Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: DorrClone Grit

DorrClone Grit

DorrClone Grit: A Reliable Solution for Effective Grit Removal


In the realm of environmental and water treatment, efficient grit removal is crucial for maintaining optimal process performance. Grit, composed of sand, gravel, and other heavy inorganic matter, can disrupt downstream processes, leading to wear and tear on equipment, reduced treatment efficiency, and even potential clogging. To address this challenge, the DorrClone Grit classifier, developed by GL&V/Dorr-Oliver, Inc., has emerged as a reliable and effective solution.

DorrClone Grit Classifier: A Comprehensive Overview

The DorrClone Grit classifier is a specialized unit designed to remove grit from wastewater and other industrial process streams. It operates based on the principle of sedimentation and hydraulic classification, effectively separating heavier grit particles from lighter organic solids.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Efficient Grit Removal: The classifier's unique design ensures high-efficiency grit removal, achieving a high degree of purity in the discharged grit.
  • Reduced Operating Costs: The DorrClone's robust construction and minimal maintenance requirements translate into lower operational expenses over its lifespan.
  • Versatility: The classifier is adaptable to a wide range of flow rates and grit particle sizes, making it suitable for diverse applications.
  • Environmentally Friendly: The DorrClone's efficient operation minimizes the need for additional chemicals and energy consumption, contributing to a sustainable approach to water treatment.
  • Reliable Performance: The unit boasts a proven track record of reliability, ensuring consistent and dependable operation across various environments.

Operation and Design:

The DorrClone Grit classifier operates based on a two-stage process:

  1. Sedimentation: Wastewater enters the classifier tank and undergoes a controlled sedimentation process, allowing the heavier grit particles to settle at the bottom.
  2. Hydraulic Classification: A specially designed rake mechanism, powered by a slow-speed drive, continuously scrapes the settled grit towards a discharge point. This process ensures a consistent removal of grit while minimizing the entrainment of lighter organic solids.

The DorrClone's design incorporates key features that contribute to its exceptional performance:

  • Conical Tank: The conical shape of the tank facilitates the efficient settling of grit and minimizes the risk of grit accumulation.
  • Adjustable Rake Mechanism: The rake mechanism can be adjusted to optimize grit removal based on the specific characteristics of the wastewater being treated.
  • Anti-Wear Components: Durable materials are used for critical components like the rake blades, ensuring extended service life and minimizing maintenance requirements.


The DorrClone Grit classifier finds extensive application in various sectors, including:

  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment: Removing grit from influent wastewater to protect downstream equipment and enhance treatment efficiency.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Removing grit from industrial process streams to prevent clogging of pumps, pipelines, and other equipment.
  • Mining and Mineral Processing: Removing grit from slurries and other process streams to optimize downstream separation processes.
  • Power Generation: Removing grit from cooling water systems to prevent fouling and improve efficiency.


The DorrClone Grit classifier from GL&V/Dorr-Oliver, Inc., offers a robust and efficient solution for grit removal in a wide range of environmental and industrial applications. Its key features, including high-efficiency grit removal, minimal operating costs, and proven reliability, make it an indispensable tool for ensuring optimal water treatment performance. With its ability to effectively remove grit, the DorrClone plays a crucial role in safeguarding downstream processes, promoting sustainability, and contributing to a cleaner environment.

Test Your Knowledge

DorrClone Grit Classifier Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind the operation of a DorrClone Grit classifier? (a) Filtration (b) Coagulation (c) Sedimentation and hydraulic classification (d) Aeration


(c) Sedimentation and hydraulic classification

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a DorrClone Grit classifier? (a) Efficient grit removal (b) Reduced operating costs (c) Increased need for chemicals (d) Versatility


(c) Increased need for chemicals

3. What is the purpose of the rake mechanism in a DorrClone Grit classifier? (a) To mix the wastewater (b) To aerate the wastewater (c) To continuously scrape settled grit towards a discharge point (d) To filter out small particles


(c) To continuously scrape settled grit towards a discharge point

4. Which of the following is NOT a typical application of a DorrClone Grit classifier? (a) Municipal wastewater treatment (b) Industrial wastewater treatment (c) Water purification for drinking water (d) Mining and mineral processing


(c) Water purification for drinking water

5. What is the primary advantage of the conical tank design in a DorrClone Grit classifier? (a) It facilitates easier cleaning. (b) It enhances the aeration process. (c) It promotes efficient settling of grit and minimizes accumulation. (d) It increases the flow rate of wastewater.


