse osmosis," "concentration polarization RO," "osmotic pressure membrane," "RO system optimization."
  • Combine keywords with operators: Use "+" to include specific terms, "-" to exclude terms, and "OR" to combine different terms. For example: "drawback + reverse osmosis + mitigation strategies"
  • Explore different search engines: Try specialized academic search engines like Google Scholar, PubMed, and ScienceDirect for more focused results.
  • Use filters and advanced search options: Utilize the filters and advanced search options provided by search engines to refine your results based on specific criteria like publication date, language, and source.
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