Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: double salt

double salt

Double Salts: A Powerful Tool for Environmental & Water Treatment

Double salts, compounds containing two different cations or anions within a single crystalline structure, are gaining increasing attention in environmental and water treatment applications. Their unique properties make them versatile tools for addressing a range of challenges, from removing pollutants to enhancing water quality.

Understanding Double Salts:

Imagine two different salts, each with its own unique characteristics. Now, picture them combining to form a new compound with properties distinct from either individual salt. This is the essence of a double salt. This combination can lead to unexpected and advantageous properties, making them particularly relevant for environmental applications.

Key Benefits in Environmental & Water Treatment:

  • Enhanced Removal of Pollutants: Double salts can effectively remove a wide range of pollutants from water, including heavy metals, organic compounds, and even microplastics. This often happens through precipitation reactions, where the double salt forms a solid compound that can be easily separated from the water.
  • Improved Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness: Double salts can often outperform single salts in terms of removal efficiency and cost-effectiveness. This is due to synergistic interactions between the different cations or anions, resulting in more efficient binding and removal of target pollutants.
  • Tailored Properties: The specific cations and anions present in a double salt can be carefully chosen to optimize its properties for a specific application. This allows for precise control over factors like solubility, reactivity, and selectivity, leading to highly targeted treatment solutions.

Examples of Double Salts in Action:

  • Aluminum Sulfate (Alum): A common double salt used in water treatment for coagulation and flocculation. Alum reacts with dissolved impurities to form larger particles that can be easily removed.
  • Langbeinite (K2SO4·2MgSO4): Used in agricultural applications to provide potassium and magnesium to crops. Its controlled release properties make it an efficient fertilizer.
  • Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate (FeSO4·7H2O): Used in wastewater treatment to remove phosphate, a key nutrient contributing to algal blooms. Its double salt structure allows for efficient phosphate removal.

Future Directions:

The field of double salt application in environmental and water treatment is constantly evolving. Research is focusing on developing new double salts with even greater efficiency and selectivity for pollutant removal. Additionally, efforts are underway to explore the use of these compounds for remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater.


Double salts are emerging as potent tools in environmental and water treatment. Their unique properties, combined with their versatility and cost-effectiveness, position them as critical components of sustainable solutions for a cleaner planet. As research and development continue, we can expect even more innovative applications of double salts in the future, paving the way for more efficient and effective environmental protection.

Test Your Knowledge

Double Salts Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What makes double salts unique compared to single salts?

a) They are always more soluble in water. b) They have a higher melting point. c) They contain two different cations or anions within the same crystalline structure. d) They are always more reactive.


c) They contain two different cations or anions within the same crystalline structure.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key benefit of using double salts in environmental and water treatment?

a) Enhanced removal of pollutants. b) Improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness. c) Reduced production of greenhouse gases. d) Tailored properties for specific applications.


c) Reduced production of greenhouse gases.

3. Which double salt is commonly used in water treatment for coagulation and flocculation?

a) Langbeinite b) Aluminum Sulfate (Alum) c) Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate d) Sodium Chloride


b) Aluminum Sulfate (Alum)

4. How do double salts often remove pollutants from water?

a) By dissolving the pollutants and transporting them away. b) By reacting with the pollutants to form a solid compound that can be removed. c) By breaking down the pollutants into harmless substances. d) By binding to the pollutants and preventing them from reacting.


b) By reacting with the pollutants to form a solid compound that can be removed.

5. What is a current area of research related to double salts in environmental treatment?

a) Developing double salts that can only remove specific pollutants. b) Finding ways to use double salts to purify air. c) Determining the long-term effects of double salts on aquatic life. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Double Salts Exercise:

Task: Research and describe a specific example of a double salt used for a specific environmental or water treatment application. Include information about:

  • The chemical formula of the double salt
  • The specific pollutants it helps remove
  • The mechanism of action
  • Any advantages or disadvantages compared to single salts


Double Salt: Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate (FeSO4·7H2O)

Application: Phosphate removal in wastewater treatment

Mechanism of Action: Ferrous sulfate reacts with phosphate ions in wastewater, forming insoluble ferrous phosphate, which precipitates out of the solution.

Advantages: * Effective at removing phosphate * Cost-effective compared to other phosphate removal methods

Disadvantages: * Can lead to iron accumulation in the sludge * Requires careful pH control for optimal performance

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

The student's answer should include a specific example of a double salt used for environmental or water treatment, along with information on its chemical formula, pollutants it removes, mechanism of action, advantages, and disadvantages.

The example provided in the exercise description is a valid example and can be used as a reference. Students may choose to research other examples, such as:

  • Langbeinite (K2SO4·2MgSO4) for agricultural fertilizer: Provides potassium and magnesium to crops, with controlled release properties.
  • Alunite (KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6): Used for removing heavy metals from water, through adsorption and precipitation.

The correction should focus on the accuracy and completeness of the information provided by the student, as well as the understanding of the concepts related to double salts in environmental applications.


  • Chemistry of the Elements by Norman N. Greenwood and Alan Earnshaw: Provides a comprehensive overview of inorganic chemistry, including discussions on double salts.
  • Environmental Chemistry by Stanley E. Manahan: Offers an in-depth exploration of environmental chemistry, including chapters on water treatment processes and the use of salts in these processes.
  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by David A. Day: Covers the fundamentals of water treatment technologies, including coagulation and flocculation using double salts like alum.


  • "Double Salts: A New Frontier for Environmental Remediation" by [Author(s)], [Journal Name], [Year]: Search for recent publications in environmental journals (e.g., Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research) using keywords like "double salts," "environmental remediation," "water treatment."
  • "The Use of Double Salts in Water Treatment: A Review" by [Author(s)], [Journal Name], [Year]: Similar to above, search for review articles focusing on double salts and their applications in water treatment.

Online Resources

  • PubChem: A database of chemical substances and their properties, including information on double salts and their potential uses.
  • ChemSpider: Another comprehensive database of chemical compounds, offering information on chemical structures, properties, and related research.
  • Wikipedia: Provides basic information about double salts, including their definition, examples, and applications in various fields.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "double salts water treatment," "double salts environmental applications," "aluminum sulfate water treatment," "langbeinite fertilizer."
  • Combine keywords with search operators: "double salts AND environmental remediation," "double salts OR water purification."
  • Filter search results by date: This can help identify recent research on the topic.
  • Explore related searches: Pay attention to suggested search terms offered by Google for more specific and relevant results.
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