(c) It promotes efficient settling of grit and minimizes accumulation.

DorrClone Grit Classifier Exercise

Scenario: A municipality is experiencing issues with grit accumulation in their wastewater treatment plant's sedimentation tanks. This accumulation is leading to decreased treatment efficiency and increased maintenance costs.

Task: Propose a solution using a DorrClone Grit classifier to address the municipality's problem. Explain how the DorrClone would improve their situation, including specific benefits and how it would be integrated into their existing system.

Exercice Correction

**Solution:** Installing a DorrClone Grit classifier upstream of the sedimentation tanks would significantly improve the municipality's wastewater treatment process. **Benefits:** * **Efficient Grit Removal:** The DorrClone would effectively remove the grit from the influent wastewater, preventing it from accumulating in the sedimentation tanks. This would improve treatment efficiency by allowing the sedimentation process to function optimally. * **Reduced Maintenance Costs:** By eliminating grit accumulation in the sedimentation tanks, the municipality would experience a significant reduction in maintenance costs. The DorrClone requires minimal maintenance, further contributing to lower overall operating expenses. * **Extended Equipment Life:** Reduced grit in the sedimentation tanks would also extend the lifespan of the equipment, as wear and tear caused by abrasive grit would be minimized. **Integration:** The DorrClone could be integrated into the existing system by installing it directly upstream of the sedimentation tanks. The influent wastewater would first pass through the DorrClone, where grit would be removed. The cleaner wastewater would then flow into the sedimentation tanks for further treatment. **Overall, implementing a DorrClone Grit classifier would provide a cost-effective and efficient solution to the municipality's grit accumulation problem, leading to improved treatment performance, reduced maintenance costs, and extended equipment life.**


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy (This comprehensive textbook covers grit removal in detail and mentions various types of grit classifiers, including DorrClone.)
  • Water Treatment Plant Design by Davis & Cornwell (Another comprehensive reference on water treatment processes, including grit removal and the design of grit classifiers.)


  • "A Study on the Performance of a DorrClone Grit Classifier" by [Author Name] (Search for this title or similar titles on research databases like Scopus, Web of Science, or Google Scholar.)
  • "Optimization of Grit Removal Process in Wastewater Treatment Plants" by [Author Name] (Search for articles discussing optimization of grit removal, which might include case studies using DorrClone.)
  • "Comparison of Different Grit Removal Technologies" by [Author Name] (Search for articles comparing different grit removal technologies, which might mention DorrClone's advantages and disadvantages.)

Online Resources

  • GL&V/Dorr-Oliver, Inc. Website: (This website provides information on DorrClone Grit classifiers, including technical specifications, applications, and case studies.)
  • Dorr-Oliver Products and Services: (Search on the GL&V/Dorr-Oliver website for specific details on DorrClone Grit classifiers.)
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF) Website: (This website has a vast library of resources on water treatment technologies, including information on grit removal.)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "DorrClone Grit", "DorrClone Grit Classifier", "Grit Removal Technology", "Wastewater Treatment Grit Removal".
  • Include the manufacturer name: "GL&V/Dorr-Oliver DorrClone Grit", "DorrClone Grit Classifier GL&V".
  • Search for case studies: "DorrClone Grit Case Studies", "DorrClone Grit Application Examples".
  • Use advanced search operators: " DorrClone Grit", "filetype:pdf DorrClone Grit"
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